Monday, July 23, 2012

Obama is coming, the road!

"Obama biro, yo YAWN!" (Obama is coming, the way TENS) - Luo applause of thousands of "Tribe" and ululating women screamed as they welcomed Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) back to the ancestral land of his father - Niangoma Kogelo village in Luo Land, Kenya West, a few weeks ago.

Within a few hours Obama had soared to unprecedented political spotlight in Kenya, eclipsing a bunch of corrupt and heartless nincompoops - L '(Mt. Kenya Mafia), who are ruthlessly grinding beautiful Kenya to the ground.

The only difference between Mt. Kenya Mafia and the Republican U.S. administration, is that the former led Kenya to its "Economic Knees," while it is virtually impossible for the government of George Bush for dropping the powerful U.S. economy, no matter how it borrows funds through inflated contracts for rebuilding Iraq or Katrina FEMA trailers. Otherwise both groups employ similar schemes - exploiting and manipulating ethnic (racial) intolerance and the promotion of widespread corruption - a bunch of "cold blooded" louts.

The six year cesspool of a mess presided over by the Bush administration may not be in vain after all. Has made America hungry for a messenger with a message of hope.

In NBC's "Meet the Press" interview Sunday, October 22, I watched Senator Obama intimate that - based on the responses received throughout the country, he is considering running for the U.S. Presidency in 2008.

What impressed me most about him is how he addressed the question regarding his statement earlier in 2004 - that he had completed his six-year Senate term and not run for President in 2008: "I thought the possibility, but I have not thought about it with the seriousness and depth I need, "Obama said. "My main goal is 2006, and make us re-take Congress. After November 7, I sit and consideration."

Unlike the elusive, programmed and selfishly partisan politicians are accustomed to watch on TV Sunday morning political, Barack Obama Tim Russert responded to questions with grace, ingenuity and most importantly, seemed very genuine.

In a political system muddied and tainted by arrogance, corruption and incompetence, watching and listening to Obama is too cool.

In Obama I see an intelligent and capable, unlike the current President who constantly reminds me of an unprepared and confused "open book, open notes" beneficiary of the test, badly rehearsed and totally incapable of articulating his views without the guidance of friends of his father, Karl Rove his "political Architect" and a bone breaking conglomeration of "Hyena" special interest groups.

Obama's apparent good human qualities added to that is a great American story, the senator is a very attractive prospect for the ultimate prize in politics - The Presidency of the United States.

Obama is presidential material?

Many cite his lack of political experience, claiming his resume is too thin for a run for the Presidency. I disagree and here's why:

1. Unlike other leading blacks, Obama does not grind "white nose" of racism, and at the same time is a symbol of hope for millions of dis-interested blacks and other minorities.

Judging from his Senate election victory of a majority of 70%, Obama demonstrated that he is a very powerful vote magnet across racial lines. He set a record "of songs that would be crucial in a presidential election if he decides to run. His candidacy could draw millions of voters outstanding blacks making more profitable the Democratic nomination.

On the flipside, we all know that there are some whites, like parts of the right wing with gutter-man Rush Limbaugh, who will forever embrace Racism and will never accept a black president. President Obama would mark the start of training this breed irritating to the fringes of political obscurity.

2. He is not an arrogant idiot, is humble and has not been contaminated by partisan politics. Perhaps most important is that he is an intellectual, confident, which I think is a necessary precondition for the management of complex matters of the highest political office in the world.

3. The last Republican president who had some burning was the foul-mouthed bigot - Richard Milhouse Nixon, who built his own downfall with a lethal mixture of homophobia, anti-Semitism, anti-blacks and "Communist Paranoia." It is a fact Nixon's political career through three decades of scare mongering, witch hunts and dirty tricks, the same tactics that were used successfully for the current administration over the past six years.

All the others after him have been bumbling buffoons with slight exceptions George HW Bush and Ronald Reagan.

Reagan the Serial Liar who made Americans feel good about themselves, not only was ill informed but partially senile towards the end of his second term of office - particularly intelligent, but a great "political actor" whose major achievements included presiding the disintegration of the Soviet Empire (which was inevitable anyway), misuse of World Bank funding for the CIA death squads to safeguard the corporate theft by U.S. multinational companies in Latin America ... . and worst, in my opinion, supporting the racist regime of apartheid in South Africa.

The "Great Communicator" was just another Republican crook!

Bill Clinton and John Kennedy did not have much experience. Abraham Lincoln ran after two years in Parliament, Woodrow Wilson, after two years as governor, and Franklin D. Roosevelt and Jimmy Carter after four years as governor.

Perhaps Dr. Martin Luther King that best sums up in his "The Drum Major Instinct sermon at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia, February 4, 1968 - He said:" Everybody can be great because anybody can serve ... . You only need a heart full of grace, a soul generated by love. And you can be that servant, "qualities that are completely without Republican base - the" self-chosen "people of" faith. "

If the Democrats nominate Hillary Clinton, a very polarizing Democrat, the Republican smear spill control valves and flood the whole country to an extent that the Katrina disaster will look like a storm in a teacup. On the other hand, Obama's nomination would fuel vicious racial and below the belt "Nyangau" attacks from the right, as the slime being spewed by Republican troglodytes against black Democrat Harold Ford Jr. in Tennessee, or the current Senator George "Macaca "Allen in Virginia.

I wonder if Senator Obama has the stomach for such personal attacks and racist - a GOP staple!

Colin Powell assessed these circumstances in 2000 and pulled back and then dimmed his star serving in this administration awkward for four years before being pushed in favor of "yes-woman" Condoleezza Rice. It is said that he feared political assassination.

Will Obama follow through or is his potential candidacy just hype?

It 's time that America put racist legacy behind it, to re-evaluate their future, and look more closely at this rising star, because I think Barack Obama is ready - to purify the soul "defamation of America.

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