Saturday, February 11, 2012

Me and Mao Tse-Tung!

My first political experience was with Mao Tse-Tung on 1968-1969. What political experience in Sudan did not occur in China! I could see right now some surprise on the faces of my readers appreciated.

This was just before the second Sudanese military dictator Ga'far numbers came to power through his coup May 25, 1969.

I was at the end of my middle school and about to receive the results of examinations of school time.

I read lots of books of Mao's Red Army during the second democracy in the history of Sudan.

It was called democracy, but I was not sure if it was real!

I always have a lot of points in our understanding of DEMOCRACY Sudan and practice, because the three times of what they call democracy in Sudan has led to the dictatorship. So what is the probability?!

Well, earlier that year of my age in middle school, I had a lot of Respect for Mao Tse-Tung so I wore one of his medals on my beautiful Red T-shirt just over his heart.

I came in this way to school one evening and found the door to my room closed. Just before I put my hand on doorknop, I heard heavy footsteps and the voice of the headmaster coming down the aisle. I pushed the door open and entered the class room to hear some of the students singing and dancing to see one of them.

At that specific time, and just as I held my index finger on his lips, saying, "Shhh," the headmaster came in, looked like an eagle and took full "perspective." Everything, even the small details. He was a member of "the right of a party more of government.

The student who was dancing was the son of a well-known figure in the Islamic city. And I carried the thoughts of Mao are a child of a member of the famous trade unionist. Most of my classmates were middle class, with the exception of a few who were aristocrats.

So when the headmaster heard the music, as she danced there and fixed his eyes on Mao Tse-Tung on my chest, got crazy enough to pull Mao until my T-shirt came in pieces of fat on hand.

I was not afraid at all even if harvested every school morning to lecture students about this event and punching us. Cut each of us very hard 30 times in front of all students.

It happened in the second round of what they call democracy in Sudan!

So for this reason and other points of political logic, I say, the Sudan does not know democracy as what is so called independence!

We have so far political right there two categories consisting of: 1 - the military dictatorship! and 2 - Civil Dictatorship!

And since the civil dictatorship built his majority mechanic employed by the climate of illiteracy, which still affects the very simple and traditional Sudanese Islamic emotions by an alleged Islamic extremism.

So the army has given its climax three times to bring militant adventuerers those in power. The army took over power, not to correct this situation, but to be more aggressive and fundamentalist.

Today the third dictatorial military regime plays the political game very wise, importing the same emotions and Muslims to use against the innocent people of Sudan and its neighbors and the world.

Author Copyright © 2005 Khalid Osman

Friday, February 10, 2012

Social Security Rant

As the Baby Boomer Generation continue to get older, one of the hot topics will continue to be Social Security. Critics claim that Social Security is going bankrupt, and must be privatized soon, or people will lose their benefits. This rant examines if Social Security should be privatized, and if it is actually being broken.

With the different search engines, and thanks to the information superhighway, there are much data to suggest that Social Security, even going to speed will be able to pay full benefits until at least 2032, and Some research indicates that Could survive as long as 2042. In addition, seventy percent of the funding comes from Social Security payroll taxes, which guarantees social security will never go broke. The trick is in about thirty or forty years to develop a system to recover the other 25 percent. Who likes to crunch numbers, and those who are familiar with the mathematical formula claim that a raise in payroll taxes by two percent-one percent by the employer and one percent for the employee will Guarantee the survival of Social Security until the Second Coming. Analysts point out that a tax increase, no matter how small can or can not be, is not the only solution. With the advancement of technology and medical science, people are living longer than ever before. Moreover, different amounts of disease has been tamed. Nearly ninety years ago, the number one killer in the world was Spanish Influenza. Today, the influence is no longer a serious threat. In addition, polio was a scourge to society, but these days, the disease was virtually eradicated from the face of the planet. So it is logical that the retirement age will-and should-be extended to about 70. In fact, seventy years of age is not old. In fact, the average age in this country, and well below average in many industrialized nations of the world.

