Friday, August 24, 2012

Mark Foley - Gay MP resigns-The Real Deal

Congressman Mark Foley of Florida resigned from Congress amid charges and allegations he had inappropriate e-mail contacts with a former teenage page in the House of Representatives. So what is the real deal? What's really going on? You can read the press long distance and watch television, but you'll never get to the real story in that way. You have to ferret it out for yourself, and that's what we did. We talked to the promoters and shakers, to learn what's really going on.

First of all, no one has the right to violate the sanctity of the world of a teenager. In our country young people are protected and given rights just because they are young. I'm at an age where they can not defend themselves. It 's the sign of an advanced society that we have chosen to protect them, as well as we should.

People who prey on our children must go to jail for the rest of their lives. No need to give such "scum" a second chance. We must not take this opportunity, giving them another chance. It 's also the symbol of an advanced society that the authors of our Constitution has gone out of their way to protect the rights of criminals. Than any other company on earth, here is one observer who thinks we do a good enough job. Now, having said that what is happening in Washington?

First of all, neither party has a stranglehold on ethics. The Democrats just stole the money over the years, as the Republicans. What you spend on may be different, but the money seems to disappear in both cases, with little to show for it. The first rule of government, and I personally learned from Noble Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman is that "whoever is in power, loves to spend money."

Ronald Reagan was a hero of mine. No one could spend money like him, until this president is. At least Reagan bankrupted the Soviet Union and drove them from power. What does Bush have to show for his trillions? A war without clearly defined objectives, and hundreds of billions in pork spending that no society can afford. He is the first president in my life who has chosen not to exercise the power of veto.

This gay Congressman was not a sleeper. People around him knew his peculiarities. They chose to ignore them for their own reasons. Foley is in progress, the senator from Florida a couple of years ago, and the party torpedoed the candidacy of Mel Martinez to give it for fear that word would get out.

The Speaker of the House of Representatives knew something was up and decided to keep quiet. Not realize that these guys by now that 'things are not BLOW OVER. "Word goes out, he always does, whether it's Hewlett Packard trying to turn off the tapping company, Enron, or trying to bury their financial problems lies in a Wall Street. You can just keep that game going for so long, and then somehow things go wrong.

If the Democrats are powerless smart, they will say nothing and do nothing about this story of Mark Foley. The world of the Republicans is steaming right before their eyes. These are men who say they are conservatives, but know nothing about conservatism. Arizona Republican Senator Barry Goldwater conservative who started it all, would be horrified at what is happening in his party today. He might not be able to call himself a conservative, whether it was alive.

Foley was the head of a subcommittee of the House who took care of exploited children. She speaks of living a lie. Where we as citizens of a free society, if elected to think that it's okay to marry one thing in public and then do the opposite thing in private.

I would like to ask our elected officials, "How stupid can you be? As a contribution to society? The rest of us are out here to support ourselves, making our schools better, and improving our local communities. You guys just live with the collective decency of the rest of us. You spend money as if it were unlimited. You can eat in good restaurants, but your basic salary is not big enough to support your lifestyle. Who pays for these lifestyles? If they are not citizens of those, what do you expect in return.

Mark Foley is a symbol of something terribly wrong with both parties. It 'a climate of everything is going well, and I am above suspicion. I am not responsible. Is this really the message we want to send the next generation. Foley, this sick, insane Congress wants to hide behind the fact that he was drunk when he committed these acts. Really, really think that the rest of us are going to fall for his senseless chatter?

As I mentioned in this article that I am generally optimistic about my country. What keeps me optimistic today is the power of the Internet. It 's something that the founding fathers would be amazed. Yes, there is too much "noise or chatter out there. Yes, you must be concentrated to obtain the density change quantity of information that is available to everyone. Ah, once passed, however, that noise, there is a liberating experience awaiting each of us. We have the power to obtain all the information we want on any subject.

We are not using the vast knowledge, but we will. It 'is conceivable that by 2008, the Internet will completely change the look of American politics. The political process as we know it will be unrecognizable from where we are today. With the information there is power, and people will have choices that do not have today. There is a new freedom to come and with it, a shift of power to the people.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Decision 2006 - The Republican 'cut, Run and scare' Strategy Running On Fumes?

During George Bush's six years in office is now clear that Bush and his cronies are in a state of willful denial "about the worsening situation in Iraq .... and so is a big piece of the American public, voluntarily or because of misleading information of a party.

As the temperature rises and less than 5 weeks left for the midterm elections, some of the most zealous supporters of this administration in the Republican Party are running scared leaving Mr. Bush trapped holding the "plate".

With the "Sex & Pedophilia" ongoing scandal involving Republican Congressman Mark Foley resigned now (R - FL), the focus of this administration has switched gears mid-stream - ". Catastrophilia" unrestrained by a disaster of a circus

A homosexual Republican Congressman with pedophile tendencies is like "manna from heaven" for the Democrats. They can not ask a better gift so close to the elections - the possibility of exposing Republican hypocrisy. You can bet that the mothers of all political persuasions will have an earful of this.

These revelations of the activities of Mr. Foley drove an all out "Circular Panic Shootout" between the Republicans, with one and all in front of voters this November distances himself from Foley.

This "October Surprise" could be the final nail in the coffin of the Republican Party. The "chickens have come home to roost" and "values" and "Faith" Party is in big trouble.

"I will withdraw even if Laura and Barney are the only ones who support me," - George Bush, speaking to a group of Republicans in the White House, according to Bob Woodward (Journalist Award winner), in his new book State of Denial. Barney is one of Bush's two dogs.

In May 2003, the Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, speaking to a cheering congregation of U.S. troops in Qatar said: "So when people are writing the history books, you're going to be in it. Thank you very much."

Mr. Vice President Dick Cheney in an appearance Sept. 14, 2003 in a "Meet the Press" weekly show with Tim Russert of NBC said: "My belief is that, in fact, be greeted as liberators."

Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert (R-IL) recently, sounding much like CNN Lou Dobbs, immigrants tied to terrorist and criminal gangs, saying: "Illegal crossing of our borders are gang members who cross to injure our citizens This is a daily struggle in a few. town. "

These four statements and many others that I have not listed here sum up the dysfunctional, hypocritical and deceitful "Republican mentality" that permeates easily the party from top to bottom.

If you read between the lines, the intuition is that Bush, Rumsfeld and Cheney have fought this war for the sake of "history", .... and that "illegal immigrants" and by extension "legal immigrants" are just a gang of criminals and terrorists - dangerous and misleading rhetoric specifically designed to drive a wedge immigration to divide America, and instill fear to the urns November.

As seasoned predators Republicans have skillfully exploited in the last two years a basic human instinct of "fear of the unknown" pieces of a national security policy of "fear" in the psyche of the American public, with incredible effectiveness.

A few weeks before the midterm elections, the "king" of the "wedge issues" and partisan smears are new, even if they are clearly on the ropes this time.

While Bush was the choreography "Fear Terrorist Branch", the right wing of the Republican Party led by xenophobes like Duncan Hunter, Tom Tancredo, James Sensenbrenner and George Allen among many others were "caress" the local people taking anti-city immigrant-style meeting room on the hate "rally the base" of the Republican Party, which includes a base of fanatical extremists still hanging on the bloody past and racial intolerance in America.

