Saturday, June 30, 2012

What do you know Richard M. Nixon?

Depending on who we are, how old we are and where we come from, associations with Richard M. Nixon vary considerably. The better the Seinfeld episode where Elaine deception dating a guy because he has the perfect come-on.

Make bets with strangers (women are attracted to) topics and trivia that gets names wrong intentionally. In the case of Elaine, after his meeting, he bets with you that Dustin Hoffman was in Star Wars ... then at the end of the show has moved to Jerry's girlfriend, Nikki (although the monster does not know she is the girlfriend of Jerry as he hits on her) what the M stands for Richard M. Nixon.

There is also a brilliant performance STRIPTEASE campy Burt Reynolds playing Congressman David Dilbeck, who is fat with petroleum jelly to have his way with a piece of gauze sign fresh from his fantasy girl, Erin Grant (played by Demi Moore) then it is clean and he got a stage to speak to a large group of Christians as we enter into a permanent political or keep both hands in the V for victory sign, but more beautiful as the Richard M. Nixon signs of peace. These are the consequences, however.

This is the silliest of associations I have with that name, Richard M. Nixon, like I was in high school when the 37th U.S. president waved his phony peace signs and muttering as if he had marbles in his mouth that he was "not a crook", the two signature brands becoming the President of the United States fell.

I remember the actual periods of silence in Latin class, for example, when you would de-rail our declensions and go in the pit, the overwhelming quiet time once the speakers overhead background the latest news on the infamous Richard M. Nixon, interrupting our "normal" lessons.

Yes, he was teased, was villanized and glorified in the same way from left and right .... He was an iconic president, for several reasons, that is. Richard M. Nixon was responsible for issuing policy which led to price controls and established SSI (Supplemental Security Income). Richard M. Nixon's electronic spying Big Brother George Orwell's 1984 a reality by spying and wiretapping (and other Democrats, including its people) and make his impeachment.

And Richard M. Nixon, conversely, known as the president who, in a détente with the Soviet Union and China, ended the unhappy war in Vietnam. So whatever your associations are with Richard M. Nixon might be more accurate mine were when I was a pot-smoking, the Latin language, fighting, anti-teen authoritarianistic.

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