Of course, arguing that Social Security is under-funded is not telling the whole story. Look at the facts. So far in this war on terrorism, the U.S. has spent over 300 billion dollars. If this amount is divided by the present population, which equates to about a thousand dollars for every man, woman and child in the country. Also do not forget the hundreds of millions of dollars that "loaned" to other countries in the world. Instead of saying, "Social Security is going broke because of the population," the statement should be correct, "the president believes that there are more important things to spend money for a possible Than assure that benefits will be around for years to come. "

Whenever Social Security Reform is mentioned, there are always few who love to clamor that the system should be privatized. Statistically we know that people spend more than they save. If Social Security should be privatized, what about the millions of people without a bank account? If these people automatically get an account? And who is going to make these people get an account - The Federal Government? This would defeat the purpose of privatizing Social Security first. It 's a bit like saying: "Let's fix our brakes so we can take the car to the mechanic so he can fix the brakes."

I could do a lot of research and list a lot of data and list a lot of references, or I could use the history and common sense to demonstrate that social security should never be placed in the hands of a private entity. It 'true that there have been many government scandals that have cost the taxpayer billions throughout the history of this country. The failure of savings and loans is an example, and the list is quite long. Also, there have been many scandals in the private sphere that has swept away the life savings of countless people. Enron is just one example in a list which I am sure it is exhaustive. So, the conclusion is that history shows that it government bureaucracy is safer than the private sphere, then leave Social Security alone.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Charity Donations Basics

Charity is perhaps the best feature of humanity. It 'a perfect way to support the oppressed. There are many types of natural and man-made evils in our society. Then, there are causes for which the variable can and blessed to give. Unlike before, nowadays there are numerous charitable institutions across the globe working in various sectors. The main objective of a charitable organization is to help people in need and work for their development. For example, helping in the rehabilitation of victims of natural disasters such as famines, tsunamis, earthquakes etc., working for prisoners of war or of an oppressed community, the education of children, women raising and so on are some different tasks taken up by these organizations . So, charitable organizations can variously be literary, religious, scientific, and so on. These organizations largely rely on government grants and the charities / donations from the affluent section of society in order to function or continue with their respective social service. However, people may have different motives behind donating money in these charitable foundations. While there are those who contribute for the good of human welfare there are others who do it to earn recognition and save tax. Tax wavier possibly is one reason especially when triggers many affluent people, multinational companies and corporations to give money in these institutions. However, those who donate for the purpose of saving tax should keep in mind that every charity is not tax deductible.

There are basically two types of non-profit organizations.

1. Charitable institutions are exempt from paying taxes.

2. Institutions under which donations are tax-free. Such organizations are registered under 501 (c) (3) category of the Internal Revenue Service. Once you make a donation to any such organization, get a receipt as evidence to help tax deduction.

But over enrolled in 501 (c) (3) category, many other things about an organization must be considered before making a donation.

• Check the organization's annual report. Annual Report with data about you as required critical current work, situation, etc. Finance organization.

• take into consideration the institutions aims and means proposed to achieve them.

• Note the amount of donations the charity receives annually and its sources.

• If door to door solicitations, before parting with your money, try to wrinkle the important details (name, full address, goals, licenses, tax deductions, etc.) organization. If that person is unable to submit the details could be fake, trying to befool people.

Charities can be done in different ways. Giving money is one way, other ways to incorporate those elements that the Constitution requires. For example, if the charity is working for rehabilitation of tsunami victims then facilitating with tents, food, clothing, etc. will be an appropriate rather wonderful charity. Generally people are under the illusion that only big money can be given as charity, but this is not the case in point. The donation can be as small as 10 or 20 dollars. The amount is not really making a difference, what really matters are your philanthropic feelings and desire to contribute.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Supreme Court: Past, Present and Future

The Supreme Court of the United States was an active center of political, media, and concerned citizens in recent months. Control of Supreme Court Justices erupted when Chief Justice Sandra Day O'Connor retired from her position at the Supreme Court. The debate over who should replace her on the Supreme Court filled daily talk shows, political arenas, and dining tables. President George W. Bush has nominated John G. Roberts and the process of his confirmation is in the works.