The so-called "House Republican Immigration Field Hearings" conducted in recent months apparently explored the "social and governmental costs of illegal immigrants," the use of health care, welfare and "the criminal consequences of illegal immigration." These meetings proved to be "Distortion dens" in which immigrants were mercilessly vilified. Product videos of people crossing from Mexico superimposed with images of Osama bin Laden and Zacharias Moussaoui were made for "fear" Town-Hall congregation, and are still appearing on TV screens in a large family rooms across America.

Needless to say, the positive contributions of immigrants (legal and illegal) have been completely omitted in favor of bloodletting, demonizing high-stakes, irrational and rampant xenophobia aimed at "bringing the disease home invaders." Moreover, it is utterly destroyed by the Senate, the bill would be a viable starting point to work on this complex issue in order to reach a rational and comprehensive.

In order to appease their "base", the Republican-dominated government of the United States has conducted sweeping immigration raids across the country, cruelly separating children born in the United States, which are constitutionally American citizens, immigrants from their mothers and fathers. ... well that means "economic refugees", by third world nations plagued with governments and incompetent thieves ..... some with the assistance of greedy multinational corporations whose American "colonial" profit motive and corruption is legendary.

Even Tom Kean, former Republican governor of New Jersey and a respected former Commissioner-911 has entered the fray for the sake of "Dear Party," pulling a "Michael Moorer" on Democrats. Sources indicate that Mr. Kean was hired as a consultant to pre-production for the movie "The Path to 9-11" a TV miniseries that seriously distorts the facts in a ratio of 9 / 11 Commission and portrays the Clinton administration in a bad light.

Clearly a desperate attempt by officials in cooperation with a Republican "rating hunger" central media (ABC / Disney) to influence the electorate.

If this movie was not a political movement because it was a sneaky advance copy of the film as right extremist radio talk show Rush Limbaugh - a self-serving demagogue who has a penchant for hyperbole and distortions monstrous extremists.

Other reports from Washington indicate that the Republicans are planning to download their financial war chest significantly more than the Democrats in the form of negative TV and radio ads on personal issues and local controversies. According to these reports, the Republican Congressional Committee has sent co-operatives to comb the records to find personal information harmful to their democratic opponents.

Although throwing mud is a political point for both parties and in fact most of the rest of the world, the Republicans are masters at this game and can ratchet up to ridiculous levels.

Watch out for the Republican candidates to become meaner and more twisted in the weeks to come.

But the moderate "swing" of voters from both parties buy into this farce, this time?

According to a CNN poll conducted Sept. 6, 57% of Americans without a high school education believe that Saddam Hussein was involved in 911 attacks (a fact most recently denied in a press conference on August 21 when President Bush said Hussein had "nothing" to do with the attacks), 54% of high school graduates believe likewise. Only 39% of graduates considered the same. The number is reduced drastically to 19% for graduates.

The Americans are so misinformed? If so then we should expect another Republican win this November.

Will red terror baiting, using the politics of deceit, fear and hate work this time?

Can the Republican party successfully energize their base "intolerant" right and even scare moderate Republicans, independent and even some Democrats .... New?

It is the Republican party running on fumes?

Political economic accounts that violate the core of American values appreciated in a hurry as the establishment of military commissions, which will use alternative forms of torture "to claim the mantle as the" toughest in the war on terror "are very worrying, despite the that these measures have been implemented in other countries before with little success or not.

Piecemeal measures that are politically targeted, especially in bankruptcy, without long-term solutions is not the way to govern this great nation.

Coercion "corruption" and scare tactics have destroyed America's reputation in the eyes of the rest of the world during the tenure of this administration.

For moral, political and pragmatic Democratic Party, or better still non-aligned independent should wake up and right the American ship, the Republicans have failed miserably .... citizens are deceived, betrayed their trust and misappropriation of their hard earned tax money in an unnecessary war "imperialist."

Another Republican majority in both houses will be a disaster. U.S. position as the measuring rod for the rest of the world has been severely compromised, and is decreasing even more if the Republicans are given a blank check to continue with their "fake looting."

The American people need to wake up too and send a strong message to both parties, that partisan politicking without principle and 'bad for everyone, no one party or the party faithful.

Maybe we need a party of "rational" third?

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

North Korea, you have our attention

North Korea has tested a low-yield nuclear device with 4% of the destructive power of the bomb that the United States on Hiroshima, Japan after the Second World War.

Some believe that the device was much larger, but may have failed for technical reasons.

We do not know the truth, because the United States has not devoted the resources necessary to know what's really going on. If you are caught, not to be. collection of information is a complicated business.

When Richard Nixon was president, we can recall that one of our ships, the USS Pueblo was blatantly attacked and seized in international waters in 1968 off the coast of North Korea. The 82 crew members was captured and tortured for a period of 11 months before their release was negotiated.

Is there such a thing as institutional memory. The senior members of the Pueblo Army recall the incident well, and still influence our behavior toward North Korea. By the way, President Nixon gave the order to attack North Korea in retaliation for the Pueblo incident. At the time the President considers a show of force was absolutely necessary to deter the Koreans from further provocative acts. Nixon's Secretary of Defense, has not made a presidential directive. At the end of his life, Nixon felt the biggest mistake of his administration's foreign policy was the failure to carry out a retaliatory raid against North Korea for the Pueblo capture. The Pueblo incident has encouraged North Korea ever since.

Both the Clinton and Bush were aware of the Pueblo incident and its aftermath, when you try to set a new U.S. policy towards North Korea's nuclear program. We have 37,000 American troops stationed in South Korea to protect our interests and alliance with South Korea. There is a gradual withdrawal of troops from a place in South Korea peninsula taking.

One has to wonder why we are willing to withdraw its troops from South Korea during a period in which they wish to pursue a process of nuclear development. The answer is that this area of the world is full of dynamite, and if it blows up, do not want to have 37,000 American troops sitting in the middle of it. North Korea is one of the biggest arsenals of weapons of artillery of each army in the world. They are capable of hitting Seoul, the capital of South Korea over the border.

E 'was recently reported that Prince Bandar, the Saudi ambassador to the United States has had a private meeting with President Bush. In conversation, the prince told the president that the United States should withdraw U.S. troops from South Korea. Bandar considered too dangerous to leave our soldiers in the midst of a possible confrontation in which our options would be limited. As a band made without troops on the border, if there is problem, is a regional problem. With the troops, you could have thousands of American lives at risk, and becomes a major wars at once.

What must we do to the North Koreans announced that the real test of a nuclear weapon? We must realize that words have power. We must be careful what we say. President Bush announced the 'axis of evil "speech several years ago. He called North Korea and Iraq as two of the three countries. It appears that he began his anti-terrorism campaign on the wrong side of the world.

Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction (WMD), while North Korea has gone to live with them. Now we are in a dead end. Our defense policy was amended so that we can not fight a war in a country at a time, while fighting a holding action of a second country. Before holding the power of the Bush administration, we have been in place for fighting two wars simultaneously on two fronts.

The bad guys know our new policy and will make use of all of us is stuck in Iraq, to expand their power bases. Because we are afraid of losing riders, or better yet, get a pilot shot down, we're not making reconnaissance flights that we normally would on North Korea.

The best thing to do now is to understand that if North Korea is a problem for the United States, is a much bigger problem for Japan, China, Philippines and South Korea. This is a regional problem, despite our alliances, and involves treating. One thing to build and detonate a nuclear device, it is quite another to have a long-range missile delivery. North Korea could fairly easily develop a delivery system able to hit the country in its immediate vicinity.

