Friday, August 24, 2012

Mark Foley - Gay MP resigns-The Real Deal

Congressman Mark Foley of Florida resigned from Congress amid charges and allegations he had inappropriate e-mail contacts with a former teenage page in the House of Representatives. So what is the real deal? What's really going on? You can read the press long distance and watch television, but you'll never get to the real story in that way. You have to ferret it out for yourself, and that's what we did. We talked to the promoters and shakers, to learn what's really going on.

First of all, no one has the right to violate the sanctity of the world of a teenager. In our country young people are protected and given rights just because they are young. I'm at an age where they can not defend themselves. It 's the sign of an advanced society that we have chosen to protect them, as well as we should.

People who prey on our children must go to jail for the rest of their lives. No need to give such "scum" a second chance. We must not take this opportunity, giving them another chance. It 's also the symbol of an advanced society that the authors of our Constitution has gone out of their way to protect the rights of criminals. Than any other company on earth, here is one observer who thinks we do a good enough job. Now, having said that what is happening in Washington?

First of all, neither party has a stranglehold on ethics. The Democrats just stole the money over the years, as the Republicans. What you spend on may be different, but the money seems to disappear in both cases, with little to show for it. The first rule of government, and I personally learned from Noble Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman is that "whoever is in power, loves to spend money."

Ronald Reagan was a hero of mine. No one could spend money like him, until this president is. At least Reagan bankrupted the Soviet Union and drove them from power. What does Bush have to show for his trillions? A war without clearly defined objectives, and hundreds of billions in pork spending that no society can afford. He is the first president in my life who has chosen not to exercise the power of veto.

This gay Congressman was not a sleeper. People around him knew his peculiarities. They chose to ignore them for their own reasons. Foley is in progress, the senator from Florida a couple of years ago, and the party torpedoed the candidacy of Mel Martinez to give it for fear that word would get out.

The Speaker of the House of Representatives knew something was up and decided to keep quiet. Not realize that these guys by now that 'things are not BLOW OVER. "Word goes out, he always does, whether it's Hewlett Packard trying to turn off the tapping company, Enron, or trying to bury their financial problems lies in a Wall Street. You can just keep that game going for so long, and then somehow things go wrong.

If the Democrats are powerless smart, they will say nothing and do nothing about this story of Mark Foley. The world of the Republicans is steaming right before their eyes. These are men who say they are conservatives, but know nothing about conservatism. Arizona Republican Senator Barry Goldwater conservative who started it all, would be horrified at what is happening in his party today. He might not be able to call himself a conservative, whether it was alive.

Foley was the head of a subcommittee of the House who took care of exploited children. She speaks of living a lie. Where we as citizens of a free society, if elected to think that it's okay to marry one thing in public and then do the opposite thing in private.

I would like to ask our elected officials, "How stupid can you be? As a contribution to society? The rest of us are out here to support ourselves, making our schools better, and improving our local communities. You guys just live with the collective decency of the rest of us. You spend money as if it were unlimited. You can eat in good restaurants, but your basic salary is not big enough to support your lifestyle. Who pays for these lifestyles? If they are not citizens of those, what do you expect in return.

Mark Foley is a symbol of something terribly wrong with both parties. It 'a climate of everything is going well, and I am above suspicion. I am not responsible. Is this really the message we want to send the next generation. Foley, this sick, insane Congress wants to hide behind the fact that he was drunk when he committed these acts. Really, really think that the rest of us are going to fall for his senseless chatter?

As I mentioned in this article that I am generally optimistic about my country. What keeps me optimistic today is the power of the Internet. It 's something that the founding fathers would be amazed. Yes, there is too much "noise or chatter out there. Yes, you must be concentrated to obtain the density change quantity of information that is available to everyone. Ah, once passed, however, that noise, there is a liberating experience awaiting each of us. We have the power to obtain all the information we want on any subject.