Recently, another Supreme Court position opened as Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist died. President George W. Bush will nominate another candidate for confirmation. Therefore, the composition of the Supreme Court justices will be a topic of intense debate for many months to come. Why not become an informed citizen and improve your knowledge of the Supreme Court of the United States?

Perhaps you already listen to news talk radio in the car on the way to work. Try popping in an audio book instead. Go head to head with the news talk radio hosts when you learn more about the political system. For example, say you're interested in learning more soon to be-retired Justice Sandra Day O'Connor. Try checking out her audio title "The Majesty of the Law: Reflections of a Supreme Court justice." This title will contribute to greater understanding of this extraordinary woman.

To gain a more in-depth training on the United States Supreme Court there are a few classes that can listen to it. The Teaching Company is a great course called "History of the Supreme Court by Peter Irons. A similar title from Barnes & Noble Portable Professor series is "Shaping Justice". These courses cover some of the landmark cases in the history of our Supreme Court and allow you to hear the details of controversial decisions like abortion and free speech.

Want to watch "Meet the Press" with host Tim Russert? In April 2005 he had the opportunity to interview Chief Justices Stephen Breyer, Sandra Day O'Connor and Antonin Scalia and the audio version is available here. Listen to their thoughts and experiences as Supreme Court justices and how the interpretation of the Constitution is an integral part of their roles.

And there are a couple of Supreme Court-related podcasts you can try to listen. Check out "The Oyez Supreme Court Podcast" by Jerry Goldman. This is a bi-weekly discussion of Supreme Court cases past and present and insight into future Supreme Court cases is included. Another podcast to try is Evan Schaeffer "Legal Underground Podcast". Is not entirely devoted to the Supreme Court, but there are some episodes of great importance. These supplements are much the audio books listed earlier and to news talk radio.

Dive into the debate by understanding the Supreme Court and the Chief Justice nomination process. It is an extremely important part of our political process and now, thanks to these audio programs, it is easier to learn than ever.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Fair Tax Revolution

Few people would expect a book about taxes to take the New York Times best-seller by the storm, but this is exactly what the Fair Tax Book has done. For decades, Americans from every point of the political spectrum have moaned about April 15th and the maze of ridiculous instructions and high confiscatory taxation that accompanies that day. The current tax code is a labyrinth of over nine million pages of indecipherable jargon only a federal bureaucrat could fully appreciate. So there is nothing we can do about this monstrosity?

You bet. The Fair Tax Book, written by Georgia Congressman John Linder and unions at national Talk Radio host Neal Boortz, presents a perfect case for which the current tax code and must be replaced by a simple and easy to understand tax system that cuts the 'current nine million pages of bureaucracy in favor of a 133-page gateway to prosperity.

The concept is simple. All current federal taxes - income taxes, Medicare taxes, social security taxes, gasoline taxes, capital gains, etc. - will be eliminated overnight. In their place, the federal government will be a single tax of 23% of sales on all retail goods. The workers will finally take home 100% of their salaries. Investors will finally be able to invest without having to worry about tax consequences. And April 15th will be just another ordinary day. Sounds simple right? Well, probably more than a few questions and concerns. But The Book Fair Tax is running a stellar job to address frequently asked questions. Questions like the following:

If we do this, not prices go up by 23%? No. The elimination of all federal taxes also eliminate the embedded tax costs relating to all products currently sold. Since the Fair Tax only applies to end products for retail, not the inputs used in the manufacture of such products, prices will drop on average by 22% across the economy. Therefore, prices will remain the same!

What about the poor, do not get hammered by the fair tax? Absolutely not. In fact, the Fair Tax is the only tax reform plan to Congress that completely eliminates the tax burden of the poor. Under the fair tax, every American (from the richest among us for the poorest among us) will receive a monthly allowance of reimbursement by the federal government covers the cost of the tax of 23% of sales to the poverty line. Then, a check of about $ 450 will be deposited in bank account to cover all the tax of 23% for the basic needs of life (such as food, gasoline, clothing, etc.)

