Monday, July 9, 2012

Spies in the Ointment ---- For U.S. ports

Funny how the debate on the management takeover UAE port facilities in the United States fails to focus on intelligence as a major concern. Nothing less than the security of the ports of New York, New Jersey, Baltimore, Miami and New Orleans also an important point to stifle American oil supplies, is at stake.

Enough has been written about how the flow of petrodollars finding their way into the hands of Islamic militants and supporting the forces of global terrorism to establish it as fact. These transfers of money to make it clear that any Middle East oil producing nation is subject to powerful influences alqaeda and other such groups. As long as the money flows, the East East oil fields will be safe from violent disruptions, is a global-scale version of racketeering mafia: you pay, your store's OK, you not pay your dead!

Information can also arise as a result of threats and pressures that the same formula as the petro-dollars to those seeking the demise of our country. Hold the government of oil-producing country that is subject to these pressures responsible for the management of port facilities in the United States creates a reservoir of information to those who have sworn to destroy us and gives them a road map for our national weaknesses, an early warning system for military operations and presents opportunities for sabotage and attack on a large scale.

Ports have always been a focal point for espionage, and for good reason: the lifeblood of war, commerce, industry, and economic prosperity through them and tells his secrets well trained observers. The presence of spies in our ports credentials can provide all this information to the terrorists at Internet speed.

Also manage portions of a large port provides continuous access to port facilities and systems requires knowledge of port security, geography, and operations. daily presence in the port to provide knowledge of security systems, the credentials (which can be reproduced) and knowledge of safety standards they represent. Learn more sensitive about how containers are selected for inspection --- or not inspections, emergency response or security systems and how to disable lights can be easily found once inside the fence and experienced management of our ports.

No nation or company can be sure to keep spies and terrorists infiltrated their staffs and in the case of the UAE, out of our ports. Our staff has had spies CIA counter working undetected for years. It 's the nature of the beast and can not be avoided, no matter how counter-spin the administration puts out. UAE with the potential for infiltration is much greater due to internal pressure by the militants.

With spies in our ports there will be little port security. The how, why and complexity of port operations will soon be in the hands of those who have sworn to destroy us. Since there is only a matter of time until our enemies to find the key to unlock and enter port security with impunity.

The danger is real. Most hardware and military supplies bound for the flow and the Middle East through the ports on the east coast of the UAE want to manage. New Orleans is a center bottleneck point for a major American oil supplies.

There are men and women who work and fight in Iraq and Afghanistan. Our government has an obligation to protect their safety to the greatest extent possible. Failing to protect information concerning the type of equipment, the volume of military procurement, the ships they used, etc. provides notice of our plans and endangering rather than protecting our troops.

On the domestic front, imagine a spy or terrorist credentials that allows free movement within the Port of New Orleans. He or she might find spots where best to choke off 20% or more of oil supplies America violently or through more subtle sabotage. Further imagine such a person to duplicate their credentials and genuine leaders bombers or other destructive forces to choke points. Or imagine a top manager pressed to turn the head to the passage of hazardous cargo in America. The potential risks are incalculable, but very real.

It amazes me that our government thinks that Americans know that by their government is spying on them without warrants is a serious breach of national security, but can become dependent management of our ports and the information contained therein to a power foreign object of strong pressure from our enemies. Worse yet, pay them for it!

The Bush administration maintains that the UAE is an important ally in the war against terrorism and somehow taking out the major risks to enable them to manage our port facilities. Well, it does! In the light of 911, the leading UAE must understand our concerns increase the risk of further attacks or sabotage crippling, if not, then they are not as strong an ally as the administration thinks.

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