We are not using the vast knowledge, but we will. It 'is conceivable that by 2008, the Internet will completely change the look of American politics. The political process as we know it will be unrecognizable from where we are today. With the information there is power, and people will have choices that do not have today. There is a new freedom to come and with it, a shift of power to the people.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Decision 2006 - The Republican 'cut, Run and scare' Strategy Running On Fumes?

During George Bush's six years in office is now clear that Bush and his cronies are in a state of willful denial "about the worsening situation in Iraq .... and so is a big piece of the American public, voluntarily or because of misleading information of a party.

As the temperature rises and less than 5 weeks left for the midterm elections, some of the most zealous supporters of this administration in the Republican Party are running scared leaving Mr. Bush trapped holding the "plate".

With the "Sex & Pedophilia" ongoing scandal involving Republican Congressman Mark Foley resigned now (R - FL), the focus of this administration has switched gears mid-stream - ". Catastrophilia" unrestrained by a disaster of a circus

A homosexual Republican Congressman with pedophile tendencies is like "manna from heaven" for the Democrats. They can not ask a better gift so close to the elections - the possibility of exposing Republican hypocrisy. You can bet that the mothers of all political persuasions will have an earful of this.

These revelations of the activities of Mr. Foley drove an all out "Circular Panic Shootout" between the Republicans, with one and all in front of voters this November distances himself from Foley.

This "October Surprise" could be the final nail in the coffin of the Republican Party. The "chickens have come home to roost" and "values" and "Faith" Party is in big trouble.

"I will withdraw even if Laura and Barney are the only ones who support me," - George Bush, speaking to a group of Republicans in the White House, according to Bob Woodward (Journalist Award winner), in his new book State of Denial. Barney is one of Bush's two dogs.

In May 2003, the Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, speaking to a cheering congregation of U.S. troops in Qatar said: "So when people are writing the history books, you're going to be in it. Thank you very much."

Mr. Vice President Dick Cheney in an appearance Sept. 14, 2003 in a "Meet the Press" weekly show with Tim Russert of NBC said: "My belief is that, in fact, be greeted as liberators."

Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert (R-IL) recently, sounding much like CNN Lou Dobbs, immigrants tied to terrorist and criminal gangs, saying: "Illegal crossing of our borders are gang members who cross to injure our citizens This is a daily struggle in a few. town. "

These four statements and many others that I have not listed here sum up the dysfunctional, hypocritical and deceitful "Republican mentality" that permeates easily the party from top to bottom.

If you read between the lines, the intuition is that Bush, Rumsfeld and Cheney have fought this war for the sake of "history", .... and that "illegal immigrants" and by extension "legal immigrants" are just a gang of criminals and terrorists - dangerous and misleading rhetoric specifically designed to drive a wedge immigration to divide America, and instill fear to the urns November.

As seasoned predators Republicans have skillfully exploited in the last two years a basic human instinct of "fear of the unknown" pieces of a national security policy of "fear" in the psyche of the American public, with incredible effectiveness.

A few weeks before the midterm elections, the "king" of the "wedge issues" and partisan smears are new, even if they are clearly on the ropes this time.

While Bush was the choreography "Fear Terrorist Branch", the right wing of the Republican Party led by xenophobes like Duncan Hunter, Tom Tancredo, James Sensenbrenner and George Allen among many others were "caress" the local people taking anti-city immigrant-style meeting room on the hate "rally the base" of the Republican Party, which includes a base of fanatical extremists still hanging on the bloody past and racial intolerance in America.

The so-called "House Republican Immigration Field Hearings" conducted in recent months apparently explored the "social and governmental costs of illegal immigrants," the use of health care, welfare and "the criminal consequences of illegal immigration." These meetings proved to be "Distortion dens" in which immigrants were mercilessly vilified. Product videos of people crossing from Mexico superimposed with images of Osama bin Laden and Zacharias Moussaoui were made for "fear" Town-Hall congregation, and are still appearing on TV screens in a large family rooms across America.