Striking the United States from a distance of 9,000 miles, more is another story, not so easy in reality. Since the states bordering North Korea have the most to lose should be the ones bearing the burden of responsibility for the multilateral talks between the powers involved.

The real deal is that North Korea is a dictatorship that starves its own people regularly for the benefit of managers of small size that has virtually enslaved in the country. This guide is meant to play the cards that you can. What he now has nuclear weapons. They will use this data to optimize any concessions they can from the United States and its immediate neighbors.

We're going to cave and make concessions to North Korea? Of course we are, because that's what superpowers do. It is not appeasement, it is business, and what makes a good deal. Churchill said that "People have friends, nations have interests."

It 's in our interest not to divert from the issue of extricating ourselves from a situation in Iraq winding. It costs us a treasure, and began to eat at the social fabric of our country like Vietnam did a generation ago. We need to put a face good for Iraq and exit. The president may not be aware, but is on a short leash in Iraq. The American people are very intolerant of wars without objectives that last too long, and it is where George Bush is. It is highly doubtful that his party will survive intact to the midterm elections. The country to accept change, even a democratic party that is devoid of ideas.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Online Sports Betting

After the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act of 2005 (HR4777) was amended by gambling on the Internet Prohibition and Enforcement Act (HR4411) passed the Senate July 13, 2006 by the Chamber, as has been speculated too much on sports betting online .

Commonly defined as the Goodlatte-Leach Act of Congress after he introduced these anti-gambling initiatives, Jim Leach (R-Iowa) and Bob Goodlatte (R-Virginia.), many questions about its viability has been asked so far. Preventing the use of certain payment instruments and funds transfers for unlawful Internet gambling was a major concern for Congress as a bit '.

Since its introduction in the early 1990s, the industry of gambling on the Internet has grown considerably, generating a series of new careers, however, U.S. Senator Bill Frist said that "this sector risks undermining the quality of life of millions of Americans with the commencement of an addictive behavior right into our living rooms ... "

sports betting online is actually a way to enjoy the convenience of your home a 'activity that is otherwise available only through the land based casinos and sports facilities in states of America, gambling is legal. Sports books assume that the gambling ban is no solution.

While roulette and card games like poker, blackjack and bridge can be truly immersive, online sports betting is an area where small stakes players to go up to $ 10 tournaments, which can not be considered an addictive behavior . online sports books is most likely a kind of therapy to relax after a stressful day at work.

However, several professional sports organizations, like the NBA, NHL and the NFL has not seen things from the same approach. professional sports teams to get together with alleged online sports betting banned in the United States, arguing that college students are vulnerable to this addiction expensive, especially those who are enrolled in a college sports team.

The most effective sports books operate from internet offshore locations where gambling is not illegal, as in many Central American and Caribbean countries. Although a large number of sports betting operators are Americans with activities aimed at the American online gamblers.

online sports betting includes different sports like football, basketball, baseball and football, accepting the U.S. currency and the uncertainty of the ban on Internet gambling in America floating in the air.

Only time will tell what will happen in online sports betting industry as a result of recent legislation passed here in the U.S.. While some have already closed their doors to U.S. customers, others are waiting to find a loophole to allow U.S. citizens to continue gambling online.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

President Bush's contrasting decision making skills of JFK and George W. Bush

U.S. presidents can only make decisions based on the information they are receiving from people and from other sources that are available to them. Several presidents get the flow of data in different ways. This is particularly important because the events involved are far more important than the other presidents to do with. Iraq, North Korea, high gasoline prices, the competitive position against China, long-term deficits are all huge problems that must be solved in one way or another.

President Kennedy had an open door policy. It worked as his own chief of staff, a strategy center of the spokes, if you want. It 'been a great success. Unlike this President, Kennedy incisive questions, and followed with more incisive questions. JFK's decision-making skills developed very quickly. Not so on day one, but he was certainly at the top of his game from two years of his administration. Within a year, Kennedy learned not to trust the CIA or the military. Both organizations had failed Bay of Pigs in Cuba

When JFK took office, was presented with a plan of the CIA created during the Eisenhower administration to the ground 1,500 expatriate Cubans in Cuba to overthrow Fidel Castro. The CIA pushed hard floor, and the army stood out when it came time to talk. The disastrous invasion that took place in April 1961, four months after the inauguration of JFK was an awakening. To his dying day, JFK said: "I asked the wrong questions."

He said if he had to do in, he told the Joint Chiefs, "I will make this an operation American, forget 1500, the Cubans, let's do with our military. How many Marines we send to do this right?" The answer of the Joint Chiefs would have given was 250,000 Marines. JFK had known this would have immediately canceled the invasion. He told himself as the 1500 Cuban poorly trained can do the work that we would need 250 thousand Marines to do? The President has collected ten years of experience in those early months.

The next important tool that we can learn from JFK is the use of an executive committee (ExComm) in times of national crisis. When the Cuban Missile Crisis took place, JFK did not round up the usual suspects to respond to the crisis. He brought together the best minds he knew, put them in a room and let them deal with the crisis alone. Would periodically enter the room, find out what was going on, and leave again. He knew that people react differently when the president is in the room. Its presence completely tired of the conversation and advice that would come out of this meeting.

This brings us to President Bush. I do not know if you ever get the Oval Office or in a meeting with a session of the U.S. president. Let me tell you what it means. Everyone speaks in a voice sweet in his presence. It 'just whispers. Adult men who control corporations with hundreds of thousands of employees turn to mush in his presence. No matter who the president is, the reaction is always the same. And 'culture, we are taught to respect the office and the sanctity of the office. After all, this is the office that George Washington said, and Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, both the Roosevelt, Teddy and Franklin. Those thoughts and assets never leave your mind when you are in the room with the man, regardless of who he is.

Now let's look at President Bush. Contrary to the thoughts of some people this is not a dumb man. He has degrees from both Yale and Harvard Business. Much has been delivered to him in life, but he also knew how to play a hand good enough. He has to his detriment, in my opinion surrounded himself with arrogant, ideological, minds and one-dimensional, with limited growth potential.

Dick Cheney is brilliant. He is also arrogant, secretive, and ideological. Cheney wounded by this president does not grow its thinking over the past six years. The way they thought in the early 1990, is thinking the same way today. Privacy VP unlike opening it cost dear to the President of our need to safeguard the constitutional rights of citizens to privacy.

Donald Rumsfeld is the worst Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara. Both McNamara and Rumsfeld seem to be almost identical in their arrogance. It 'sad to see Rumsfeld repeated the same pattern of arrogance that led McNamara to lead this country down the path of suicide during the Vietnam debacle. Rumsfeld's inability to entertain new ideas in Iraq is costing us dear. His arrogance of the generals who are charged with the responsibility of conducting the war is inexcusable, and the story does not deal with this kind man.

Now, what do you think happens when the president has people like Cheney and Rumsfeld around him? The problem is that all the others to speak with one voice low, afraid to say what they perceive is the truth to the President. It would be okay, except the President did not understand the game yet. He does not understand how to get the information they need to make good, sound decisions that work.

