Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Joe Arpaio For President

Unless you live in Arizona there's a good chance you've never heard of Joe. He is a sheriff in Arizona. Has recently been re-elected to his position in Maricopa County. Because I think should be president? Because he is actually trying to make a difference. He does not care if it is acceptable to everyone, trying to please the good citizens of his county and punish the bad.

Joe is not your typical politician. Technically it is because a politician needs to be voted in his role but is not busy, always trying to please everyone and never do anything political. He makes decisions and stands by them.

Some things that Joe did the prisoners are paid for their meals. Cut porn movies and magazines from prison. He can only "G" rated films. He removed the weights from detainees. Reported chain gangs for both men and women. He tried taking out TV, but was ordered to put it back in jail because a Federal Court decision said it needed. So, put them back but only allows the Disney Channel and the Weather Channel. When asked why he allows the Weather Channel was his reasoning, so the prisoners know what the temperature will be the next day when you are working with The Chain Gang. Cut the coffee because it has no nutritional value.

These changes are excellent in my opinion. We must stop pampering criminals, because if there will never want to leave and always want to come back. We should stop allowing TV, Sony Playstation, porn movies, etc. ... Some of the above changes prompted some complaints by prisoners and the sheriff's response was: "This is not the Ritz / Carlton. If you do not like, do not come back."

As if these changes were not good enough get even better. Sheriff Joe has started his prison accommodation tent. About 2,000 prisoners live in a tent outside in the prison yard. During the summer months you can obviously get quite hot in the tent is that they are in Arizona. last summer have been reported temperatures up to 138 degrees in the tent. Prisoners claimed this was inhumane. The Sheriff's response was: "It 's 120 degrees in Iraq and our soldiers are living in tents too, and they have to wear full battle dress, but did not commit crimes, so shut your fucking mouth!"

Too often politicians are so worried about not winning enough votes never commit to an answer that will upset anyone. A perfect example is the fact that a federal judge took the decision that TV should be allowed in prisons. Perhaps prisons should be lined with books to help prisoners learn new skills and become more educated. In this way have higher chances of success beyond the prison walls. There's a good chance there is a lot of people in prisons across this country who can not read and write. But at least they have the right to TV, which should make things better.

We need more politicians like Joe Arpaio. We need more people who care about doing the right thing and spend their time working on doing things rather than throwing mud against the other side. A perfect example is the recent problem concerning high gas prices. President Bush has developed a plan, and an evil plan in my opinion, to solve the gas price "crisis". The Democrats are bad mouthing his plan, instead of standing together to develop a good plan.

Anyone who has read some of my other readers know my position on politics. I am not a Democrat or a Republican. I think it stinks for the country. I think they manipulated the system so badly that it will be the ruin of our country at some point in the future. It may not be in our lives, but they are the reason this country fails. Spend recklessly, they make laws that favor themselves and the companies that fund their campaigns, and very rarely do the right thing for their constituents.

As a farewell speech ask someone who is reading this do me a favor, keep an eye out for more people like Joe Arpaio and vote in their office. They will repair all that is wrong with our country at this time.

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