Saturday, June 30, 2012

What do you know Richard M. Nixon?

Depending on who we are, how old we are and where we come from, associations with Richard M. Nixon vary considerably. The better the Seinfeld episode where Elaine deception dating a guy because he has the perfect come-on.

Make bets with strangers (women are attracted to) topics and trivia that gets names wrong intentionally. In the case of Elaine, after his meeting, he bets with you that Dustin Hoffman was in Star Wars ... then at the end of the show has moved to Jerry's girlfriend, Nikki (although the monster does not know she is the girlfriend of Jerry as he hits on her) what the M stands for Richard M. Nixon.

There is also a brilliant performance STRIPTEASE campy Burt Reynolds playing Congressman David Dilbeck, who is fat with petroleum jelly to have his way with a piece of gauze sign fresh from his fantasy girl, Erin Grant (played by Demi Moore) then it is clean and he got a stage to speak to a large group of Christians as we enter into a permanent political or keep both hands in the V for victory sign, but more beautiful as the Richard M. Nixon signs of peace. These are the consequences, however.

This is the silliest of associations I have with that name, Richard M. Nixon, like I was in high school when the 37th U.S. president waved his phony peace signs and muttering as if he had marbles in his mouth that he was "not a crook", the two signature brands becoming the President of the United States fell.

I remember the actual periods of silence in Latin class, for example, when you would de-rail our declensions and go in the pit, the overwhelming quiet time once the speakers overhead background the latest news on the infamous Richard M. Nixon, interrupting our "normal" lessons.

Yes, he was teased, was villanized and glorified in the same way from left and right .... He was an iconic president, for several reasons, that is. Richard M. Nixon was responsible for issuing policy which led to price controls and established SSI (Supplemental Security Income). Richard M. Nixon's electronic spying Big Brother George Orwell's 1984 a reality by spying and wiretapping (and other Democrats, including its people) and make his impeachment.

And Richard M. Nixon, conversely, known as the president who, in a détente with the Soviet Union and China, ended the unhappy war in Vietnam. So whatever your associations are with Richard M. Nixon might be more accurate mine were when I was a pot-smoking, the Latin language, fighting, anti-teen authoritarianistic.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Government Auction: Fact or Fiction?

Have you seen them all before, with ads "government auction, HUGE SAVINGS on cars, jewelry and more!" But the problem is that they are usually publicized Such a cheese and so incredible that the most discerning buyers simply write them off as too good to be true.

Listen-if there are auctions of government, and they do offer a good savings. city police and other law enforcement agencies including the military and the DNR are seizing the property or as a punishment or that was obtained illegally (most of the time with bad money). It is about using these sales as fundraisers so obviously they are simply giving away, but just like any auction if you do your homework and stay disciplined and patient save Significant amounts of cash on quality stuff.

How do you find these auctions? Well most are advertised, often very cheesy as mentioned earlier, local and national newspapers. They can also be found advertised on the Internet. You can do this yourself or you can hire a search of the many directory services that can make the search for you and comes with a list of all auctions of government who are with in their own country, the type parameters of products, and the date. These services are usually less than $ 40 and can be a good idea for the person who has a lot more time for research.

This is not the only task you need to do for you go to a government auction. As you probably understood that it is important to do research on things that you want to buy before hand so that you do not get stuck paying too much for something. You also want to be able to evaluate the product in hand to determine whether it is in good condition and worth buying.

Just as with any auction, government auction of many willing sellers and it is important not to get caught up with the frenzy of a sale and pay too much for "winning anything. Set a price before hand and stick to it. How they say "is offered and go."

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Take your stand on Immigration

There is much talk lately of immigration. I can hardly pick up a copy of the news without reading some story title for the last position of the government on immigration issues our country is facing. Every political leader has a different perspective on how our country should be the management of the issues before us.

I, for example, have a hard time seeing our country become so divided over things that clearly do not matter when there are far more important things happening in the world. I feel frustrated to see our nation divided on immigration, when there are hundreds of thousands of people starving and dying of preventable diseases in many countries. We like our American society just like that and no outsider is allowed to enter and stop as we like.

As a columnist for my local newspaper, many people have asked me to write a column about my opinion on the immigration debate that is happening lately. I have been hesitant to write on this issue, simply because it was difficult to get into a debate that I'm not sure it qualifies as a real debate. On the one hand I can understand why immigration is an issue that we face. I fully agree that we must do everything possible to protect the citizens of America. On the other hand, I think that would do well to remember at one point or Another That, of all the families that call at American Were Some point for immigrants Our land.

How then, can we take a country that is relatively young and one to which all citizens came from other lands and all of a sudden has a standard on who can and can not enter and live in our land? When we as American citizens and even the U.S. government, earning the right to choose who should be allowed to become part of our nation and who can not?

If we look serious effects on society today, we will probably see as many as you can see the benefits of immigration problems. There is no doubt that people who come to America through the immigration process to run that many Americans are not willing to make. These jobs are vital to our national economy and welfare, and we need to think before acting strictly on immigration.

The bottom line for me is that people value. We need to care more about the health and lives of people that we care even if it disturbs us. We need to give everyone, whether through immigration or less the same chance to enjoy the freedoms we love.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Sarasota Commissioner Under Fire For 2004 Condo Purchase

Most people do not understand the sacrifices that local elected officials do when they accept an elected or appointed position in the city. For example, being a city commissioner ensures lack of privacy in your personal life, the time taken from family. All this and were compensated with very low wages. On top of that, there are guard dogs are always looking for breaches of the code of ethics. Seasoned politicians know the best general rule is to err on the side of caution. This means that the most innocent of actions will be scrutinized and more often interrupted in a negative way.

Case and point, someone actually brought to light in a story on June 5 Herald-Tribune in 2004, again in 2004, Sarasota City Commissioner Mary Anne Servian's along with her husband bought a new condo Downtown Sarasota. Now, was not buying the condominium that is in question. If someone requests Servian received special treatment because with 20 or 30 other buyers were able to get early to reserve one of the 134 condominiums. It is not unusual for developers to offer advance bookings for the projects.

Of course what has been said is there may be a conflict of interest because she voted to approve [along with all other Commissioners] of this condo development. And then was granted a reservation. How silly and petty as it is these allegations. Now, if you received a discount on the purchase price or say extra added amenities to its unity, one could have suspected, but the pay back was a reservation. I do not think so.

How can we expect good honest people to enter public service, when we see these little control over their actions? We expect that our government officials of the city to live, work, play and raise families within our city limits. Who would open their families until this minute control. No wonder fewer people running for public office.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Racial segregation in 1969

I was in a school where racial segregation seemed to be the best thing since sliced bread. For them. Why do black girls had total control over our entire environment and all the boys were in their section of the playground. The black girls were somehow in the diffusion map war zone egalitarian. I was the "journalist". I wandered the playground, interviewing every segregated group on it. There were the black girls who jumped rope as if it were out goin 'style. There were white girls who had to bow to the Goddess of Jumping, the master of black girls. Everyone was in it amusing. I did not cause any of the "events" that happened there, I just entered each section of the playground girl girls segregated, as I interviewed each of them was Alex Hailey or something, the ghost writer who helped Malcolm X write his book.

I'll never make it this far in life ...

I also took my glasses knocked off when I cursed African tried to go to the playground and to interview the boy. They had a playground not being racist. We had a racist tallist, shortest, Jewest, Christian, playground fat girl being segregated, and somehow, if it meant something to us that we were evil incarnate, who worked for everyone else but me . Me? Nuh uh.

No section fat girl in the playground. All the girls were preparing for an unknown area called Basic Training for Viet Nam, I think. Were to maintain their figures.

I had to go to each section of the segregated playground, interviewing every evil queen loser about it, because the black girls were winning our negativity Playground.

How I spent my life, I became the heroic Lost Girl Journalist in it. Yes, there is now Jeanne Emerson, is not it? I've never been able to become a great journalist white male.