In his press conference today, the President said "I confident when General Casey (4-Star General Deputy Chief of Staff, U.S. Army, and Commander of the Multi-National Force-Iraq) tells me that on his mind . General Casey could never tell the President what's on his mind, and this is the problem with this whole administration. The President is not getting the information needed to tackle the problem whatever it is.

In the spoon to be fed the equivalent of ideological dogma, the President was in a position that JFK would say is unacceptable. Even Richard Nixon a very strong conservative thinker Daniel Patrick Moynihan had very liberal Harvard professor, right next to give the president the other side of the story. If Mr. Bush is to succeed in two more years of this presidency, has to start hearing the other side of the story. I do not have much hope that this will happen, and our biggest problem is that the quagmire in Iraq will continue until a new leader is elected with a mandate for change. Of course the ideologues say, we should have stayed the course. History will show them wrong.

Goodbye and Good Luck

Richard Stoyeck

Friday, July 27, 2012

Youtube - The Left Wing of the Internet dog

Web users Conservatives argue that their views have been deleted on youtube. Even giants like Hollywood director David Zucker Republican can be censored.

A short film by Zucker, who worked with "Scary Movie 4," "Airplane!" and other comedies, reportedly had been offered to the Republican Party for use as an ad, but was refused. It 'appeared briefly on YouTube until it was reported as "inappropriate for some users."

On the Web site YouTube, anyone can post videos. Above is a still from a montage of some errors of President Bush talking away as "Stupid Bush."

Michelle Malkin was the first blogger to point out the propensity of the left YouTube.

While bloggers played a role in the last presidential election, most advertising and message delivery still comes from campaigns, political parties and interest groups with enough money to bankroll a television blitz. But the YouTube revolution - which includes dozens of sites like Google Video, Revver and Metacafe - that could turn into its opposite.

If any teenager can make a video for or against a candidate, and persuade other people to watch the video, the center of gravity could shift to masses of people with camcorders and passable computer skills. And if people increasingly distrust the mainstream media, might be more receptive to messages created by ordinary people.

"YouTube is a campaign game-changer, shifting the dynamics of how to reach voters and build intimate relationships," says Julie Supan, senior director of marketing for small, California-based company, for now a measure expires on 39 most popular Web site. "YouTube levels the playing field, allowing well-backed and lesser-known candidates to reach the same audience and share the same stage."

Even the seemingly simple act of posting footage of a political interview on "Meet the Press" or "The Daily Show" is a viral quality, because it can be seen by many more people to watch during a single transmission.

The internet site You Tube is a zone of free and open to Internet users to send and view all types of video content. Although there is a terms of service (TOS) that users must accept before posting their videos Tube, the truth is that there is no real process for approval of submission. While content protected by copyright detachment is forbidden under the TOS, there is no mechanism to automatically screen for copyrighted material.

Identification of the material is left to the You Tube community, but the incredible number of protected videos that have appeared on the site, it seems clear that HRT is not strictly enforced. Of course, it is the responsibility of users, not YouTube, to publish material that is legal. However, there were some legal problems to You Tube videos posted in recent months.

Contributors to YouTube seem to lean to the left. There are videos of verbal stumbles labeled "Stupid Bush" and "Bush Screwups," along with "President Bush Drunk," a bit 'on CBS' "Late Late Show" that slowed down a tape of the president so it appeared as if slurring his words. Another shows Bush, in his Texas days, extending his middle finger. (A positive video features a group called the "Right Brothers singing" Bush was right. ")

Any registered user can form a group, and the site includes one called "Support George Bush," he says, "Do not be afraid of your beliefs - most campuses nationally have a liberal bias anyway ... How does the media . But do not break the top 100 in terms of membership, unlike "Bush Sucks", which is designed for everyone who hates Bush and all his Republican friends. "

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Who is your supervisor?

Assistants are a joyful part of weddings. Selected assistants usually an easy task. Sisters, brothers, best friends are usually top the list when it comes to selecting assistants. Sometimes there may be too many potential assistants to choose from, and can be difficult to choose. It 'very difficult to exclude family members from your list below.

Regardless of what your relationship is a potential assistant, be sure to feel comfortable around them. A lot is riding on the escorts, and you want them to contribute positively to your wedding. If you think that an operator could worsen, you should scratch his name from the list quickly.

There is no rule about the number of attendants you should have. The average is four to six bridesmaids and the same number of ushers. You can decide to have more or less. It 'totally up to you. Usually, the bigger the wedding attendants you will have more. Formal weddings require more assistants informal weddings. If you have 50 people at your wedding, with 10 assistants can be a bit 'too. You should have at least one usher for every 50 people in what they are helping with seating.

No need to have an equal number of bridesmaids and ushers, you are required to pair up. If you need to have a bridesmaid more to prevent resentment from a friend, go for it. If you want to simplify things, you can choose to have a matter of honor, a matron of honor, and a couple of better men. All right, having bridesmaids in pregnancy unless there is a religious conflict. Because it can be a long day, might not be wise to ask a pregnant woman to be your maid of honor.

Assistants can get expensive since they are responsible for boutonnieres, assistant gifts, and housing. Assistants more you have the more expensive your rehearsal dinner will be. Be prepared to feed not only the servants, but their partners. If you have a religious wedding, be sure to discuss the details with your official Church.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

How to sell timeshares for more profits

sale of timeshare can be a profitable business. Timeshare in a property like a condo, vacation resorts, yachts, houseboats or motor homes can be a financial exchange.

The owner who has time shares can sell to other like-minded buyers. One reason why someone would take a decision on selling your timeshare is not able to use at that particular time and has already been paid by him. To not pass through a tax loss, he'll make that leaves someone else use it - and that someone will pay instead.

Alleviatethe for illegal re-sale of timeshare, it is better that the parties involved to understand exactlythe terms of their transaction. First you need to know what type of timeshare the person you're dealing with actually has ..

The different types of time shares are:

1. Fixed week ownership
The most common time-share units. Example: July 4 holiday is always in the peak period .. If you own this particular week in a resort often visited, it can be used each year to your advantage.

2. Float
The property is the number of weeks. Example: 22-36 weeks.

3. Rotating
If the share of time has many owners, the weeks are often the most requested as week 26, which normally includes the Fourth of July holiday will be shared between them.

4. Deeded and right to use
The use of contracts deeded timeshare is often divided into weeks and are sold as if they were property. Consequently, the owner can do whatever he wants with her a week - you can use it, rent it, give to those who require it or to make a legacy to his heirs. Regarding the right to use, the person buying the timeshare must use the property with what is stated on his contract.

5. Holiday Club
These are organizations that own shares in various locations in various positions. Contracts are sold as deeded and right to use. Then, club members can make reservations at any time until the positions are available.

So if you intend to sell your timeshare, you must tell buyers all the information they need to know. Discuss with them clearly.

One possibility is to ask for help for those timeshare Resale Services. These programs include advertising for you. They call them as "Ad-Listing".

As the owner, you must have an exposure. This is exactly what these services provide resale timeshare. With Ad-Listings, your timeshare is protected by the interest of other resale companies, rental companies, and especially potential buyers.

You could also hope that they hold an auction for your timeshare. Typically, timeshare resale auctions conduct services each week, taking most timeshare owners can not always use their week at that particular point.

With timeshare resale marketing campaign of the Service, you get a bigger marketwill be aware of what is sold. Their campaign covers newspapers, yellow pages, magazines, radio and even direct mail. More recently, the network is also used to announcethe recent selling timeshare.