Needless to say, the positive contributions of immigrants (legal and illegal) have been completely omitted in favor of bloodletting, demonizing high-stakes, irrational and rampant xenophobia aimed at "bringing the disease home invaders." Moreover, it is utterly destroyed by the Senate, the bill would be a viable starting point to work on this complex issue in order to reach a rational and comprehensive.

In order to appease their "base", the Republican-dominated government of the United States has conducted sweeping immigration raids across the country, cruelly separating children born in the United States, which are constitutionally American citizens, immigrants from their mothers and fathers. ... well that means "economic refugees", by third world nations plagued with governments and incompetent thieves ..... some with the assistance of greedy multinational corporations whose American "colonial" profit motive and corruption is legendary.

Even Tom Kean, former Republican governor of New Jersey and a respected former Commissioner-911 has entered the fray for the sake of "Dear Party," pulling a "Michael Moorer" on Democrats. Sources indicate that Mr. Kean was hired as a consultant to pre-production for the movie "The Path to 9-11" a TV miniseries that seriously distorts the facts in a ratio of 9 / 11 Commission and portrays the Clinton administration in a bad light.

Clearly a desperate attempt by officials in cooperation with a Republican "rating hunger" central media (ABC / Disney) to influence the electorate.

If this movie was not a political movement because it was a sneaky advance copy of the film as right extremist radio talk show Rush Limbaugh - a self-serving demagogue who has a penchant for hyperbole and distortions monstrous extremists.

Other reports from Washington indicate that the Republicans are planning to download their financial war chest significantly more than the Democrats in the form of negative TV and radio ads on personal issues and local controversies. According to these reports, the Republican Congressional Committee has sent co-operatives to comb the records to find personal information harmful to their democratic opponents.

Although throwing mud is a political point for both parties and in fact most of the rest of the world, the Republicans are masters at this game and can ratchet up to ridiculous levels.

Watch out for the Republican candidates to become meaner and more twisted in the weeks to come.

But the moderate "swing" of voters from both parties buy into this farce, this time?

According to a CNN poll conducted Sept. 6, 57% of Americans without a high school education believe that Saddam Hussein was involved in 911 attacks (a fact most recently denied in a press conference on August 21 when President Bush said Hussein had "nothing" to do with the attacks), 54% of high school graduates believe likewise. Only 39% of graduates considered the same. The number is reduced drastically to 19% for graduates.

The Americans are so misinformed? If so then we should expect another Republican win this November.

Will red terror baiting, using the politics of deceit, fear and hate work this time?

Can the Republican party successfully energize their base "intolerant" right and even scare moderate Republicans, independent and even some Democrats .... New?

It is the Republican party running on fumes?

Political economic accounts that violate the core of American values appreciated in a hurry as the establishment of military commissions, which will use alternative forms of torture "to claim the mantle as the" toughest in the war on terror "are very worrying, despite the that these measures have been implemented in other countries before with little success or not.

Piecemeal measures that are politically targeted, especially in bankruptcy, without long-term solutions is not the way to govern this great nation.

Coercion "corruption" and scare tactics have destroyed America's reputation in the eyes of the rest of the world during the tenure of this administration.

For moral, political and pragmatic Democratic Party, or better still non-aligned independent should wake up and right the American ship, the Republicans have failed miserably .... citizens are deceived, betrayed their trust and misappropriation of their hard earned tax money in an unnecessary war "imperialist."

Another Republican majority in both houses will be a disaster. U.S. position as the measuring rod for the rest of the world has been severely compromised, and is decreasing even more if the Republicans are given a blank check to continue with their "fake looting."

The American people need to wake up too and send a strong message to both parties, that partisan politicking without principle and 'bad for everyone, no one party or the party faithful.

Maybe we need a party of "rational" third?

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

North Korea, you have our attention

North Korea has tested a low-yield nuclear device with 4% of the destructive power of the bomb that the United States on Hiroshima, Japan after the Second World War.