Before I saw the Black Girl section, three black girls there, saw them jumping 'double Dutch rope like sixty, and I said, "I can not do, what's up with that? I know what. There is a section of I can play in the playground "I had a limp wrist at them and said aloud:" Oh, jus tha 'them', and moved to the white girls who were jumping rope. They hated me because they had completely forgotten what they were doing while being forced to do so.

It was not even Double Dutch, and I still could not manage. I've missed a bit 'teeny, and moved on. For I was the fat girl, I always new there, and there was this fat girl in the playground section. But as I passed I headed down to the boy's section of the playground, and as I walked towards thinking They would not mind a guy with white hair blacks saw me, and threw the ball as hard as he could be .

It 'been a basketball and zoom straight in the face and knocked his glasses because they do not hit very hard after all. I started to cry, myself included, and took my glasses. There was no glasses on the playground section. I put my glasses back and continued, as my part of her Indian and part black self woke up and knew it was not Jesus Christ the Lord. I sighed. I would tell them something, somehow, but I did not know what. Some say I never did.

I moved on. At the end there was the tall girl section of the playground. As I already explained the courage, I have probably left in the Catholic girls high. Dunno. I have left under certain conditions, conditional on what I do not know. When I admitted I favored the Indians, especially Indian leaders, I have thrown out.

Wow. I move next to the Jewish and Christian segregated or mostly Jews or any section of it, the leaf of its Jewish section now, you know Christians who read both books ... I hung out with them for this:

Miss Lucy had a steamboat
The steamboat had a bell
Miss Lucy went to heaven
The steamboat went to hello
Operator, give me number nine
And if I log off
You kick up the backside
The refrigerator
There was a piece of glass
Miss Lucy sat upon
It broke just ask me
No more questions
I'll tell you more lies ...

So I added the last line, yes, yes. What was the guys in the room ----
chocolate cakes.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Net Neutrality On The Hill

Internet has always been a source of confusion and anxiety on Capitol Hill. It was also one of the most glamorous issues among legislators, because the impact it has had on the way to communicate to Americans, looking for fun and do business.

As the speed of the Internet has grown, as his "band" has allowed us to bring large amounts of content at high speed, the Internet has become a highway road enormously profitable business. It has become too much like a utility, because its services are mainly provided by cable operators and telephone companies, every industry operating in most markets de facto monopoly.

Now, as cable and telephone companies that are Internet service providers, or ISPs, are looking for services additional revenue beyond the subscription fee you charge consumers each month. They are considering charging major web content providers a fee for the massive use of their networks. Big sites like Amazon, Google and Yahoo would be charged a fee for the amount of traffic they put on the web
gas pipelines.

Keep in mind, these providers already pay for their bandwidth. They pay for their Internet connections through various data centers and connections to other backbone networks. Some do not do much to dispel the confusion they can cause requests, allowing people to somehow think Google is paying for their bandwidth usage already. All major content providers do not pay, the central theme of this debate is whether they will pay more because of their size, or treatment far from equal when an ISP customers trying to reach their sites.

Net neutrality comes to Center Stage

What brought this issue to a head is the capacity in anticipation of broadband cable networks to offer first run movies and other video programming on the Internet. But the success of Google and Yahoo with their model of advertising revenue and Amazon with its huge retail presence has convinced the cable system operators that they are entitled to some of these companies have revenue from the services and transactions completed on their networks - without any cost.

So "net neutrality" has become a watchword on Capitol Hill and the focus of more than one piece of proposed legislation in the last eighteen months. One problem with the legislators is that nobody is exactly sure what net neutrality means. For large content providers, means that any extra for their presence and availability on the Internet. For ISPs, is a veiled term for regulated rates - or more precisely, the inability to create a rate structure for major websites.

The National Cable & Telecommunications Association (NCTA) Cable Regulation has fought for years, and sees net neutrality as another threat to the government. Says a spokesman: "For example, net neutrality means that network operators can not block spam? Should be allowed network operators to stop the spread of viruses? Should large users of peer-to-peer to unlimited bandwidth so service for other users is slower? "

The main search engines and Internet retail sites are active in their support for net neutrality, and are joined by some allies, including freedom of speech supporters of likely Internet, organizations like MoveOn and liberal Such some libertarian organizations.

The concern is that the legislative monopoly service providers would be able to give some websites than others - and provide unlimited high speed for the ability to deliver more sites will encourage other Web sites in Internet slow-lane highway. There is also the possibility of denying some websites ISPs access to their networks altogether. These scenarios are seen as an entity model inherently unjust antitrust review, at least some Democrats.

Google has recently threatened to use the antitrust cases of net neutrality initiatives should not detect any signs of discrimination against their traffic.

Freedom of speech or freedom of profit?

Philosophical questions are interesting. But most important of this issue are the potential business opportunities for both content providers and network operators. Telephone companies that have a large number of high-speed Internet subscribers intention to enter the television business over the Internet.

Yahoo and Google are prospects for online video sites and alliances between these companies and film are a real possibility. The cable companies providing Internet services are also interested in private pay-per-view services delivered via the Internet. Service providers like to see a property "on several levels in which you can load large websites (with large revenue streams), a fee. Also, would like to join in
business content.

Providers argue that the additional revenue is necessary to allow them to continue to invest billions in high-speed networks to better serve their customers. It is found allies among some hardware manufacturers who see the implementation of the fee structure as online require additional equipment in-house. Some conservative Republicans are against net neutrality, and agreeing that ISPs would be denied the opportunity to expand their networks without additional revenue.

A regulatory conundrum

The FCC has left the problem alone. At some point, have dismissed the issue when raised by Amazon and other major providers of web content, saying that the regulation was necessary for activities that still HAD to occur. Then Madison River, a telecommunications company in North Carolina blocked internet services on their mobile telephone network that they used to provide both Internet access and telephone service. The FCC is no longer able to ignore the issue, as will the department enforcement matter emerge from the debate

A bill to address net neutrality, which was proposed by the Democrats failed in Parliament in April. However attitudes are moving. In May, a bipartisan bill apparently left the House Judiciary Committee that would add specific language of the existing antitrust laws guaranteeing net neutrality. The Judiciary bill would make illegal under antitrust law for network operators to levy taxes or fail to provide their services to "reasonable and non discriminatory."

In addition, the bill bars ISPs from blocking or compromising websites. The house has two other pending bills, as well, both from Democrats. One proposal is deputy Ed Markey, a longtime expert on cable and telecommunications issues. It is proposed to amend a bill scheduled for consideration of telecommunications by both houses by the end of the year.

On the Senate side, there is a major rewrite of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 and the ongoing debate on this issue made its way to the process. Currently, the bill includes language that charges the FCC to look for potential violations of net neutrality and reporting its findings to Congress. This "when in doubt, commission a study" fits the approach of the NCTA. It is an approach to good governance to continue non-regulation, and as the president said NCTA a Senate committee, "This is the kind of problem that is more appropriate to study more."

Saturday, June 23, 2012

14 Billion does not buy more than one

I do not know how much attention this story has received national, but there was a tragedy that took place in Boston's Big Dig on July 10. One of the panels of the ceiling, hanging in the galleries of the largest construction project in the world, the "Big Dig", fell and crushed a car killing a woman inside. The panels are 20 'x 20 "and the reports have said that wherever they weigh 12.3 tonnes.

This is a huge story here in Massachusetts where I live, it should be. Politicians are once again using this to their advantage to make themselves look better or look the other worst part. Everyone in this country is the victim, it is all tax money, even if the woman died and her new husband are direct victims.

The bill for the project is approximately 14 billion U.S. dollars at this point. I do not know how much of that money is federal, but it is certainly in the billions. Since it opened, there were leaks in the tunnels and now this debacle.

What this project is an example of how little our government is run only on a smaller scale. It is no secret here in Massachusetts, how much money was wasted on this project. Governor Romney was to create a group responsible for the prosecution of businesses that have been overpaid and trying to collect money must never received. The history of our government, which is evident when you look at the 8 + billion dollar deficit and spend whatever you want and have no control and then try to correct later. Here's how things get so out of control. If things were done correctly, the project would cost a couple million less, should not pay people to retrieve the other pair billion, and the work would probably do well.