Finally, you should be aware each time the timeshare is being evaluated. Like you, you need to know how much your timeshare is worth. Some timeshare resale companies say that your timeshare is worth more than what it really is and charge way too much ..

The strategy is to sell your timeshare week for less than what the resort is selling. Mark down about 20 to 50%.

Or if you match, you just do not sell it and donate it to charity. Consequently, it reflects a write on your tax return. If you wish, you can exchange it for another week timeshare in a different location. You can actually trade what you have something better.

As what was previously stated, timeshare is a business. Just like any business, always be very Savy ..

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Will 2006 be a turning point in American politics?

A look at the 2006 midterm elections and their possible effects on American politics.

The 2006 elections the Congress of the medium term are just around the corner. In many ways this election is crucial for both sides Democrats and Republicans. For over a decade the Republican Party has retained control of both the Senate and House of Representatives. Although the cause of many problems that now face the country that may well change.

If Democrat or Republican, conservative or liberal, the majority of Americans agree the problems of this nation and the world face are serious and must be addressed. Unfortunately it seems that U.S. policy within the party and willingness to compromise has prevented any real progress.

In the House of Representatives the Democrats need to gain 15 seats to obtain a majority vote. Many pundents policy on both sides that this is the case and some say that the net gain will be much higher, though most qualify With Their opinion a healthy "anything can happen."

The Senate race is much tighter with the need for Dem 6 seats for a majority position. The results of the various races of the Senate seems to be much more difficult to predict. Opinion polls (which all politicians and news agencies rely on) vary from day to day whether the majority show that at least two Senate races are impossible to predict.

If the Democrats take control of Congress, what will change? It 's a good question but difficult to answer. Executive power is still a Republican and "divided government" as it is sometimes called has proved problematic in the past.

The American style of democracy is based on a system of checks and balances, with a conference that provides the supervisory role as one of its functions. Most if not all political analysts agree that Congress has been rather lax recently, in exercising that particular responsibility.

The war in Iraq, terrorism, immigration, social security and health care reform issues appear to be more Americans are concerned. Whether or not one or all of these issues are addressed and resolved after the mid terms remains an open question.

Recently, Republicans have had a difficult time responding to the various problems and scandals that have plagued them, with Rep. Tom Foley / page situation only add to the list. The base, or base of the Republican Party that includes evangelical conservatives have expressed serious concern over the direction of the party and is derived from the fundamental values of Republicans.

fiscal responsibility, smaller government and personal freedoms have been historically the main parts of the GOP platform. federal spending, the deficit and the federal government are now more than ever and growing, and many argue that personal freedoms are threatened in the war on terror.

The Democrats have not any easier. Unable to communicate a clear message and inability to provide a new direction for the country, the majority of Americans are forced to choose between two political parties apparently dysfunctional.

The possibility exists that after this election cycle both parties will seek to put aside their differences and tackle the big issues. If the Dem's do get a clear majority in both houses, then both sides will be forced to at least try to work together to do anything.

The President will have two years left in his second term and with the situation in Iraq is not resolved and near where most Americans feel the war was a mistake, it is likely that both parties will work towards a quick solution if imperfect.

A "divided government" situation, where a branch is controlled (eg the executive) on one side and another branch of government (Parliament) is controlled by the political front may have both positive and negative aspects.

Proper congressional oversight has a greater chance of being exercised and maintained and a higher percentage of the population in general have their concerns heard and addressed. Two political parties, with an equal share of power will leave a smaller minority are not represented (in theory).

The downside is the very real possibility that nothing is done. Both parties so entrenched and unwilling to move on an issue that, if the executive is presented with a bill to sign and has vetoed any proposal made in Congress have rejected a priori.

A sincere desire by both parties to work on challenging issues of the day will not only Their individual interests, but to serve the country as a whole, why they were elected in the first place.

The 2006 elections the Congress of the medium term can provide a new dynamic in Washington and a real opportunity to address some of the problems facing this nation. With the Middle East more volatile now than not, North Korea and Iran for nuclear weapons work, damaged America's reputation in the eyes of the world and the reality of particularly serious problems within the U.S., both Democrats and Republicans the nation would be better served by putting aside partisan politics and get to work on complex issues we now face.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Obama is coming, the road!

"Obama biro, yo YAWN!" (Obama is coming, the way TENS) - Luo applause of thousands of "Tribe" and ululating women screamed as they welcomed Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) back to the ancestral land of his father - Niangoma Kogelo village in Luo Land, Kenya West, a few weeks ago.

Within a few hours Obama had soared to unprecedented political spotlight in Kenya, eclipsing a bunch of corrupt and heartless nincompoops - L '(Mt. Kenya Mafia), who are ruthlessly grinding beautiful Kenya to the ground.

The only difference between Mt. Kenya Mafia and the Republican U.S. administration, is that the former led Kenya to its "Economic Knees," while it is virtually impossible for the government of George Bush for dropping the powerful U.S. economy, no matter how it borrows funds through inflated contracts for rebuilding Iraq or Katrina FEMA trailers. Otherwise both groups employ similar schemes - exploiting and manipulating ethnic (racial) intolerance and the promotion of widespread corruption - a bunch of "cold blooded" louts.

The six year cesspool of a mess presided over by the Bush administration may not be in vain after all. Has made America hungry for a messenger with a message of hope.

In NBC's "Meet the Press" interview Sunday, October 22, I watched Senator Obama intimate that - based on the responses received throughout the country, he is considering running for the U.S. Presidency in 2008.

What impressed me most about him is how he addressed the question regarding his statement earlier in 2004 - that he had completed his six-year Senate term and not run for President in 2008: "I thought the possibility, but I have not thought about it with the seriousness and depth I need, "Obama said. "My main goal is 2006, and make us re-take Congress. After November 7, I sit and consideration."

Unlike the elusive, programmed and selfishly partisan politicians are accustomed to watch on TV Sunday morning political, Barack Obama Tim Russert responded to questions with grace, ingenuity and most importantly, seemed very genuine.

In a political system muddied and tainted by arrogance, corruption and incompetence, watching and listening to Obama is too cool.

In Obama I see an intelligent and capable, unlike the current President who constantly reminds me of an unprepared and confused "open book, open notes" beneficiary of the test, badly rehearsed and totally incapable of articulating his views without the guidance of friends of his father, Karl Rove his "political Architect" and a bone breaking conglomeration of "Hyena" special interest groups.

Obama's apparent good human qualities added to that is a great American story, the senator is a very attractive prospect for the ultimate prize in politics - The Presidency of the United States.

Obama is presidential material?

Many cite his lack of political experience, claiming his resume is too thin for a run for the Presidency. I disagree and here's why:

1. Unlike other leading blacks, Obama does not grind "white nose" of racism, and at the same time is a symbol of hope for millions of dis-interested blacks and other minorities.

Judging from his Senate election victory of a majority of 70%, Obama demonstrated that he is a very powerful vote magnet across racial lines. He set a record "of songs that would be crucial in a presidential election if he decides to run. His candidacy could draw millions of voters outstanding blacks making more profitable the Democratic nomination.

On the flipside, we all know that there are some whites, like parts of the right wing with gutter-man Rush Limbaugh, who will forever embrace Racism and will never accept a black president. President Obama would mark the start of training this breed irritating to the fringes of political obscurity.