Probably more questions than can possibly be addressed in this short article, but I have no doubt they will all be answered if you simply take the time to read The Fair Tax Book. Authors Neal Boortz and John Linder brilliantly lay out their case for tax reform in a format that is easy to read even a little funny. And with the powerful and influential Americans such as Tom Delay, Alan Greenspan, and Sean Hannity all trumpeting their support for the Fair Tax, seems certain to dominate the sphere of political discourse in the months and years ahead.

Once you read, you probably agree that the Fair Tax book is probably the most important book to hit the American political scene from Uncle Tom's Cabin. The FairTax is simple and easy to understand. More importantly, it returns America to the original intent of the Founding Fathers with the creation of a system of voluntary taxation, which unleashes the true potential of free individuals. The explosion in wealth creation, determined to follow the will of fuel position America as the world's leading superpower for decades to come and strengthen the future of our nation for our children and grandchildren.

As a result, the Fair Tax Book probably launch a political revolution. With the 2006 mid-term elections approaching, the time to educate yourself for the Fair Tax Act of 2005. You might also decide to become a minuteman in this modern day American tax revolt!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Power and politics

Many leaders in our society are guided by unhealthy intentions. Instead of trying to serve the people and heal the ills of our nation, their actions and decisions are motivated primarily by a desire for power. Many of the people that our country are run by their addictions to approval, sex, power and control. Unfortunately, few people really want to sound required to submit to the abuses inherent to our political races - the verbal abuse both given and received huge amounts of money spent, the integrity sacrificed through the concessions, lies and manipulations offered in order to win. Our system of electing our officials is so corrupt that there is little chance of attracting a person with a strong, personally responsible, self loving inner adult. This does not mean that none of our elected representatives are honest and caring. Some are certainly motivated by positive intentions but, unfortunately, they constitute a minority.

There is no training required in personal responsibility of candidates. Our leaders are not required to treat the dysfunctional aspects in order to become honest and trustworthy. The prerequisites for political positions mostly include having enough money, enough powerful behind the scenes, being male and being white.

Our political scene has been designed to attract people injured who need approval and power in order to feel worthy and validated. Obviously, such a person, with little or no internally derived sense of self and integrity, is very susceptible to corruption. As the saying goes: "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely." Power corrupts when a person is motivated by his desire for power over others, and few people have made enough inner healing to transcend the desire to control others.

A healthy person in office who is more interested in serving the people ever elected could make a big deal. Such a person was depicted in the movie Dave. In this film, the current president is in a coma and White House officials, trying to hide the truth from the public in order to maintain control, put a double instead of president. Dave, however, is a man of heart, and rather than be controlled is put on the necessary changes - cutting money where it is not necessary, and allocating more critical avenues, like child care and creating jobs. It also takes responsibility for the corruption of the president and owner gracefully "dies" as the current president is dying so the vice-president, a man of great integrity who was maligned by the power structure, could take over his rightful place. The film is obviously a fantasy. Unfortunately, we never elected a man of such integrity - a simple, honest, caring, financially and middle class like Dave. Our electoral process does not allow for this.

Revamping our election process would give people like Dave an opportunity to stand for election. We desperately need people who care more for the common good than for their own popularity. We need bright, creative, honest and caring people to lead our country, but this will not happen with our current electoral system. We have incredible talent in this great country of ours, talent that could eliminate hunger and homelessness, and heal the internal wounds that create health problems, drug abuse, racism, violence and crime. But this talent is rarely used because our country was based on land values of greed and power over others, rather than the spiritual values of honesty, compassion and care.

Unfortunately, neither our government nor most big businesses are based on spiritual principles of compassion and concern for the common good. I have no doubt that if our government was based on spiritual principles we would not have hunger, homelessness, crime, health problems and drug abuse that are endemic in our modern society.

Mayor Villaraigosa and the truth about cats and dogs

The earth begins to tremble in the Los Angeles animal community because Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa has refused to honor his January 2005 campaign promise to fire the general manager of Los Angeles Animal Services Stuckey reward, and this broken promise has drawn attention on a potential scandal involving a loss of $ 1,100,000 for the city for the next three years. Even fiscally responsible Angelenos who do not care for dogs and cats can be officially outraged.