But we're back to reality. A woman was killed. The number of ceiling tiles is increasing problems with the inspections continue. The last count I heard was over 200 tiles that are coming loose. Governor Romney had to submit emergency legislation to take control of the decision on when the tunnel in question will be safe to reopen because the president of the MA Turnpike Authority, amaretto Matt was saying that it is safe and clearly is not.

This particular story is very annoying for me because I'm always question our government and trying to open people's eyes is incompetent for how our government is from top to bottom. I continue to make as strong a case as I can for people to begin since they need to pay greater attention to those who vote in elections. We can not allow politicians to spend, spend, spend our money without consequences. It still bothers me that our federal government contracts with China to build some of our most important weapons to protect our country. Yes, China, a communist country, is responsible for building some of the weapons we use to protect the country in time of war.

So I ask you, please do not see this recent incident in Massachusetts as a mere accident. And 'more. And 'the proof that the people who run our country are virtually incompetent. Make poor decision after poor decision and citizens of the country are those who suffer. Use this as motivation to make better selections in the coming elections. If you have not voted in previous elections, because you felt you had a candidate deserves your vote I would say you're right. There was not a candidate worthy of your vote. But, you must make a statement during the upcoming elections. Cast a write in vote. If you do not know who to vote for write my name down. I know I can do a better job.

Friday, June 22, 2012

We have issued a blank check for many!

With midterm elections just around the corner maybe it's time for us to start taking a harder look at what happened to "our" civil liberties. What once took for granted as the cornerstone of being an American who seems to be disappearing on an almost daily basis.

The White House had more than a little 'upset with the New York Times broke the news when their highly classified program to monitor bank accounts. This story came just as the storm over "Wire Taps" had finally begun to ease off. President Bush has called them (the New York Times), shameful and said the story had caused "great damage" to America.

We can or should continue to allow "our" presidents the right to use its constitutional responsibility for national security to trample over "our" civil liberties. Our first amendment allows freedom of the press questioning the government, Jefferson believed that democracy could easily descend into tyranny and a vigorous free press was necessary to prevent our future leaders to be too full of themselves. We (the press) have not always understood, but without us questions like Pages Pentagon, Watergate and the recent tragedy at Haditha would never see the light of day.

In the coming months, we must listen carefully to the debates on this topic. The government's assertion that we must leave no obstacles in the way it uses its powers to protect our security could easily disguise their desire to increase executive power. Justice Oliver Wendell Homes wrote the famous: "The best test of truth is the power of thought to get itself accepted in the market competition". They (our leaders) would do well to remember that we are to judge us (the people) who are the political leaders "our.

Let's look at some of the problems we are facing right now. We have tens of thousands of Americans still displaced after the storm last year, hundreds of thousands of our elderly going without food to pay for more than a health problem and the homeless that would shame a third world country. Surely it is time we (the people) began to demand solutions from our leaders to these problems. How can we put the rest of the world to rights, when we can not put our own house in order.

There is an arrogance of incumbency that comes from a rate of 98% re-election. These people (our leaders) will spend billions of dollars in time to get re-elected. I never understood why we allow these people to spend this kind of money to get elected. After all, most of these jobs in less than a hundred thousand dollars a year.

If they manage to raise such large sums of money for election campaigns because we are still living with the same old problems? We issued a blank check too many!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

There are legally assaulted?

Like FAT CAT Oil Companies get richer by the day, the average American is working harder and longer for less money. Hello !!!!! What's wrong with this picture ????? How long can this go on!

In late July, all oil companies reported massive jumps in their sales and profit. It is helpful proceeds LEGALLY MUGGING the American public? Let's take a look at the facts.

Two of the three major world oil companies, Exxon, Mobil and Shell have recently published the combined second quarter profits of just under 18 billion U.S. dollars at record high prices on crude oil. Both companies have exceeded market expectations. Nice, as long as they are not (the average American struggle) to make ends meet.

Exxon Mobil and maintained a 12% increase in revenues to $ 99 billion. The first time a U.S. company had exceeded one billion U.S. dollars a day for one quarter of trading. While I was filling the tank, I remember thinking how happy I was that little 'history.

This second quarter has shaped the richest ever for three months the six largest oil companies. ConocoPhillips, the third largest U.S. oil company, was pleased to say that profits jumped 65% to a record 5.19 billion. The Energy Department in Washington reported that U.S. retail prices rose by 30% over last year.

There is no other industry can get away with this kind of behavior. At the first sign of any problem anywhere in the world, raised the price of gas and paying for this, do as the Americans. We are told by our leaders that oil companies are (protect) their margins. Get a clue --- record revenues and profits is not (for protection) is MUGGING LEGALIZATIONS margins of the American public, pure and simple.

One might think that our leaders would want to protect the great American public from this type of suffering, but it would be wrong. We never seem to be far away from another election and election campaigns cost money Big Money. Enter the oil companies with very deep pockets. All the time, we, as people continue to allow politicians to spend such obscene amounts of money for their campaigns will always subject to the power of these special interest groups.

PLEASE someone explain to me how they can justify spending tens of millions of dollars on a polling station in the Senate and hundreds of millions for the presidential election? After all these jobs only pay a few hundred thousand dollars a year in salaries to the fullest. What you get for this money? Answer: the lies and smiles. All promise to make a difference and do - WE always seem to end up worst off.

Would not it be nice if politicians pay was linked to productivity and results! Wonder how many of them would work, then?

Have an opinion or a question I like answering, then write me!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Stage being present at mid-term elections and the stock market

Connecticut 18 years Senator Joes Lieberman has failed to win his own party primary for reelection. The figures are almost final, and country club liberal Ned Lamont defeated Senator by 52% to 48%. The actual voting date has 142,000 votes to 136,000 votes. How did Lamont have done and what it means for the country in elections next November, and financial markets?

Lieberman self-imploded to be in touch with its base. What makes the most surprising result is that he is one of only three sitting U.S. senators to deny the nomination of his party in the last 25 years. It 'was his party's candidate for the vice presidency of the United States only six years ago. This is a man running for the presidency itself only two years ago. In her mind when she ran for the presidency had to believe he was going to win the nomination, otherwise he would not even try. How does a man like this who has spent his entire life in politics, let them be swept away by a novice, who was the contact with life every day for life?

One thing is to support the policies of President Bush. It 's another to appear to be welcoming, and partly at the hip, with a sitting president who has 58% disapproval rating among the American people. The first thing we must realize is that the primary was never about Ned Lamont. Mr Lamont appears as a physically attractive, affable individual. He is a descendant of the Trust Fund, which traces its roots to his great grandfather Thomas William Lamont, who was a partner of JP Morgan and Company, when Mr. Morgan was the most powerful banker in the financial world. Ned Lamont was educated at America's best private schools including Harvard and Yale, where there are buildings named for members of his family. He lives in Greenwich, CT., A rich, isolated communities, if there ever was one.

It was fascinating to see Ned Lamont declared victory with three African-Americans behind standing right behind him, two of which are household names, the Rev. Jesse Jackson and Reverend Al Sharpton. What made it even more interesting is that Greenwich must have the smallest percentage of African Americans among its inhabitants together in any city of its size in America. The policy is actually imitating art.

How did Lamont have done? First, the wrong question, he did not get done. This campaign is the product of Internet bloggers absolutely brilliant Liberal injury which gave rise to the grass roots to go out and defeat Lieberman. Lamont would be a one-eyed, pirate PEG legs, and the Liberals would play the same way. These bloggers mobilized young people including foreigners, and others to enter into silence in Connecticut, and unseat the conservative sitting Democratic Senator, Mr. Lieberman. Thousands of independent voters were persuaded to move from independent to Democrat to vote in this primary. Thousands more were recorded for the first time.

It 'was a brilliant, well-orchestrated, and eventually effective way to go. It shows the union of the Internet, and people's power. And 'the beginning of the next wave of politics. And 'as decisive, and perhaps more decisive than the advent of television and the transformation of the presidency when President John Kennedy became the first candidate to use that medium effectively. The day of the defeat of Joe Lieberman is the turning point of a new American policy based on the power of the Internet.