2. He is not an arrogant idiot, is humble and has not been contaminated by partisan politics. Perhaps most important is that he is an intellectual, confident, which I think is a necessary precondition for the management of complex matters of the highest political office in the world.

3. The last Republican president who had some burning was the foul-mouthed bigot - Richard Milhouse Nixon, who built his own downfall with a lethal mixture of homophobia, anti-Semitism, anti-blacks and "Communist Paranoia." It is a fact Nixon's political career through three decades of scare mongering, witch hunts and dirty tricks, the same tactics that were used successfully for the current administration over the past six years.

All the others after him have been bumbling buffoons with slight exceptions George HW Bush and Ronald Reagan.

Reagan the Serial Liar who made Americans feel good about themselves, not only was ill informed but partially senile towards the end of his second term of office - particularly intelligent, but a great "political actor" whose major achievements included presiding the disintegration of the Soviet Empire (which was inevitable anyway), misuse of World Bank funding for the CIA death squads to safeguard the corporate theft by U.S. multinational companies in Latin America ... . and worst, in my opinion, supporting the racist regime of apartheid in South Africa.

The "Great Communicator" was just another Republican crook!

Bill Clinton and John Kennedy did not have much experience. Abraham Lincoln ran after two years in Parliament, Woodrow Wilson, after two years as governor, and Franklin D. Roosevelt and Jimmy Carter after four years as governor.

Perhaps Dr. Martin Luther King that best sums up in his "The Drum Major Instinct sermon at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia, February 4, 1968 - He said:" Everybody can be great because anybody can serve ... . You only need a heart full of grace, a soul generated by love. And you can be that servant, "qualities that are completely without Republican base - the" self-chosen "people of" faith. "

If the Democrats nominate Hillary Clinton, a very polarizing Democrat, the Republican smear spill control valves and flood the whole country to an extent that the Katrina disaster will look like a storm in a teacup. On the other hand, Obama's nomination would fuel vicious racial and below the belt "Nyangau" attacks from the right, as the slime being spewed by Republican troglodytes against black Democrat Harold Ford Jr. in Tennessee, or the current Senator George "Macaca "Allen in Virginia.

I wonder if Senator Obama has the stomach for such personal attacks and racist - a GOP staple!

Colin Powell assessed these circumstances in 2000 and pulled back and then dimmed his star serving in this administration awkward for four years before being pushed in favor of "yes-woman" Condoleezza Rice. It is said that he feared political assassination.

Will Obama follow through or is his potential candidacy just hype?

It 's time that America put racist legacy behind it, to re-evaluate their future, and look more closely at this rising star, because I think Barack Obama is ready - to purify the soul "defamation of America.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

American Politics and Insurance

Many Americans have many more complaints with the U.S. government and politics, and how badly the government was prepared to help American citizens before, during and after Hurricane Katrina struck is only one example. However, it is clear that the American government and politics that surround it are not just sitting waiting for the next disaster to strike - have been making preparations, and not just for natural disasters such as hurricanes.

Natural disasters are not just the emergencies in which organizations were founded to help people when insurance policies are non-existent, or not enough, organizations like the Federal Emergency Management Agency, better known as FEMA, came in and helped in difficult times. However, past terrorist attacks, and a risk of terrorist attacks have pushed the federal government to get involved and pass the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act, also known as TRIA.

TRIA may not be an organization like FEMA, but the act is intended to organize a provisional program that verifies both citizens and insurance companies are prepared - as prepared as you can - in case of a terrorist attack. TRIA does this by ensuring that the federal government will share the costs of losses due to terrorist attacks with the insurance companies. This helps ensure that insurance will not be for lack of a better word, short of money. It also helps ensure that American citizens with the assistance of their needs, as well as being compensated for their losses.

Insurance companies were not adequately prepared for the financial losses that resulted from the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, and had to rely heavily on reinsurance companies, insurance companies that are available to insurance companies, to help pay the cost of damage. Now that TRIA is in effect, insurance companies are at lower risk of being adequately funded. Moreover, the time required for an insurance policy is reduced since the losses were reduced.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

The umbrella of nuclear mushroom

Deliberations over the UN sanctions against North Korea or Iran for their nuclear programs bring to mind the League of Nations to speak before the Second World War. It was the German refusal to pay reparations a casus belli? Re-militarization of the Rhineland? Large military production? No problem just such a casus belli. Politicians mired in the details, not seeing the big picture of the coming war. Then and now.

The West has shown its impotence in the face of nuclear proliferation. China has nuclear weapons with impunity. Pakistan has received a minor slap sanctions. rulers of North Korea collapsed under the weight of sanctions, the Japanese refused to sell their melons. Sanctions against Iran would be unlikely to include oil, and even so the mullahs can do without oil for some time still rising oil price will be given to sanctions.

Ahmadinejad needs a rhetoric, not an enemy to fight. Iran will use the bomb to gain a dominant position in the Muslim world. Spells that a development of the 'axis Shiite enormous discontent in the Arab world, and the arms race. Arab states will rush to develop nuclear weapons to be on par with Iran. The Arabs know that Iran will not attack Israel with nuclear weapons, but they could also attack. The Central Asian countries are also concerned because Iran includes them within its domain. Have oil money and support Russia against Iran, and will join hands - possibly nuclear weapons - race.

Iran to provide nuclear shield Israel's enemies such as Syria or Hezbollah. When the Muslim Brotherhood is officially in power in Egypt and goes to the policy of confrontation with Israel, Iranian nuclear security will allow them to build the Egyptian army in safety. Arab Israeli nuclear umbrella strategy can only cancel military preemption. If Iran signed a mutual defense treaty with, say, Lebanon, Israel would be able to operate against Hezbollah because, technically, any Israeli incursion into Lebanon is an aggression. Lebanon would be able to conduct an undeclared war against Israel, Egypt would mobilize and move his troops in the Sinai, but Israel - Iran on nuclear protection - could not do anything.

nuclear containment is a game of nerves. Iran with nuclear warheads in Lebanon and Palestine, that Israel should do? Escalation, as Kennedy did in the missile crisis in Cuba is unlikely. Israel has lost its credibility when it did not stop the distribution of Iranian Zelzal-2 missiles in Bekaa. Iran will move its nuclear weapons in Lebanon under a mutual defense treaty, clearly a measure of protection. Any reasonable person would agree that the Iranian nuclear weapons to defend Lebanon, are not meant for aggression. Israeli government will not act, because it does not act against the Egyptians, Libyans, Algerians, Moroccans, Pakistanis, Iranians and nuclear installations. Iran would win the war of nerves. works of mutual assured destruction against tiny Israel.

With sufficiently aggressive leadership, Iran might provide nuclear umbrella to any state willing to attack Israel. Iran could threaten nuclear retaliation against Israel if we attack population centers or any enemy deep into enemy territory. Soviet Union that the approach used successfully in 1973. Has provided Egypt with SAM-5 anti-aircraft missiles to limit Israeli operations in the area earlier, and moved the missiles with nuclear warheads to prevent Israeli nuclear retaliation. Iran could use nuclear umbrella to inhibit Israeli preemption, penetrating strikes, and generally any fight on enemy territory. Without the Sinai, Israel has no territory of their own to conduct a mobile defense. Iranian nuclear capability opens the way for the Muslim world to invade Israel with conventional means.

Friday, July 20, 2012

When at war, our troops want is the election issue!