Some believe that the device was much larger, but may have failed for technical reasons.

We do not know the truth, because the United States has not devoted the resources necessary to know what's really going on. If you are caught, not to be. collection of information is a complicated business.

When Richard Nixon was president, we can recall that one of our ships, the USS Pueblo was blatantly attacked and seized in international waters in 1968 off the coast of North Korea. The 82 crew members was captured and tortured for a period of 11 months before their release was negotiated.

Is there such a thing as institutional memory. The senior members of the Pueblo Army recall the incident well, and still influence our behavior toward North Korea. By the way, President Nixon gave the order to attack North Korea in retaliation for the Pueblo incident. At the time the President considers a show of force was absolutely necessary to deter the Koreans from further provocative acts. Nixon's Secretary of Defense, has not made a presidential directive. At the end of his life, Nixon felt the biggest mistake of his administration's foreign policy was the failure to carry out a retaliatory raid against North Korea for the Pueblo capture. The Pueblo incident has encouraged North Korea ever since.

Both the Clinton and Bush were aware of the Pueblo incident and its aftermath, when you try to set a new U.S. policy towards North Korea's nuclear program. We have 37,000 American troops stationed in South Korea to protect our interests and alliance with South Korea. There is a gradual withdrawal of troops from a place in South Korea peninsula taking.

One has to wonder why we are willing to withdraw its troops from South Korea during a period in which they wish to pursue a process of nuclear development. The answer is that this area of the world is full of dynamite, and if it blows up, do not want to have 37,000 American troops sitting in the middle of it. North Korea is one of the biggest arsenals of weapons of artillery of each army in the world. They are capable of hitting Seoul, the capital of South Korea over the border.

E 'was recently reported that Prince Bandar, the Saudi ambassador to the United States has had a private meeting with President Bush. In conversation, the prince told the president that the United States should withdraw U.S. troops from South Korea. Bandar considered too dangerous to leave our soldiers in the midst of a possible confrontation in which our options would be limited. As a band made without troops on the border, if there is problem, is a regional problem. With the troops, you could have thousands of American lives at risk, and becomes a major wars at once.

What must we do to the North Koreans announced that the real test of a nuclear weapon? We must realize that words have power. We must be careful what we say. President Bush announced the 'axis of evil "speech several years ago. He called North Korea and Iraq as two of the three countries. It appears that he began his anti-terrorism campaign on the wrong side of the world.

Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction (WMD), while North Korea has gone to live with them. Now we are in a dead end. Our defense policy was amended so that we can not fight a war in a country at a time, while fighting a holding action of a second country. Before holding the power of the Bush administration, we have been in place for fighting two wars simultaneously on two fronts.

The bad guys know our new policy and will make use of all of us is stuck in Iraq, to expand their power bases. Because we are afraid of losing riders, or better yet, get a pilot shot down, we're not making reconnaissance flights that we normally would on North Korea.

The best thing to do now is to understand that if North Korea is a problem for the United States, is a much bigger problem for Japan, China, Philippines and South Korea. This is a regional problem, despite our alliances, and involves treating. One thing to build and detonate a nuclear device, it is quite another to have a long-range missile delivery. North Korea could fairly easily develop a delivery system able to hit the country in its immediate vicinity.

Striking the United States from a distance of 9,000 miles, more is another story, not so easy in reality. Since the states bordering North Korea have the most to lose should be the ones bearing the burden of responsibility for the multilateral talks between the powers involved.

The real deal is that North Korea is a dictatorship that starves its own people regularly for the benefit of managers of small size that has virtually enslaved in the country. This guide is meant to play the cards that you can. What he now has nuclear weapons. They will use this data to optimize any concessions they can from the United States and its immediate neighbors.

We're going to cave and make concessions to North Korea? Of course we are, because that's what superpowers do. It is not appeasement, it is business, and what makes a good deal. Churchill said that "People have friends, nations have interests."