I think this a positive use of power. Mr. Lamont is irrelevant for this event. What is important is that the money will be raised by the Internet giant, on behalf of candidates. I sincerely hope that this dwarf the money that is given by lobbyists who essentially have controlled this country for years. These lobbyists do not act in the interests of the people, but in the interests of certain isolated, wealthy, powerful interest groups. These groups want what they want, without any thought to the needs of mainstream America.

Both our political parties are in the grip of these private interests. The interests are different for each party, but just as powerful. Is there any conservative Republican in his heart of hearts believe that the current Congress is the philosophy of the conservative Republican? Barry Goldwater, Mr. Conservative would turn in his grave if he saw what the current Congress has passed in terms of legislation, and the unprecedented amount of debt that has accumulated on the future of our children. At the same time, liberals do not have a viable alternative and that is why they lost power during the 1994 congressional election campaign.

What does this mean for financial markets in the U.S.? I suspect at least, the Democrats will resume seats in both houses of Congress next November. The party traditionally takes the same power. With the tailwind of Iraq to back the Democrats, if they had any coherent plan of action, they would take both houses of Congress. I have yet to see such a plan, and the smart money says it's more likely that they will have a house, since the Democrats are still trying to figure out what they believe.

It is more likely to adopt the House of Representatives, and this then gives the chairmen of various committees NEW Democratic House the power of subpoena. The Democrats will exercise that power in an attempt to undermine the sitting President, and will actually do so. At least, this stagnation of the means at the other end, a step toward impeachment, probably on groups of violating the constitutional right. They relate to privacy through wiretapping and the National Security Agency. Regarding financial markets, they'd jam to return.

Apart from that tens of billions of dollars needed for insurance companies to act as an intermediary in a national pharmaceutical program for the elderly do not deserve control of three branches of government. A party that has so badly mismanaged the situation in Iraq does not deserve control of three branches of government. A party that creates tax cuts is good in my opinion, but not a party that borrows hundreds of billions of dollars from foreigners. It then gives the money to the wealthy class in America as tax cuts, leaving the debt with your children. This party does not deserve to control three branches of government. Financial markets will pick up this and respond positively to the return of gridlock.

It 'will be fascinating to see how poor Joe Lieberman has begun, and among other things, would not be surprising to see the following scenario. The Republican candidate for Senator from Connecticut to waive the application. The Republicans nominate Joe Lieberman in his place, while also running on the Independent line. Poor Joe the end, after all, is re-elected in November.

Good luck
Richard Stoyeck

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

And 'Last Comic Standing Homeland Security?

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the fruit of this current administration, has an operating budget for 2006 of 40.6 billion U.S. dollars. After three years and more than 100 billion dollars, we really reached the point were we can sleep better at night knowing that our "leaders" are doing everything to protect us against terrorists Those attacks.

According to the Government Accountability Office (GAO), nothing has changed since the beginning of the DHS in 2003. During their recent test of nine border posts in the United States: California, Texas, Arizona, Michigan, New York, Washington and Idaho, the GAO investigators were able to penetrate all nine border crossings with fake IDs and fake names.

Terrorists or criminals can "pass freely in the United States ... with little or no chance of being discovered," the GAO concluded in testimony to the Senate finance committee. The researchers used readily available computers and software to create these fake driving licenses and documents. None of Customs and Border Protection agents "never questioned the authenticity of the forged documents." The GAO also said similar tests in 2003 produced similar results.

According to DHS, which has trained border agents to detect forged documents and agents intercepted more than 75,000 last year, but the work is complicated by the variety of legitimate documents. More than 8,000 are used to enter the country, including easy to falsify, licenses and birth certificates.

So let me be sure I understand this: three years, 100 billion U.S. dollars, the complete erosion of our civil liberties, an infringement of our privacy during phone calls, monitoring our bank accounts and arrest citizens, denying them the assistance legal, but still the test results are the same as 2003. I'm missing something here or is the DHS's largest joke ever played on the American public.

Why is it that whenever we get close to a budget or an increase in funding for DHS at the hearing of the Senate Finance, the Committee seems to have suddenly bombarded with new threats from terrorists or new information in a pending attack? Do you really think that we are all so stupid or is it just that they have so little respect for us, but I do not care!

So what we got for our money and the loss of civil liberties? Michael Chertoff, Secretary of Homeland Security, applauded the increased funding and changes to the Department of Homeland Security organization during a ceremony at the White House in October last year where President Bush signed the 2006 Homeland Security Appropriations Act . He outlined an integrated management preparation to improve the coordination and implementation of preparedness activities and training at a cost of $ 4 billion.

What were they doing in the last three years? Secretary Chertoff earlier this year, outlined a new six-point program which included the following: the creation of an Office of Intelligence and Analysis to be led by a chief intelligence officer and raising the component separating information analysis of IAIP. Wow this sounds important. He also wants to establish an Office of Operations, which will include the Homeland Security Operations Center. Then there is the Office of Policy and the Office of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs.

Now I'm sure there must be a department that DHS has a way of operating licenses Stupid Training for departments to increase funding.

Have an opinion or a question I like answering, then write me!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Guide to Election Night for the Non-Political Junkie

Although not a political junkie like me, you will still probably be glued to your TV set on election night. Obviously, you will be waiting to see if President George W. Bush will be elected or if Senator John F. Kerry of Massachusetts will become our 44th President. Will see and hear everything that is interesting night? It will also make sense to you? Well, if all you want and find out who wins, you may be a long and tedious night. Volumes of information will be presented the night before a winner is declared. However, if you know a few things to try, this material could make a lot more sense and actually be interesting.

First, you must be aware that there is only one person will focus on the national popular vote, that the total votes cast for each candidate at the national level. Because this does not determine who wins - the electoral votes do. In every state except Maine, Nebraska, Colorado and perhaps (later), the winner of that state receives all its electoral votes. Maine press their congressional district, with the winner going to the other two was that, overall. Nebraska awards its electoral votes proportionally, based on the percentage of popular vote each candidate receives in that state.

The number of electoral votes each state has is determined by totaling the number of its congressional districts for the number of its senators. The number of congressional districts each state has is based on its population. More populous states like California and Texas have far more congressional districts are not the most sparsely populated states like Wyoming or Vermont. However, each state has at least one congressional district, no matter how small its population. Each state has exactly two senators. Therefore, each state has at least three electoral votes. In addition to all states, the District of Columbia is allocated three electoral votes, although not voting members to Congress.

Many people believe that the electoral college, the system of electoral votes to determine the outcome of the presidential election, is inherently unjust and should be abolished in favor of a system in which the winner is determined solely by the national popular vote. Sure, it would take a constitutional change to happen. Therefore, the Electoral College is here to stay. Although this change may get the required two-thirds margin in the House and Senate, would never be able to obtain the necessary three-fourths of state legislatures. There were too many children who would be strongly opposed to it, considering that the electoral college allows them to be "actors" in the presidential election campaign that would not be a purely popular vote system. These small states fear that it would be totally ignored by presidential candidates, without the electoral college. I am afraid they are right.

Many states will "call", a projected winner of that state will be announced by news organizations as soon as polls close in these states. This can be done fairly accurately with the use of exit polls, a process whereby voters are asked about their decision as they are exiting their polling stations. If the exit poll sample only from a particular state shows a clear victory for a candidate, call the state when its polls close. If the exit polls show that a given state is too close to call, you wait long enough the actual vote count is before you call in that state. Exit polls are sometimes wrong, though. The most famous example was in Florida in 2000, when he was called for Gore based on exit polling data and some of the actual results. After most of the actual results began to arrive, however, news organizations soon began to realize things may not go to Florida, the way he had planned, so that soon retracted their call and the state ultimately is went to Bush.

