Friday, July 20, 2012

When at war, our troops want is the election issue!

Watching the Towers Fall and beyond Stuck-On-Stupid!

Watching the twin towers of the World Trade Center come down, live TV, has had a profound effect on many Americans, including this baby boomer. Probably due to age, serious motivation to join the Ohio Army Reserve has not developed, however, until 2004 when I was fifty. It 'was not just our enemies who have influenced my attempt to join was the mentality of some of my closest loved. Those attitudes seem to be the mental blocks that hinder the logic.

This obstruction of logic caused an acute pain of anxiety in me until it seemed that only by joining forces I would volunteer positions around clear thinkers, to keep me out of the madhouse. The hopes were for nothing drastic, just going to serve as a little boy 'arthritis operations on a desk somewhere. Unfortunately, the age I was already confined to the office of member of our military first. We hope that world events do not deteriorate to the point that the army needs to understand my age group or skill level, but I was disappointed. Finally, the motivation has overcome the disappointment and this is what happened. It was not easy because I was stuck on stupid, for a while '.

Stressful years of dialogue with loved ones who cling to the mental blocks about projecting military power of the United States and George W. Bush had all ended in failure. My continuing efforts to make common sense, the logical conclusions based on facts from many sources were all unsuccessful. Dear friends and family members were content with their mental blocks. The failure in my efforts finally became undeniable and must be accepted as truth.

After a period of stubborn refusal, the truth of the failure was made and accepted. Therefore, a redirection of energies become prudent, even necessary, and finally became obvious to me. Very important is the relationship suffering. Stuck on stupid was my game and my anxiety was bad there. You can lead a horse to water but you can not make him drink. Find a more fertile ground to plow became care. Being deeply concerned about our troops and setting failure with loved ones apart, a greater vision began to develop.

Do you know what the majority wants our troops' are politically? Want poll results or facts on which our troops will, politically and with regard to your ratings? Are you willing to believe the answers if you could find them? Do you think our troops are just brain washed, uneducated dummies support the policy is said to pull, even risking death to our enemies?

While most volunteer military would certainly support your right to vote against their political will, it is human nature to hope that our soldiers understand and agree with their principles, priorities and desires of politicians and vote in their support, especially in wartime. As a voter, there is a more important question for research and understand that this - What our troops Want - in time of war?

creative inspiration and a refocusing of efforts caused an almost obsessive online store full of products to be proud of. Patriotic images with inspirational message that provoke reflection on t-shirts, sweatshirts, women's clothing and other products win votes, because logical truths usually convince objective thinkers.

Truthful, persuasive messages were embedded in digital photographs of the World Trade Center (2 models), the Statue of Liberty, the Golden Gate Bridge and other landmarks in the United States. Talking animals and nature scenes complete set of twenty exclusive designs printed with two designs to choose from returning. The mission is to raise the morale of our troops by voting more units and these drawings help to influence voters with patriotic pride and logical truths. People can only read the shirt, tote bag or sticker, no debate needed. Truthful messages are like mustard seeds, start small and grow insidiously.

Part of a large majority view is supporting our troops 'votes with the votes and helps to influence voters to consider other political deferring their personal desires to the wishes of the political majority in our troops' when voting. Rated as most of our troops to vote really want to support our troops'. Everything else does not retain water and just about the most useless. This is about getting voters to think about it.

The vision includes a full-service web presence to serve and inspire our troops and America in general. It is a vision of a non-profit organization to do many wonderful things for our troops and volunteers. But more than this, but to initiate a network of roots and grass roots wave of serious thought about how conscientious votes or support or subvert the majority of our troops' wishes. These are real world consequences of voting results. They encourage a group of fighters, while demoralize their opposition. Votes affect morale on both sides.

A vision of a voter, or millions of voters, the research and considering what our troops want politically, before the vote, is now planted in you. Our troops are volunteers who deserve our support to vote. Will we dig for answers, the results of surveys and letters from troops on hundreds of websites for military support on the Internet? A Google search for Military Times and Stars and Stripes will lead to an endless chain of links to letters, blogs, survey results and more than one person can ingest, if you care. Even with all this, you will come to a calculated risk, and call assessment of what we accept as truth and logic, When deciding how to vote. Voters must put aside emotion and when to use the logic of research and deduce what our troops Want. After the search, each voter must decide whose wishes are more important politically, yours or the will of the majority of our troops.

Hopefully, you can not ignore the majority of our troops' wishes by not voting. Unless you judge our volunteers as Red Coat type or types of Genghis Khan marauder or types of Nazi-style, why not vote like most of our troops to vote? Why subvert the majority votes cast, our troops' wishes? Our volunteer forces are the boots on the ground and this citizen will trust their opinion, at least for now. I hope the light comes on and another wave of patriotic support of American troops swept to vote early. Our volunteers deserve voting units of the United States and nothing less. Neither our enemies.

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