It 's in our interest not to divert from the issue of extricating ourselves from a situation in Iraq winding. It costs us a treasure, and began to eat at the social fabric of our country like Vietnam did a generation ago. We need to put a face good for Iraq and exit. The president may not be aware, but is on a short leash in Iraq. The American people are very intolerant of wars without objectives that last too long, and it is where George Bush is. It is highly doubtful that his party will survive intact to the midterm elections. The country to accept change, even a democratic party that is devoid of ideas.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Online Sports Betting

After the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act of 2005 (HR4777) was amended by gambling on the Internet Prohibition and Enforcement Act (HR4411) passed the Senate July 13, 2006 by the Chamber, as has been speculated too much on sports betting online .

Commonly defined as the Goodlatte-Leach Act of Congress after he introduced these anti-gambling initiatives, Jim Leach (R-Iowa) and Bob Goodlatte (R-Virginia.), many questions about its viability has been asked so far. Preventing the use of certain payment instruments and funds transfers for unlawful Internet gambling was a major concern for Congress as a bit '.

Since its introduction in the early 1990s, the industry of gambling on the Internet has grown considerably, generating a series of new careers, however, U.S. Senator Bill Frist said that "this sector risks undermining the quality of life of millions of Americans with the commencement of an addictive behavior right into our living rooms ... "

sports betting online is actually a way to enjoy the convenience of your home a 'activity that is otherwise available only through the land based casinos and sports facilities in states of America, gambling is legal. Sports books assume that the gambling ban is no solution.

While roulette and card games like poker, blackjack and bridge can be truly immersive, online sports betting is an area where small stakes players to go up to $ 10 tournaments, which can not be considered an addictive behavior . online sports books is most likely a kind of therapy to relax after a stressful day at work.

However, several professional sports organizations, like the NBA, NHL and the NFL has not seen things from the same approach. professional sports teams to get together with alleged online sports betting banned in the United States, arguing that college students are vulnerable to this addiction expensive, especially those who are enrolled in a college sports team.

The most effective sports books operate from internet offshore locations where gambling is not illegal, as in many Central American and Caribbean countries. Although a large number of sports betting operators are Americans with activities aimed at the American online gamblers.

online sports betting includes different sports like football, basketball, baseball and football, accepting the U.S. currency and the uncertainty of the ban on Internet gambling in America floating in the air.

Only time will tell what will happen in online sports betting industry as a result of recent legislation passed here in the U.S.. While some have already closed their doors to U.S. customers, others are waiting to find a loophole to allow U.S. citizens to continue gambling online.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

President Bush's contrasting decision making skills of JFK and George W. Bush

U.S. presidents can only make decisions based on the information they are receiving from people and from other sources that are available to them. Several presidents get the flow of data in different ways. This is particularly important because the events involved are far more important than the other presidents to do with. Iraq, North Korea, high gasoline prices, the competitive position against China, long-term deficits are all huge problems that must be solved in one way or another.

President Kennedy had an open door policy. It worked as his own chief of staff, a strategy center of the spokes, if you want. It 'been a great success. Unlike this President, Kennedy incisive questions, and followed with more incisive questions. JFK's decision-making skills developed very quickly. Not so on day one, but he was certainly at the top of his game from two years of his administration. Within a year, Kennedy learned not to trust the CIA or the military. Both organizations had failed Bay of Pigs in Cuba

When JFK took office, was presented with a plan of the CIA created during the Eisenhower administration to the ground 1,500 expatriate Cubans in Cuba to overthrow Fidel Castro. The CIA pushed hard floor, and the army stood out when it came time to talk. The disastrous invasion that took place in April 1961, four months after the inauguration of JFK was an awakening. To his dying day, JFK said: "I asked the wrong questions."

He said if he had to do in, he told the Joint Chiefs, "I will make this an operation American, forget 1500, the Cubans, let's do with our military. How many Marines we send to do this right?" The answer of the Joint Chiefs would have given was 250,000 Marines. JFK had known this would have immediately canceled the invasion. He told himself as the 1500 Cuban poorly trained can do the work that we would need 250 thousand Marines to do? The President has collected ten years of experience in those early months.