Incidentally, people who say they never believe the exit polls (polls or politicians in general) will offer two main criticisms of them. The first is: "They've never asked." In reality, very few voters ever contacted by pollsters. Only a very small sample of voters is required to obtain a reasonably accurate result, provided it is random enough and varied enough among all demographic groups, geographic areas, etc. To use an analogy that I often heard, is not necessary to Drinking a glass of tea together to discover whether or not it sweet. Just a taste will have, assuming the glass was mixed correctly. The other criticism is: "They ask questions deliberately misleading and confusing." This is true enough for many political polls. However, the main question raised during the polarization of output is: "To whom did you vote?". I wonder what part of the claim that people would not understand.

As states are called, their electoral votes are placed in column one candidate. Also, look for any news organization to use a map of the United States, beginning with each state depicted as white. As the State is called for Bush, its color changed to red, as was called for Kerry, his color changed to blue, then red states and blue states. Look for Kentucky to be the first called. That state closes its polls at 6:00 Eastern Time and will almost certainly fall into the Bush column. Once a candidate reaches 270 or more electoral votes will be declared the winner, regardless of the total popular vote or how many red states or blue has won.

If Bush wins all the states he won in 2000 and no more, will win with a margin larger (277-261) in the constituency which he won last time (271-267). In fact, he could lose one of its smaller states like New Hampshire, without picking up that Gore won, and still win the election. This is because, based on the 2000 census, the population has shifted a bit 'and six seats in Congress (and the same amount of electoral votes) have shifted from "Gore" states to "Bush said.

The key states to watch throughout the evening will be the "battleground" states. The candidate who wins most of these were probably win the election. By most estimates, these states are New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Florida, West Virginia, Ohio, Iowa, Wisconsin, Colorado and New Mexico. Most other states are assumed in the column of one candidate or another. As a general rule, Bush should be strong in the south, southwest, west and mountains and prairies. Kerry seems to be strong in the northeast, upper Midwest and along the Pacific coast. I see no farther west state of New Mexico, Colorado, or be a major deciding factor. E 'already assumed that California, Oregon, Washington and Hawaii will all go for Kerry, while Alaska will go for Bush.

Colorado may be the most controversial this time, but only if everything falls right. There is a initiative on the Colorado ballot to issue its electoral votes proportionally instead of giving all nine of them the winner, as happens today. If approved, this would go into effect immediately with this election. Since the race in Colorado is expected to be close, the results of this measure would effectively take four electoral votes away from winning the state and give them a loser. Therefore, if the measure passes and the candidate who wins Colorado loses the election with less than nine electoral votes, the measure will cost the election candidates. Obviously, a big legal battle would ensue if that happened.

A final item to watch on election night is the battle for control of the House and Senate. The Republicans currently hold a slim margin in both houses. Several key victories, or pick-up, with the Democrats could change things for them in a house or maybe both. Conversely, some pick-up by the Republicans could increase their margin in one or both of the home. key races that could go in either case will be closely monitored throughout the evening.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Bush Panders America's Kids to Saudi pederasts

electronic redistribution and reproduction of the paper are permitted, provided not to change the file, or your suggested changes were approved by the author in writing. About 1,000 words.

Bush Panders America's Kids to Saudi pederasts

Dr. David Chanan

President Bush and Colin Powell should hang their heads in shame. The administration professes to value America children and touts the phrase "No Child Left Behind." At the same time, they have abandoned some 16,000 American children abroad.

According to Joel Mowbray's book on "Dangerous Diplomacy," the children were kidnapped from their parents and held in foreign countries, like Saudi Arabia. Saudis are world class perverts. What is called child molestation in the United States is called marriage in Saudi Arabia. What kind of protection of American people?

Two stories (many) Mowbray quotes the testimony to Congress to make the point.

A woman named Monica Stowers married a Saudi named Radwan. They had two children, a boy, Rasheed, and a girl, Amjad. Mowbray says his father abused children, but not how. In testimony to Congress, said Stowers is the children who have been raped by her father's relatives.

Under Saudi law, a husband was allowed to give a wife to enter or leave the country. Stowers came Arabia Arabia has collected her children and fled to the U.S. Embassy for help.

Embassy of the United States, the General Counsel, Karla Reed, Stowers said that the embassy was not a hotel. Reed ordered the Marine guards to throw the kids outside. So the Marines dumped her on the sidewalk. The mother and son on.

By the next morning, Amjad was locked in her father's house. The mother and brother were hiding. Over time, Stowers was imprisoned, and Rasheed had fled. The U.S. Embassy Stowers left to rot in jail, but a friend saved outside Arabia.

Ultimately, Rasheed paid $ 20,000 to be smuggled outside the country. She made her way to New York City, and touched the World Trade Center. The same year, Amjad, 12, was married to a Saudi. She ran away and hid with his mother. They lived in an abandoned school.

Amjad's grandmother has testified to Congress about the situation in 2002. A congressional delegation went to Saudi Arabia Amjad and fourteen for other children. At that point, Amjad was married to another Saudi. He met with a member of Congress and was able to obtain an exit visa.

Amjad has tried to leave Saudi Arabia in February 2003. The Saudis arrested her because she had her husband's permission. The State Department did nothing to get her out. Continue to do nothing, or to Amjad for others.

Margaret McClain married a Saudi man named Alomari. He was abused for two years. They had a daughter, Heidi, in the third year of their marriage. The abuse got worse, and McClain obtained a protection order against Alomari. Gotta visit unattended in divorce, despite being a bigamist.

Alomari had sexually molested his daughter when she was three, but police could not make the case. Heidi has abducted and brought to Saudi Arabia. The State Department did nothing.

Through its investigation, McClain Alomari learned where he lived. The State Department dawdled for two years before a consular officer has asked to see Heidi in person.

Three years later, McClain could see his daughter in Saudi Arabia. They visited together for three hours at McDonald's in Riyadh. It was the month of July, 2002.

Is a State of Arkansas and a federal warrant for arrest differ Alomari's. The State Department has dithered since then.

Stowers and obviously McClain testified before Congress.

Secretary of State Colin Powell, former man of honor to appear, and President Bush, a professed Christian, can not claim ignorance of their cases. They know.

Powell is committed to the state. Bush is responsible for the executive. They know.

Who do nothing is shameful.

As Secretary of State, Powell has stained his honor. He should remain a soldier.

As for President Bush ...

I can not understand how a man idles Christian as Christian children are raped.

I can not understand how a man idles Christian as Christian children are forced to become Muslims.

I can not understand how American evangelicals regard Bush as God's anointed. It idles like Christian children are defiled in body and soul.

A panderer, according to Webster's dictionary, is a person who provides the means to help meet the ignoble ambitions or desires, vices, etc. of another.

To the extent that President Bush committed the sin of omission, not doing anything, while the Saudis gorge Christian children in body and soul, is a panderer.

Jesus said "Suffer the little children come to me, and not banning them, for of such is the kingdom of God Amen, I say: Who does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall in no wise enter into it. "Luke 18: 16-17.

Colin Powell and President Bush have a passport to enter the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

But that will be allowed to enter the kingdom of God?

Copyright © Chanan David, 2004. All rights reserved.

This is an intellectual product to use in the fight against terrorism, the mandate under the provisions of the Homeland Security legislation.

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Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Animal Rights Summit

Is it just me, or is increasingly polarized society? It seems that for every action there is a reaction and equaller oppositer. And against the war. For or against the environment. For or against the family.

Consider the role animals play in society. No, I mean politicians, TV producers or Janet Jackson. I mean animals like rabbits and mice and bears.

Some people to sacrifice their lives for animals, to protest against the use of animals in laboratory experiments. They oppose the harsh testing of chemicals and makeup on rabbits and mice innocent. I suspect they would secretly rather than chemicals and cosmetics be tested on humans but some.

Meanwhile, another large contingent of society has no interest in animal testing makeup, because it would be much better shot. I mean animals, not animal rights protesters. On second thought, they might want to shoot the demonstrators, too.

I thought I'd share this great when I looked at the label of a new "powerful anti-dandruff shampoos that we just bought - an oil-based shampoo that works to sink into doing hair for at least three minutes. The instruction manual in 13 languages, offers an impressive array of records with the danger symbols, even warning me not to leave the shampoo have in the eyes.

