Monday, June 11, 2012

Bully for prohibitionists

Imagine that I wanted to quit gambling, or to quit smoking something, or to save more for your retirement. I have my reasons, okay? The world would be a much better place if he did things my way.

You face on the road while you are smoking. Threaten you with a stick until it put out your cigarette and give me the rest of them, that crumble in a basket. As I leave, you call the police on your cell phone to report me for armed robbery.

The next day, some of my homeys good intentions and will face once again on your bad habit. After taking your new pack for your own good ", we note our criminal gang activity.

In the following days, my bandwidth gets bigger and bigger until it behaves like a mafia. It's called the police, but had no action because most of them are in tune with my group.

During the next week my crowd grew as large as a political majority, and when you call the police department, I answer the telephone. I tell you that everything is now forbidden to smoke, and go to jail if you do not quit.

You can hear more of yourself hardly hypocritical majority of the songs in the background. You ask, but how is this possible? Last week, the police protected my rights to smoke and to be free from violent moralists. Today you're the police on their behalf. Is not a crime to threaten violence to nonviolent change my behavior or take with force my property? How did you convert my smoking for a crime and raise your crimes to my solution?

Because I can, respond. They are the political majority. I have enough voters to the police, experts, judges and say that wrong is right. My use of violence in the fight against smoking is your moral, because people say that is enough. If only the sinful enough threw stones, throwing stones would also be right.


In a recent television program, Dr. Phil told the group dynamics to a girl of twelve who was harassed by some girls of the neighborhood. He said that bullies are cowards who only get their strength in numbers. He said that some people dare to do things in groups that would never do it alone.

Similarly, in the privacy of voting booths, some people ask government to do things they would never - for reasons moral or criminal - you do. As well, for most politicians call for government to do things that do not have the power to do. For example, if we as individuals have the right to use force to make others stop smoking, then it can not delegate this lack of authority for our agents in government. The sum total of zero is zero authority.

If the government derives its just powers from the governed, then there is no place in a society only for the Prohibition of Vice individual, except in public areas that governments can constitutionally regulate. (There is some dispute whether a city like Bloomington, Indiana may regulate smoking in commercial areas.)

Outside of those areas required, no moral, practical or constitutional authority for citizens to use force against the conduct of the government honest nonviolent others', such as smoking. Bullying is not the solution to the defect. We can not force virtue on others when coercion is not virtuous. The best approach is to treat all vices, as we do alcohol and tobacco cigarettes.

Unlike the Republican Party that inspired Abraham Lincoln understood that the prohibition of vice is the brute force of bullies without moral authority. He said: "Prohibition will work great injury to the cause of temperance. It is a species of intemperance within itself, because it goes beyond the bounds of reason in that it attempts to control the appetite of a man by the regulations, and makes it a crime of things that are not crimes. A Prohibition law strikes a blow to the very principles which underlie our government. "

Dr. Phil said that the best way to weaken bullies is to stand, not with them.

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