The next important tool that we can learn from JFK is the use of an executive committee (ExComm) in times of national crisis. When the Cuban Missile Crisis took place, JFK did not round up the usual suspects to respond to the crisis. He brought together the best minds he knew, put them in a room and let them deal with the crisis alone. Would periodically enter the room, find out what was going on, and leave again. He knew that people react differently when the president is in the room. Its presence completely tired of the conversation and advice that would come out of this meeting.

This brings us to President Bush. I do not know if you ever get the Oval Office or in a meeting with a session of the U.S. president. Let me tell you what it means. Everyone speaks in a voice sweet in his presence. It 'just whispers. Adult men who control corporations with hundreds of thousands of employees turn to mush in his presence. No matter who the president is, the reaction is always the same. And 'culture, we are taught to respect the office and the sanctity of the office. After all, this is the office that George Washington said, and Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, both the Roosevelt, Teddy and Franklin. Those thoughts and assets never leave your mind when you are in the room with the man, regardless of who he is.

Now let's look at President Bush. Contrary to the thoughts of some people this is not a dumb man. He has degrees from both Yale and Harvard Business. Much has been delivered to him in life, but he also knew how to play a hand good enough. He has to his detriment, in my opinion surrounded himself with arrogant, ideological, minds and one-dimensional, with limited growth potential.

Dick Cheney is brilliant. He is also arrogant, secretive, and ideological. Cheney wounded by this president does not grow its thinking over the past six years. The way they thought in the early 1990, is thinking the same way today. Privacy VP unlike opening it cost dear to the President of our need to safeguard the constitutional rights of citizens to privacy.

Donald Rumsfeld is the worst Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara. Both McNamara and Rumsfeld seem to be almost identical in their arrogance. It 'sad to see Rumsfeld repeated the same pattern of arrogance that led McNamara to lead this country down the path of suicide during the Vietnam debacle. Rumsfeld's inability to entertain new ideas in Iraq is costing us dear. His arrogance of the generals who are charged with the responsibility of conducting the war is inexcusable, and the story does not deal with this kind man.

Now, what do you think happens when the president has people like Cheney and Rumsfeld around him? The problem is that all the others to speak with one voice low, afraid to say what they perceive is the truth to the President. It would be okay, except the President did not understand the game yet. He does not understand how to get the information they need to make good, sound decisions that work.

In his press conference today, the President said "I confident when General Casey (4-Star General Deputy Chief of Staff, U.S. Army, and Commander of the Multi-National Force-Iraq) tells me that on his mind . General Casey could never tell the President what's on his mind, and this is the problem with this whole administration. The President is not getting the information needed to tackle the problem whatever it is.

In the spoon to be fed the equivalent of ideological dogma, the President was in a position that JFK would say is unacceptable. Even Richard Nixon a very strong conservative thinker Daniel Patrick Moynihan had very liberal Harvard professor, right next to give the president the other side of the story. If Mr. Bush is to succeed in two more years of this presidency, has to start hearing the other side of the story. I do not have much hope that this will happen, and our biggest problem is that the quagmire in Iraq will continue until a new leader is elected with a mandate for change. Of course the ideologues say, we should have stayed the course. History will show them wrong.

Goodbye and Good Luck

Richard Stoyeck

Friday, July 27, 2012

Youtube - The Left Wing of the Internet dog

Web users Conservatives argue that their views have been deleted on youtube. Even giants like Hollywood director David Zucker Republican can be censored.

A short film by Zucker, who worked with "Scary Movie 4," "Airplane!" and other comedies, reportedly had been offered to the Republican Party for use as an ad, but was refused. It 'appeared briefly on YouTube until it was reported as "inappropriate for some users."

