Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Great Debate

If you are anything like me, the smallest of decisions can quickly become material for the larger debate of your life. You can turn the smallest trifle of a problem in a huge mountain of a decision just sit and analyze too much.

Sounds familiar? Have you ever been burdened in an attempt to make decisions accordingly small and had little trouble maintaining perspective? I absolutely have. 'S so easy to make a decision as minors' what should I eat for breakfast? 'And turn it into a debate on both sides, which can last long beyond the normal breakfast time. We are beginning to discuss whether it should have a healthy balanced breakfast of toast and fruit or whole if you can indulge (just this once) in a less-healthy meal of packaged cakes and cappuccino. You have enough to eat healthy the day before for breakfast with sugar reward location-filled? Do you plan to eat better food for the rest of the day? These and other questions you can add unnecessary stress and debate for choice.

Those of us who are analytical by nature have an even harder time not turn everything into a debate in our heads. Take for example shopping. You can find a great sweater on sale for ten dollars, but there is also a cute sweater you are sure that you wear most. The cuter sweater, however, is forty dollars. What do you do? People like me start making mental lists the pros and cons on Each side of what has Become a great debate during the day. Not saved money, but loses the most beautiful sweater? Or splurge and take a few dollars away from another element that really need to buy? That a task can be to make choices like these, when we allow ourselves to do great issues of smaller ones.

Is there anything we can do to stop making ourselves debate every decision we make each day? I for one am tired of living this way. One thing is intentional about the choices you make, but it's another thing to overwork your brain with breakfast debates or new sweaters.

I think I have just tried and tried a piece of advice to give people whose biggest rival in every discussion is themself: stop it. When you feel that is a silly debate to be had in your head, just stop. Take a moment to address your thoughts and really consider the importance of this decision. Chances are that it is not anywhere near the value of time and energy you will spend looking at the choice. You will find, as I'm beginning to that ninety percent of the things I left to become a great debate in my head are not really worth having a debate at all. The unhealthy breakfast, buy the expensive sweater. Do what you want. Just stop being so indecisive about what it means.

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