Watching the Towers Fall and beyond Stuck-On-Stupid!

Watching the twin towers of the World Trade Center come down, live TV, has had a profound effect on many Americans, including this baby boomer. Probably due to age, serious motivation to join the Ohio Army Reserve has not developed, however, until 2004 when I was fifty. It 'was not just our enemies who have influenced my attempt to join was the mentality of some of my closest loved. Those attitudes seem to be the mental blocks that hinder the logic.

This obstruction of logic caused an acute pain of anxiety in me until it seemed that only by joining forces I would volunteer positions around clear thinkers, to keep me out of the madhouse. The hopes were for nothing drastic, just going to serve as a little boy 'arthritis operations on a desk somewhere. Unfortunately, the age I was already confined to the office of member of our military first. We hope that world events do not deteriorate to the point that the army needs to understand my age group or skill level, but I was disappointed. Finally, the motivation has overcome the disappointment and this is what happened. It was not easy because I was stuck on stupid, for a while '.

Stressful years of dialogue with loved ones who cling to the mental blocks about projecting military power of the United States and George W. Bush had all ended in failure. My continuing efforts to make common sense, the logical conclusions based on facts from many sources were all unsuccessful. Dear friends and family members were content with their mental blocks. The failure in my efforts finally became undeniable and must be accepted as truth.

After a period of stubborn refusal, the truth of the failure was made and accepted. Therefore, a redirection of energies become prudent, even necessary, and finally became obvious to me. Very important is the relationship suffering. Stuck on stupid was my game and my anxiety was bad there. You can lead a horse to water but you can not make him drink. Find a more fertile ground to plow became care. Being deeply concerned about our troops and setting failure with loved ones apart, a greater vision began to develop.

Do you know what the majority wants our troops' are politically? Want poll results or facts on which our troops will, politically and with regard to your ratings? Are you willing to believe the answers if you could find them? Do you think our troops are just brain washed, uneducated dummies support the policy is said to pull, even risking death to our enemies?

While most volunteer military would certainly support your right to vote against their political will, it is human nature to hope that our soldiers understand and agree with their principles, priorities and desires of politicians and vote in their support, especially in wartime. As a voter, there is a more important question for research and understand that this - What our troops Want - in time of war?

creative inspiration and a refocusing of efforts caused an almost obsessive online store full of products to be proud of. Patriotic images with inspirational message that provoke reflection on t-shirts, sweatshirts, women's clothing and other products win votes, because logical truths usually convince objective thinkers.

Truthful, persuasive messages were embedded in digital photographs of the World Trade Center (2 models), the Statue of Liberty, the Golden Gate Bridge and other landmarks in the United States. Talking animals and nature scenes complete set of twenty exclusive designs printed with two designs to choose from returning. The mission is to raise the morale of our troops by voting more units and these drawings help to influence voters with patriotic pride and logical truths. People can only read the shirt, tote bag or sticker, no debate needed. Truthful messages are like mustard seeds, start small and grow insidiously.

Part of a large majority view is supporting our troops 'votes with the votes and helps to influence voters to consider other political deferring their personal desires to the wishes of the political majority in our troops' when voting. Rated as most of our troops to vote really want to support our troops'. Everything else does not retain water and just about the most useless. This is about getting voters to think about it.

The vision includes a full-service web presence to serve and inspire our troops and America in general. It is a vision of a non-profit organization to do many wonderful things for our troops and volunteers. But more than this, but to initiate a network of roots and grass roots wave of serious thought about how conscientious votes or support or subvert the majority of our troops' wishes. These are real world consequences of voting results. They encourage a group of fighters, while demoralize their opposition. Votes affect morale on both sides.

A vision of a voter, or millions of voters, the research and considering what our troops want politically, before the vote, is now planted in you. Our troops are volunteers who deserve our support to vote. Will we dig for answers, the results of surveys and letters from troops on hundreds of websites for military support on the Internet? A Google search for Military Times and Stars and Stripes will lead to an endless chain of links to letters, blogs, survey results and more than one person can ingest, if you care. Even with all this, you will come to a calculated risk, and call assessment of what we accept as truth and logic, When deciding how to vote. Voters must put aside emotion and when to use the logic of research and deduce what our troops Want. After the search, each voter must decide whose wishes are more important politically, yours or the will of the majority of our troops.

Hopefully, you can not ignore the majority of our troops' wishes by not voting. Unless you judge our volunteers as Red Coat type or types of Genghis Khan marauder or types of Nazi-style, why not vote like most of our troops to vote? Why subvert the majority votes cast, our troops' wishes? Our volunteer forces are the boots on the ground and this citizen will trust their opinion, at least for now. I hope the light comes on and another wave of patriotic support of American troops swept to vote early. Our volunteers deserve voting units of the United States and nothing less. Neither our enemies.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Politcal blog: Media Tools

A recent study by the UK Hansard Society found that there was a clear indication that the use of political blogs can be a resource for media to increase the transparency of politicians' and accessibility.

Political quagmire can be a vehicle to alternative channel of political communication. In the study, the research made use of eight political blogs as examples of these policy instruments to promote blogs political commitments. The researchers monitored these eight sample political blogs and blogging assigned a "jury" to consider the relevance of these political blog in channeling political opinions.

The results of this study reveals that blogs can be important political tool for political engagement in what is an informal and inexpensive way to enter the political debate.

Another important point is political blogs do not put barriers between public and private spaces, thereby allowing politicians to be themselves. No need to put a public self separate and distinct from an individual. Low-cost blogging software allows easy construction and maintenance of political blogs making it accessible to many. Political blogs appeal to users because they allow visitors to engage in discussions with bloggers. A sort of a forum to express their views. This feature makes the popular political blog. Other side of the coin, however, blogs are easy to navigate, but often their content is quite unpleasant.

Considering the political blogs are still in its early years of development, its effects in the political are still formative. Political blogs are subject to testing and continually evolve. Over time, the role of political blogs getting together politicians and voters will become more clear.

In the U.S., this is an election year after all. And as there are political blogs used to promote the ideals and political candidates will be the perfect example. Many fans of political political blog created to serve as a starting point for their debates and discussions on every subtle touch of abstract fencing between opposing candidates.

In conclusion, political blogs could be of enormous benefit to the politicians if used as a platform to hear the opinion of the constitution. political blogs to create a unique society, where ordinary people can talk to people in power and have their voices heard. Of course, politicians should focus on listening to the ideas of the people for political blog to be effective, rather than use it as another tool to disseminate their findings and views.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

French Riot An explosion of unemployment

The recent French riots in the streets of Paris suburbs and other parts have awakened the world, that even unemployment can be a cause for concern among the population. First, not burning cars and stores the French government realized that there might be the issue of employment crisis with a developed country. Thanks to the media for its efforts to disseminate information. French is always ahead for this revolt and revolution is the revolution that made Government to rethink its policies. And 'beginning!

There is no ethnic division of the country, but has less effect on culture. The people here are more modern and understanding to ethnic or racial crisis is negligible. People believe that their weekend in costs, rather than going to church. Most churches are empty on Sundays, but recently some Muslim communities have started their actual presence. Almost 10% of the population is Muslim from Africa or elsewhere, and 10% are Chinese, East Europe, Sri Lanka and other Asian countries. Together constitute 20% of the total population of the country. 90% of them repaired in urban areas and 70% are living in poverty.