Animal advocates might have let the mayor out of the kennel for his promise if Stuckey had reformed the department, fostered relationships with the community and saved animal lives. But according to an October 27, 2005 LA CityBeat article, a poorly negotiated contract by Stuckey for a spay van-neutral "may have robbed the city of half its needed spay-neutral services" and will endanger the life of animals.

Due to a shortage of van operating hours combined with the high altitude spay-neuter, and anesthetized animals must be whipped out of the operating table at great risk to their health. The District Attorney was asked to investigate.

Many animal community moderates - such as dignity and care of animals former Commissioner Erika Brunson - who were originally willing to jump on the clamorous "we want Stuckey fired" bandwagon, are now steering their own wagons through the streets collecting loops angry-by, as the fiscally responsible crowd.

The "reasons of fire Stuckey Email Series" has been around for months. Reason number 61 warns the Democratic mayor - who may hope to land in the Office of the Governor, one day that animal advocates will begin cc'ing California Republican Party with their complaints. Villaraigosa could be a misstep away from obscuring his elegant suit with controversies much like those that haunted the Hahn administration.

The mayor says he has decided not to fire Stuckey at this time because the Animal Liberation Front (ALF), a "direct action" animal "rights that did not injure a human being or animal since its birth in 1972, has recently put a smoke bomb at Stuckey's apartment building, making it appear as a victim. He says it will fire an employee who is threatened or vandalized.

It 'is understandable that the mayor would like to protect workers in the city. But trying to be tough on crime, Villaraigosa is being weak on his convictions. If one seriously believes Stuckey should be fired, because he is allowing himself to be controlled by Los Angeles ALF?

If Villaraigosa intends to be a strong leader, he must do what he feels to be right, despite the acts of a few on the "fringe". The Democratic leaders do not turn away from unions, despite the fact that there were 2,193 cases of violence against union people and property in this country between 1991 and 2001, including those related to bombings, shootings and near fatal.

Republicans did not become pro-choice after doctors who performed abortion operations were killed. According to the National Abortion Federation, there were 13,256 "incidents" against abortion clinics or doctors since 1977, including seven murders, 17 attempted murders, three kidnappings, bombings and 41. The pro-life movement remains firm in his convictions.

Despite the media hype that makes it seem scary, I think the ALF prohibits injury to humans and animals. The ALF recently credit for sending taxis, pizzas and prostitutes to the home of an unsuspecting animal services veterinarian. Although you may disapprove of these tactics, they resemble high school pranks more than crimes.

Villaraigosa new "policy ALF" is good news for those city employees who fear job termination. The person whose porch falls victim to a puff of smoke can not be fired. workers at risk who can not command the attention of the ALF might be tempted to put a suspect package on their doorstep.

The City has become so concerned about the ALF and the LA protest group called the Animal Defense League has approved a plan which provides taxpayer dollars for surveillance equipment for private homes of animal services employees. With high tech cameras, these workers can delete Doorstep sellers and annoying in-laws-again on the taxpayer's dime - under the pretext that the big bad wolf, also known as an activist animal could present a flyer cat wild, they order a taxi false or protest on the sidewalk with a sign. Although the city's workers have the right to feel safe, this measure amounts to another questionable use of limited resources for a city that had 31,000 violent crimes last year.

The mayor continues to react to the "ALF threat." He recently removed Erika Brunson from the Los Angeles Animal Commission and replaced her with surveillance expert Glenn S. Brown. The Commission, which is approved by the human community, offers a compassionate and intelligent voice for the powerless victims of our public shelters: the animals The current commissioners with the exception of Mr. Brown - can not be experts on installing cameras to detect fake pizza deliveries, but are experts on how to combat violence against dogs, cats and other animals that we have a responsibility to protect.

If Mayor Villaraigosa fails to honor his promise to fire Mr. Stuckey and to hire a compassionate and experienced General Manager who can implement a no-kill plan and reform the department, it possible that the animal community is politically-speaking, more bite bark. The decision to retain Stuckey is likely to become a permanent stain on his lapel Villaraigosa's finely tailored.

The animal community expects the mayor to do the right thing. But if it does not, you sent this article to the Republican Party.