I stopped. I have my eyelids (effect). Here is a chemical had to be paid all over my head and soak for at least three minutes. A chemical that will take place on my face and eyes. A chemical that will surely make my eyes blind ... or worse.

Then I read a tiny written down: "Not tested on animals". Luckily, I thought. I would not want to go blind!

I decided to try to bridge the gap between the animal rights movement and the sport movement hunter convening a world summit.

I chose to invite some animals, including Big Bear, a veteran of several hunting seasons. I also called the Three Blind Mice, testers shampoo expert, told me.

Across the table, I invited Robin Gunn and his merry band of hunters.

"It's not fair," began Big Bear. "What animals should be subject to torture human. We have rights, too." Robin Gunn snorted. His band of merry hunters snorted, too.

I decided groped a rapprochement. "Admittedly, most people would rather sacrifice a couple of lab rats discover their children have lost their sight."

"Rats!" insisted Mouse # 1.

"Excuse me," I replied

"We are mice not rats," said Mouse # 2.

Robin Gunn snorted. His band of merry hunters snorted, too.

"I suspect most people do not care if their cosmetics have been tested on mice or rats or elephants, until know the products are safe before you buy them," I suggested useful.

"Fantastic! Now our host wants to torture elephants, too," Big Bear growled with an increasingly hungry look in his eyes. "Do not you know I'm an endangered species?"

It 'was then that I decided to go to Plan B. "Brownies anyone?"

Robin Gunn snorted. His band of merry hunters snorted, too. But they ate the brownies.

I turned to Mr. Gunn. '"I understand the need to eat animals I said with a look at Big Bear, but they were not killing for sport seems a bit' too?"

"Why?" Mr. Gunn wanted to know.

"Well, was not so a sport when a team gets a high-powered rifle while the other never knows there's even a game in progress, right?"

Big Bear growled. Mice growled, too. OK, so it was more like a sharp squeak, but it's the thought that counts, right?

I tried another line of discussion. "And if he met with the animals to choose teams. It would be a bit 'more fair?"

Robin Gunn looked at me like I was crazy. Big Bear looked at me like I was crazy.

It turns out that I was crazy. The summit ended in failure. Big Bear loved the brownies, but wanted something more. The Three Blind Mice even saw it coming.

And Mrs. Gunn is really enjoying his new bearskin rug.

Meanwhile, I do not know what to do with my hair growing fat. I suppose that sooner or later I'll have to use shampoo. Meanwhile, I wonder ... Think ketchup work?

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Polling and campaigns easier to use Online Surveys

That campaign for the government, local or chapter for election to the Board of School online surveys are the tool of choice easy and effective that will benefit any campaign. Use surveys to discover more about the electorate, to identify the issues that really concern them so that each campaign can be customized to reach the hearts and minds of voters.


For each survey, it is important to decide from the outset what the purpose of the study and is considering conducting a survey to support a particular candidate to assess whether the aim of the survey is to find out what the 'issues' are or the investigation is to be used to promote the image of candidates and policies?

In many cases the objectives are in line with the different phases of the electoral process.


Before the campaign started a poll is a great way to canvass voters and to determine what issues may be important. To obtain a greater response across the entire political spectrum of the survey should preferably be conducted through an independent channel, so that the views of people of a particular candidate does not influence the research.

For a political poll, it is essential that the demographics of the respondents have established different groups may have both common and different views. With the demographic information is the opportunity to determine the main issues are by age group, with income and gender; People Have rent the same concerns as those that own their homes?

A pre-campaign survey will be able to monitor the mood of voters. Some may, if required, also indicate that they can vote in elections in the future. Listening to the voters a campaign can be planned better and will be printed and marketing orally be well targeted to address issues that people want.

For candidates who are in step with the electorate surveys can provide a measure of how much effort is required, and in which areas, so that people are convinced and change their opinions.

Campaign Survey

During a campaign an online survey is an effective way to market position of a candidate. Tradition methods of distributing flyers count on the recipient reading and taking on board the message. Flyers are a unique way of marketing efforts and more often rejected and discarded along with other 'junk'.

Consider the other hand, an online survey that can phrase questions like: -

Do you support candidate Jones' promise to cut the budget deficit in half to 250 billion U.S. dollars in four years, and to reinstate budget rules to reduce spending?

To answer this question, the defendant must engage mentally with the inquiry by reading and then considering the statement before formulating an opinion. Since the defendant is able to express their views are even more likely that will examine the topic. An online survey is not only able to offer an important political statement, but also allow the country team to monitor the level of support that candidate on specific issues.

Using data from the pre-campaign 'undecided voter' may be interested and engaged, perhaps with the political opposition is used to highlight the advantage of voting for a candidate.

Do you have plans to support the opposition that will reduce the tax burden for the top and consequently in middle-income families pay more taxes?

A well-written survey campaign will promote the candidate, the general measure and monitor the effectiveness of the campaign. Online surveys allow this to happen with remarkable ease, are extremely profitable and allow the results to be analyzed on the fly.


Compare the benefits of online surveys over other forms of campaigning such as canvassing and telephone canvassing, leafleting, advertising and personal appearances.

If you have not already, the Internet is rapidly becoming the primary method of communication for both personal use and provides direct access to a wide cross section of the population to vote.

Through the use of electronic mail, Web sites and search engine advertising online surveys are able to address most of the population at a fraction of the price compared to traditional methods of marketing. With online surveys ability to provide market research, marketing and education there is no other single form of marketing is the most convenient and versatile.

With the speed of deployment measured in hours and minutes, not weeks and days, online surveys are able to deliver a message of the campaign flexible and dynamic pace with the political trends that can change based on a single comment or title.

With each survey the demographics of a country is able to measure accurately and immediately the extent of success in terms of number of 'message' delivered, the target group and, based on the results, the effectiveness of campaign online marketing survey.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Our credit for the last move of the government economic

I heard that the Arroyo administration expects at least P 124.7 B of incremental revenues from tax measures and other tariff adjustments this year. This means that this will further P 161.3 B in our turnover. And for me, will help in our budget to be used by department administration. We need a small budget and the development of our economic problems.

Another P 5 B will be added to the budget year after withdrawal of the tariff on oil and right lateral friction. Revenues amounted country 4.7% of GDP compared to 6.7% in Thailand and 7.1% in Vietnam. The percentage is higher than Indonesia w / c includes about 4.1% of GDP.

It was also announced by President Gloria Macapagal - Arroyo, that the fiscal crisis was over w can anticipate a competitive economy. This year, 2005, we have all witnessed the great struggle against the weight of the dollar. The exchange rate last I heard was P55.68 = $ 1. A reason for this, I must say it was the dollar remittances that our brothers abroad (OFW) are sending their families here in the Philippines. Really helps to make some small relief to economic problems. It is not hidden to us that an additional 2% fee will be implemented on at times this year, and an equivalent weight of high compared with other monetary unit low inflation in goods and other staple things on the market. Others are already happy to finally be able to buy things imported. But the families of the OFW are sad, because their dollar equivalent in the hands of becoming an amount of dollars two years hence. (The last peso - dollar exchange rate is the highest since October, 2003). Are you sure that the weight will be more competitive if people do not hide their dollars, and not wait until the weight is deflated again. I must say that I will only be their fault if the weight continues to monitor the strength of the dollar.

I'm just thinking about a situation on which our economy can really be more competitive. And this is to invest. We all know that many investors in the country are foreigners. Are helping our economy, but the truth is that they are saving as a result of the Filipino. The Italians really work for them. And if the OFW, after returning to their homeland to invest their money, he / she can earn money with the Filipino for them. Broadly speaking, Filipino earn money in their own land. And years later, do not need to work abroad and be slaves. A lot of people around the world think that Filipinos are really good and dedicated to their work. One example is Bangladesh, where only a few are rich and educated. Filipinos are respected, because they are directing the economy of Bangladesh. They are really professional, but decided not to work for their country because of low pay. The government must think, as it is still early, on how they can give jobs for all, especially to all graduates. Graduate nurses are going to the United States, Canada and Taiwan because of the dollars they earn, but to look at our hospitals, and nurses can only count the good hands. We are exporting skilled doctors and nurses, and the remaining were the second red light.

