Sunday, June 17, 2012

Bush Panders America's Kids to Saudi pederasts

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Bush Panders America's Kids to Saudi pederasts

Dr. David Chanan

President Bush and Colin Powell should hang their heads in shame. The administration professes to value America children and touts the phrase "No Child Left Behind." At the same time, they have abandoned some 16,000 American children abroad.

According to Joel Mowbray's book on "Dangerous Diplomacy," the children were kidnapped from their parents and held in foreign countries, like Saudi Arabia. Saudis are world class perverts. What is called child molestation in the United States is called marriage in Saudi Arabia. What kind of protection of American people?

Two stories (many) Mowbray quotes the testimony to Congress to make the point.

A woman named Monica Stowers married a Saudi named Radwan. They had two children, a boy, Rasheed, and a girl, Amjad. Mowbray says his father abused children, but not how. In testimony to Congress, said Stowers is the children who have been raped by her father's relatives.

Under Saudi law, a husband was allowed to give a wife to enter or leave the country. Stowers came Arabia Arabia has collected her children and fled to the U.S. Embassy for help.

Embassy of the United States, the General Counsel, Karla Reed, Stowers said that the embassy was not a hotel. Reed ordered the Marine guards to throw the kids outside. So the Marines dumped her on the sidewalk. The mother and son on.

By the next morning, Amjad was locked in her father's house. The mother and brother were hiding. Over time, Stowers was imprisoned, and Rasheed had fled. The U.S. Embassy Stowers left to rot in jail, but a friend saved outside Arabia.

Ultimately, Rasheed paid $ 20,000 to be smuggled outside the country. She made her way to New York City, and touched the World Trade Center. The same year, Amjad, 12, was married to a Saudi. She ran away and hid with his mother. They lived in an abandoned school.

Amjad's grandmother has testified to Congress about the situation in 2002. A congressional delegation went to Saudi Arabia Amjad and fourteen for other children. At that point, Amjad was married to another Saudi. He met with a member of Congress and was able to obtain an exit visa.

Amjad has tried to leave Saudi Arabia in February 2003. The Saudis arrested her because she had her husband's permission. The State Department did nothing to get her out. Continue to do nothing, or to Amjad for others.

Margaret McClain married a Saudi man named Alomari. He was abused for two years. They had a daughter, Heidi, in the third year of their marriage. The abuse got worse, and McClain obtained a protection order against Alomari. Gotta visit unattended in divorce, despite being a bigamist.

Alomari had sexually molested his daughter when she was three, but police could not make the case. Heidi has abducted and brought to Saudi Arabia. The State Department did nothing.

Through its investigation, McClain Alomari learned where he lived. The State Department dawdled for two years before a consular officer has asked to see Heidi in person.

Three years later, McClain could see his daughter in Saudi Arabia. They visited together for three hours at McDonald's in Riyadh. It was the month of July, 2002.

Is a State of Arkansas and a federal warrant for arrest differ Alomari's. The State Department has dithered since then.

Stowers and obviously McClain testified before Congress.

Secretary of State Colin Powell, former man of honor to appear, and President Bush, a professed Christian, can not claim ignorance of their cases. They know.

Powell is committed to the state. Bush is responsible for the executive. They know.

Who do nothing is shameful.

As Secretary of State, Powell has stained his honor. He should remain a soldier.

As for President Bush ...

I can not understand how a man idles Christian as Christian children are raped.

I can not understand how a man idles Christian as Christian children are forced to become Muslims.

I can not understand how American evangelicals regard Bush as God's anointed. It idles like Christian children are defiled in body and soul.

A panderer, according to Webster's dictionary, is a person who provides the means to help meet the ignoble ambitions or desires, vices, etc. of another.

To the extent that President Bush committed the sin of omission, not doing anything, while the Saudis gorge Christian children in body and soul, is a panderer.

Jesus said "Suffer the little children come to me, and not banning them, for of such is the kingdom of God Amen, I say: Who does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall in no wise enter into it. "Luke 18: 16-17.

Colin Powell and President Bush have a passport to enter the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

But that will be allowed to enter the kingdom of God?

Copyright © Chanan David, 2004. All rights reserved.

This is an intellectual product to use in the fight against terrorism, the mandate under the provisions of the Homeland Security legislation.

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