On the Web site YouTube, anyone can post videos. Above is a still from a montage of some errors of President Bush talking away as "Stupid Bush."

Michelle Malkin was the first blogger to point out the propensity of the left YouTube.

While bloggers played a role in the last presidential election, most advertising and message delivery still comes from campaigns, political parties and interest groups with enough money to bankroll a television blitz. But the YouTube revolution - which includes dozens of sites like Google Video, Revver and Metacafe - that could turn into its opposite.

If any teenager can make a video for or against a candidate, and persuade other people to watch the video, the center of gravity could shift to masses of people with camcorders and passable computer skills. And if people increasingly distrust the mainstream media, might be more receptive to messages created by ordinary people.

"YouTube is a campaign game-changer, shifting the dynamics of how to reach voters and build intimate relationships," says Julie Supan, senior director of marketing for small, California-based company, for now a measure expires on 39 most popular Web site. "YouTube levels the playing field, allowing well-backed and lesser-known candidates to reach the same audience and share the same stage."

Even the seemingly simple act of posting footage of a political interview on "Meet the Press" or "The Daily Show" is a viral quality, because it can be seen by many more people to watch during a single transmission.

The internet site You Tube is a zone of free and open to Internet users to send and view all types of video content. Although there is a terms of service (TOS) that users must accept before posting their videos Tube, the truth is that there is no real process for approval of submission. While content protected by copyright detachment is forbidden under the TOS, there is no mechanism to automatically screen for copyrighted material.

Identification of the material is left to the You Tube community, but the incredible number of protected videos that have appeared on the site, it seems clear that HRT is not strictly enforced. Of course, it is the responsibility of users, not YouTube, to publish material that is legal. However, there were some legal problems to You Tube videos posted in recent months.

Contributors to YouTube seem to lean to the left. There are videos of verbal stumbles labeled "Stupid Bush" and "Bush Screwups," along with "President Bush Drunk," a bit 'on CBS' "Late Late Show" that slowed down a tape of the president so it appeared as if slurring his words. Another shows Bush, in his Texas days, extending his middle finger. (A positive video features a group called the "Right Brothers singing" Bush was right. ")

Any registered user can form a group, and the site includes one called "Support George Bush," he says, "Do not be afraid of your beliefs - most campuses nationally have a liberal bias anyway ... How does the media . But do not break the top 100 in terms of membership, unlike "Bush Sucks", which is designed for everyone who hates Bush and all his Republican friends. "

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Who is your supervisor?

Assistants are a joyful part of weddings. Selected assistants usually an easy task. Sisters, brothers, best friends are usually top the list when it comes to selecting assistants. Sometimes there may be too many potential assistants to choose from, and can be difficult to choose. It 'very difficult to exclude family members from your list below.

Regardless of what your relationship is a potential assistant, be sure to feel comfortable around them. A lot is riding on the escorts, and you want them to contribute positively to your wedding. If you think that an operator could worsen, you should scratch his name from the list quickly.

There is no rule about the number of attendants you should have. The average is four to six bridesmaids and the same number of ushers. You can decide to have more or less. It 'totally up to you. Usually, the bigger the wedding attendants you will have more. Formal weddings require more assistants informal weddings. If you have 50 people at your wedding, with 10 assistants can be a bit 'too. You should have at least one usher for every 50 people in what they are helping with seating.

No need to have an equal number of bridesmaids and ushers, you are required to pair up. If you need to have a bridesmaid more to prevent resentment from a friend, go for it. If you want to simplify things, you can choose to have a matter of honor, a matron of honor, and a couple of better men. All right, having bridesmaids in pregnancy unless there is a religious conflict. Because it can be a long day, might not be wise to ask a pregnant woman to be your maid of honor.

Assistants can get expensive since they are responsible for boutonnieres, assistant gifts, and housing. Assistants more you have the more expensive your rehearsal dinner will be. Be prepared to feed not only the servants, but their partners. If you have a religious wedding, be sure to discuss the details with your official Church.