The different figures show the strength Philippine economy is not only the basis to say that we are free from poverty. Each student must be educated. The most recent survey says that about 45 countries, the Philippines is one of the least, as tests on the 43rd in terms of education. Only 5% of the hundreds of thousands of students to pass the preliminary tests for high schools. And less and less able to speak English. On the squatter areas, you can see people dying of hunger on food. Only one of 10 on work and family is barely part time. So how can you say that our economy is struggling? I am in favor of imposing the additional 2% tax on goods, so a bit 'will be added to our revenue. But this is unfair because there is still a 'exemption. I read that the Big 3 (Shell, Caltex, Petron) are exempted to pay the tax, because it can control price inflation in the world market. They just always say that they are "Lugians" and make only small profit on their business. I do not think about them. How many cars and buses have in the Philippines? The government should not exempt these companies realized that only think for themselves.

I must congratulate the Arroyo administration to impose the tax on cigarettes and liquor (including beer and gin), because that alone "bisyo" our fathers and kuyas. And instead of treating their money on things so meaningless, why not buy food for their families. I also watched the news that will again impose another tax, and the last to be affected are the texters. And 'being reviewed by Senator Dick Gordon and want to use the income to make the education sector. For me, it's just fine. You think that any of our text, we can help a young student and ensure his education. But I must add, that a higher fee should be implemented to those who use mobile multimedia that do nothing but move pictures and video. Only the rich can do. Am I right? You know, they just pass the unwanted images of actors and actresses who are naked. And the videos are showing someone who is in the sex ratio. If tax will be imposed, pornography on mobile hand will be limited.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Bully for prohibitionists

Imagine that I wanted to quit gambling, or to quit smoking something, or to save more for your retirement. I have my reasons, okay? The world would be a much better place if he did things my way.

You face on the road while you are smoking. Threaten you with a stick until it put out your cigarette and give me the rest of them, that crumble in a basket. As I leave, you call the police on your cell phone to report me for armed robbery.

The next day, some of my homeys good intentions and will face once again on your bad habit. After taking your new pack for your own good ", we note our criminal gang activity.

In the following days, my bandwidth gets bigger and bigger until it behaves like a mafia. It's called the police, but had no action because most of them are in tune with my group.

During the next week my crowd grew as large as a political majority, and when you call the police department, I answer the telephone. I tell you that everything is now forbidden to smoke, and go to jail if you do not quit.

You can hear more of yourself hardly hypocritical majority of the songs in the background. You ask, but how is this possible? Last week, the police protected my rights to smoke and to be free from violent moralists. Today you're the police on their behalf. Is not a crime to threaten violence to nonviolent change my behavior or take with force my property? How did you convert my smoking for a crime and raise your crimes to my solution?

Because I can, respond. They are the political majority. I have enough voters to the police, experts, judges and say that wrong is right. My use of violence in the fight against smoking is your moral, because people say that is enough. If only the sinful enough threw stones, throwing stones would also be right.


In a recent television program, Dr. Phil told the group dynamics to a girl of twelve who was harassed by some girls of the neighborhood. He said that bullies are cowards who only get their strength in numbers. He said that some people dare to do things in groups that would never do it alone.

Similarly, in the privacy of voting booths, some people ask government to do things they would never - for reasons moral or criminal - you do. As well, for most politicians call for government to do things that do not have the power to do. For example, if we as individuals have the right to use force to make others stop smoking, then it can not delegate this lack of authority for our agents in government. The sum total of zero is zero authority.

If the government derives its just powers from the governed, then there is no place in a society only for the Prohibition of Vice individual, except in public areas that governments can constitutionally regulate. (There is some dispute whether a city like Bloomington, Indiana may regulate smoking in commercial areas.)

Outside of those areas required, no moral, practical or constitutional authority for citizens to use force against the conduct of the government honest nonviolent others', such as smoking. Bullying is not the solution to the defect. We can not force virtue on others when coercion is not virtuous. The best approach is to treat all vices, as we do alcohol and tobacco cigarettes.

Unlike the Republican Party that inspired Abraham Lincoln understood that the prohibition of vice is the brute force of bullies without moral authority. He said: "Prohibition will work great injury to the cause of temperance. It is a species of intemperance within itself, because it goes beyond the bounds of reason in that it attempts to control the appetite of a man by the regulations, and makes it a crime of things that are not crimes. A Prohibition law strikes a blow to the very principles which underlie our government. "

Dr. Phil said that the best way to weaken bullies is to stand, not with them.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Course often means overlooked

Bureau Libertarian Writers'

My favorite story was the child of a herd of hippos n'seek play hide and seek. The best place baby hippopotamus was hidden on a ledge above - thoughin plain view - the elders of the herd, he never found the baby because theynever looked up. Obvious means are often overlooked.

And so it is with prison overcrowding in the City Circle. County jails lack of space for everyone who was arrested. Last year there were nearly 2,000 emergency exits to make room.

Led by a group of mostly Republicans, including Marion County Prosecutor Carl Brizzi and Superior Court Judges Cale Bradford and William Young, there 'sa move to significantly expand the budget of criminal justice, county, build another plant prison, expand or build a new youth center, elect more judges, and - if they get their way - to build a new criminal justice
center with a capacity to turn even more suspicion on the prospects of government.

Prospects can make more and herd, the taxpayers will give them more money.

Who looked Brizzi, Bradford or young recently on television Indianapolis knows how insensitive to the accused. Young, who chairs the county drug court, said the defendants are from 'a pool of mud. "By his account, he has personally published at least six people and killed others.

Presiding Superior Court Judge Bradford chaired the Marion County Criminal Justice Planning Council, which includes the mayor, Bart Peterson Brizzi. The Council is preparing a list of expensive criminal justice submit to the City-Province. In its January meeting, Bradford noted that most new plant in the county jail, built in 1997 to manage the
main prison overcrowding, was overcrowded.

This new situation reveals the obvious, which again will not be discussed at the next meeting of the Planning Council - a new prison is not the solution for the final attack of prison overcrowding. As experience shows, a new prison is only a standing invitation for politicians and judges to fill it.

Money is not the solution, either. Since 2001, the county criminal justice budget has almost single-handedly is responsible for 40 percent of county huge budget increase, from $ 126 million to $ 176,000,000.

The people in charge overlook the obvious answer to prison overcrowding and the backlog of office: quit arresting so many people!

Back to do essential work of government to protect us from real criminals - people who steal our cars, break into our homes, defraud us, or are violent - not only our neighbors immoral that offend us with their small
needs and habits.

And quit herding people who are not real criminals through our criminal justice system - that is for real criminals. Then, these people who have damaged others can keep their jobs, support their families, contribute to the economy and pay taxes instead of forcing taxpayers to pay for unnecessary food, accommodation and supervision prison.

This will leave space to separate violent and rogue who can not live socially with the rest of us. This is not the point of our criminal justice system?

If Indianapolis is true that national statistics, we spend about half of our criminal justice resources, instead of fighting the vice of crime. The distinction between vices and crimes is essential. Law scholar Sir William Blackstone wrote, 'In all cases, the crime includes an injury. "

Indiana Indiana Constitution grants powers to the courts based on such damage or injury. 'All courts are open, and every person, for injury done him in his person, property or reputation, shall have remedy by course prescribed by law. "(Article 1, paragraph 12)

This does not grant courts authority to punish those who simply offends us. Article 1, Section 37 of the Constitution forbids government to deprive people of freedom "otherwise than for the punishment of crimes." (See also Article 1, paragraph 13 and 19.) If Brizzi, Bradford and Young applied this simple agreement, prison overcrowding probably vanishovernight.

Every time we waste our resources, police, prosecuting and imprisoning potheads and prostitutes, then car thieves, robbers or murderers are free. In addition, there are about with the Constitution.

Why is it so difficult to understand or discuss? Why are the elders of our herd that overlooks the practice, the constitutional and moral character that is so absolutely obvious?

Friday, June 8, 2012

The 2005 Budget and inheritance tax: the Chancellor has done enough?


'The government's economic objective is to build a strong economy and a fair society, where there is opportunity and security for all. "

So reads the opening statement of the Labour government budget for 2005. But the word 'fair' is wide out of place when considering the impact of inheritance tax on an increasing number of homeowners in recent years.

The inheritance tax problem

In recent years inheritance tax ceased to be the 'rich tax' or 'voluntary' tax which used to be. The cause of the problem was the increasing scale of house prices resulting in property values which far exceed the Nil Rate Band exemption for inheritance tax.

Research conducted by stockbrokers Brewin Dolphin, there are about 2.4 million homes across the UK are now valued above the £ 263,000 threshold for inheritance tax, before taking any other activity considered. And one in five people anticipating an inheritance have no idea that anything above the threshold will be subject to 40% tax.

In summary, the number of homes sold that were above the inheritance tax threshold has risen from 3% in 1994 to 14% in 2004 and the government has grossed a staggering £ 3.3 billion from inheritance tax 1997!

The 2005 budget

The inheritance tax issue was a major concern for Chancellor Gordon Brown, after several professional associations have underlined the need for the threshold to be increased. After hearing the arguments the Chancellor did just that.

The current limit Nil rate band is £ 263,000 and the clerk announced that this should be increased to £ 275,000 for next fiscal year 2005/2006 and then further increased to £ 285,000 and £ 300,000 the next two years.
As a result of these increases, the Chancellor said that 94% of assets would not pay inheritance tax. So has the Chancellor done enough?

Increase appropriate?

Are increases in the inheritance tax threshold good enough? If they were increased by more? And 'certainly true that previous inheritance tax increases have not been so strong, the increases are generally in line with current inflation rates. However, this budget has seen an increase that is well above inflation.

On the other hand, the argument is that the large increase in house prices necessitated such an increase, and this may not be sufficient. The Halifax Building Society has calculated that if the threshold increased the inheritance tax in line with inflation in housing prices over the past 10 years, so the current threshold would be sitting at £ 390,000 - much less than the figure announced by Gordon Brown.

Conclusion: Budget Blues

So was this a ',' budget bad 'in terms of inheritance tax? Not entirely.
Any increase in the nil rate band is welcomed as it frees some of those caught in the inheritance tax net. Simon Massey (partner with accountancy firm Menzies) told BBC News, "The increase in the threshold of inheritance tax is a long way above inflation and is greatly appreciated ... It 's nice to see something being done. "

Thus, while the increase may not be exactly in line with the current situation of housing prices, will certainly be a relief for many, and any increase is better than no increase at all.

LLB (Hons) PGDip.LPc.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Wisconsin bans hunting by Internet

Wisconsin State Assembly passed Bill 179. This bill reads "in relation to: be physically in possession of a firearm, bow or crossbow deer hunting, while in captivity or other wild animals in captivity. This bill is intended to stop the wave of Internet hunting in Wisconsin.

A Texas businessman has a website that allows people to shoot game at his ranch. This is done with cameras specially mounted on rifles. The "hunter" can view the entire process online and tell the person holding the gun to shoot game live on his ranch. He claims the site was intended for the disabled so they can also enjoy hunting and target shooting.

In general, in Wisconsin, people with disabilities have the opportunity to hunt and enjoy the outdoor experience. The goal of Wisconsin Department of natural resources is to provide a variety of hunting, fishing, recreational use permits and to help people with disabilities enjoy the natural resources of the state.

Disabled Advisory Council for the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Wisconsin has four main objectives.

- To advise the Department of Natural Resources on matters pertaining to accessibility for all department programs and services by persons with disabilities.

- Identify and assess the needs of disabled people and communicate to the Department.

- To promote research and design, policy and legislative changes to improve the accessibility of the Agency's programs and properties.

- To communicate with people and other organizations and agencies with similar purposes in a collaborative process to improve accessibility

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources is also part of a national program called "Open the Outdoors." "Open the Outdoors" is a national effort to provide disabled people with half user-friendly access to recreational opportunities.

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources has pledged to provide wider access and more programs for people with disabilities. The intent is to make it easier for people with disabilities to hunt, fish and pursue other outdoor activities.

Source: Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Web Site.

Supporters of this bill are sportsmen who believe hunting is being outdoors and being part of real hunting experience that the use of the Internet is not hunting at all.

At this time, lease of 14 other states are working on similar legislation to prevent hunting on the Internet.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Gun Control debate

The debate on gun control in America is a battle between personal freedom and public safety. For nearly 160 years, there are limits to the Second Amendment, which guarantees "the right of the people to keep and bear arms." In 1934, however, and particularly over the last four decades, Americans have begun to prohibit and discuss the scope of that right. The National Firearms Act of 1934 was the first restriction on gun rights in American history. Consequently, the automatic weapons are available only after checking the background of each owner.

In 1968, the term "gun control" gained new meaning with the passage of the Federal Gun Control Act. Ratified in the wake of two major political murders - Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr. - the law requires that all guns carry serial numbers forever tied to the original purchaser. It is also prohibited gun ownership by convicted felons and, following an amendment in 1990, requires criminal background checks for buyers at the sale.

Some states have their laws on gun control, although all are governed by federal law in 1968. individual states can consider their own levels of restriction on concealed weapons and "open door", or transporting a weapon visible. And restrictions vary by state, with New York and Illinois seen as the most restrictive and Arizona and Texas, the most relaxed.

The latest incarnation of the debate was gun control in the form of the assault weapons ban in 1994 that Congress has not said its last session. The law prohibited the sale of all semi-automatic assault weapons manufactured after 1994. Supporters of the ban said it helped keep violent weapons off the street, while opponents claimed it imposed a confusing classification system, was overly restrictive and had little effect on controlling violent crime.

Gun rights advocates argue that a well-armed public helps prevent crime and ensure personal safety. Proponents of gun control, on the other hand, fear that widespread gun ownership actually increases crime rates and leads to negative results of others, both public and private. Change is the second out-of-date or does not guarantee a right integral?

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The debate on death penalty

While the death penalty has been used for centuries, we continue to discuss the morality and efficacy of this punishment. Many people argue that the death penalty acts as a deterrent to potential murderers, terrorists and other violent criminals. However, others find the death penalty completely incompatible with the ethical standards of modern civilization. Although some states have outlawed the practice in the United States remains one of the few democracies to maintain capital punishment.

The term "death penalty" comes from the Latin "caput", meaning head. Death penalty, then, was a punishment reserved for serious crimes that warranted decapitation. These serious crimes, known as capital crimes, are generally limited to treason and murder in the United States, however, in different legal systems of foreign countries, the death penalty can be given for a minor crime, like robbery. The most common modern methods of execution are electrocution and lethal injection. These methods are considered more humane than previous methods, which included the use of a firing squad, burning at the stake, crucifixion, beheading, hanging and gassing.

Even with these more "humane" treatment, many people find it difficult to justify the suppression of human life - no matter how heinous the crime. Opponents of the death penalty argue that it is immoral. They ask: "How can the Government condemns the killing by killing?" For these critics, the death penalty is the ultimate betrayal of human rights and has no place in our society. Moreover, they argue, criminal proceedings are full of human error, causing innocent people to perform. Finally, opponents of the death penalty argue that capital punishment is not an effective deterrent penalty.

Supporters of the death penalty argue that capital punishment deters violent crime. Apart from the question of deterrence, supporters of capital punishment argue that such punishment is morally justified. In many cases, especially in the case of murder and terrorism, enforcement is the best remedy, because it ensures that a monstrous person will be able to harm the company. Finally, from an economic standpoint, executing a criminal will be less expensive access to seemingly unlimited appeals in U.S. courts.

The debate on the death penalty question the role and limitations of the justice process. If the government had the right to kill? And 'the death penalty morally justifiable?