Therefore, we should not blame racism for only the riot rather the blame should go to inequality due to wide gap between rich and poor. serious crisis between these communities is the lack of adequate opportunity to upgrade their standard of living. Must settle for limited choices. Governments have never tried to raise their standard of living. Employment problems are due to ineligibility for better opportunities. Have not yet improved enough to enter into economic growth and the French government has also started to promote.

including the working class white population is unhappy because there is a wide gap between demand and supply of employment opportunities. Because the provision of high employment, a decline in demand, most of them work for minimum wage. Unions can not fight for the minimum wage, but the issue is different. The main problem is the lack of labor demand to determine a value of jobs. Automation has reduced the scope of employment opportunities. I visited a liquor industry in Normandy and found two people running the show, even self-service in many areas have contributed to reduced employment opportunities. Therefore, the government must review the situation and more open areas and fields of employment opportunities.

Five% of the total working population in agriculture and 25% in industry, indicates the educational system is related to the field of urban services that consume nearly 70% of the workforce. greater share of agricultural employment and rural industry is taken care of by automatic unit. excessive use of automation is curse until people sit without jobs.

The country is in the socialist model, but the protection of the governments' is for large groups. Therefore, super giants such as Carrefour, Leclerc, Auchan, etc. monopolize the market to squeeze out small farmers and producers to make high margin. Competition minimizes the workforce. Large groups always get bigger, the other working class is poorer. living expenses are too high and need to maintain sufficient income to meet minimum requirements. required of entrepreneurs of small '35 hours is a black spot right on the economy. My appeal to this is the claim is unfounded, when the population is involved in key services sectors and industries also operated by less manpower. Governments must consider the equal distribution of opportunities and resources to meet the needs of the population. Excessive automation is unfit for any country as long as the population has no job.

excessive burden for business owners to contribute to social security, minimum wages medical insurance, etc. causing them to retain fewer workers and seek work increasingly from them. A good employer pays indirectly, almost double the employee. With the same amount entrepreneur could keep two people. Reducing the rate and increase the retirement age, would facilitate the farmer. Typically, when the employee reaches the age of 50 years considered ineffective, at least this is the practice in many industrial productions. Early retirement is not a solution to improve employment opportunities, rather than this increase only the number of unemployed in the country. pensioner eventually become burden to the government.

Very soon, the French government is to address this situation, the retirement age up to 68-70 increased to a minimum. Nearly 10 million of the total population is over 65 and pensioners are unemployed, this number for further developments between the age group 20-64 are almost 35 million euros which means more than half of the population. Indirectly, 35 million between the age group 20-64 have the burden of the remaining population. Should pay more taxes to maintain the standard of rest. If the retirement age, they too have their contribution to the economy. social security measures for the unemployed are good until the completion of minimum working hours set at 27,000 or 15 years as before.

Mechanization is unwanted in many areas, only allow to minimize the opportunities for employment. services sectors and sources of small size may be the best choice to promote employment opportunities among less educated or non-technical class. Required minimum contributions for employees account discouraging employers. Increasing the minimum number of years of service automatically reduces the burden on employers. many industries recently moved from France to other countries. high production costs on high taxes and labor costs have forced them to move their set-up. May be included on incentive based.

Illegal immigration is a serious problem in this country. They, as a model democratic country, human rights and living standards that may be less in their county. For them, France is heaven to take the risk of entering the country deserves. However, the government becomes a hell of problems to manage. They need to do to reduce these problems by introducing necessary rules.

France, Germany and other European countries face hidden economic crisis, is treated differently to overcome. They have to minimize the cost of excessive government, reduce corruption, and minimize dependence on processing, storage and sale of weapons and other expenses saved used as an aid to generate jobs. Despite all the pressures from the EU or WTO agencies, we must introduce the contribution of certain sectors of the economy inviting work-related. The grants, in addition to bringing more jobs to the country would also bring competitiveness in the global market. Grants may only invite entrepreneurs to bring their set back to the village. More people in the occupied country than the generation of direct and indirect government.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Government is big Bad Government

As we move into the 21st century Western democracies are increasingly involved in the banality of life. All governments, no matter what their political affiliation seems to be under the impression that they know what is best for everyone. Instead of joining the big issues of the day are increasingly legislating on the details on how to conduct our lives on a daily basis. Instructs us on what we can not usually do. Western societies are then increasingly restrictive. Vocal and active minorities increasingly shape legislators.

The vast majority of people are apathetic and have no strong views one way or the other then the governments continue to march on by eroding our freedom. The most disturbing aspect of this is that the pretext used whenever it is done for the good of all.
Government leaders have always heard or intimate that we know what is best for you, because we can see the bigger picture, we all understand the problems. So invading Iraq, a ban on fox hunting, smoking ban to break the time limit for abortions. Everyone has different reasons. Iraq and the reasons for the invasion are still unclear; ban on fox hunting is cruel because a ban on smoking because it is unhealthy, change the time limit for abortions moralistic grounds dressed in medical science.

I expect that this interference in our daily lives is because politicians can not think of big issues. All major reforms were made in the past .. Now we can only tinker around the edges, while half the world spirals into chaos. Smoking in public places is banned in many countries because its effects on public health are too expensive for health services. Will food be banned in a public place? unwillingness to exercise proper is a punishable offense? Will be more of a certain weight to incur a fine of mass? Obesity and its effects are much more expensive health services than those of smoking and alcohol together.

Why is that governments feel they must spend their entire time in office to create new laws?

Much of the legislation going through the UK Parliament is currently changing previous acts of Parliament, to make better, more effective less expensive and so on. Why are so inept at getting it right the first time?

Something important happens as a shocking event, and we immediately have new laws and to introduce further restrictions. Soon it seems the UK will have ID cards that we should buy a high price despite the fact that we do not want them. However, ID cards will solve all our problems, criminals will always be tracked and fraud will become a thing of the past. Terrorism continues to happen, but at least we catch them later, because everyone will have identity cards.

Perhaps governments should go on an extended vacation, have a break from all that hard work to invent new and Laws They can then watch it plunge into chaos with a smile and a final 'so that we know what is best' .

Monday, July 16, 2012

Organizing a political sense

It 'a fact of organizational life: the political influence almost everything that happens within an organization. Leaders, especially change leaders must develop the political sense. I'm not supporting unethical behavior, but I recommend that their end harmony leaders consciously political consciousness.

In organizations, individuals and groups are constantly competing for scarce resources. Everyone is trying to maintain or improve their self interests. Many managers and consultants underestimate these powerful forces.

Any attempt to implement organizational change invariably threaten one of these individuals or groups. Organizational change is often accompanied by conflicting interests, unethical behavior, and emotional turmoil. change leaders must learn to navigate these dangerous waters.

Power and Change

The word "power" has positive and negative connotations. In this chapter we will focus on the positive, ethical uses of power. Burke (1982) believes that "change occurs in an organization, the power must be exercised" (p. 127).

Let's take a quick look at Richard Emerson Power-dependence Theory. Emerson (1962) theory describes a social relationship between two parties in which scarce resources (commodities and premiums) are controlled by a party and wanted by another. Thus, power is inherent in any social relationship in which a person depends on another.

"Commodities", in theory, power-dependency can include social goods, such as respect, praise, influence, and information. French and Bell (1999) state: "We continue and enter into relations of exchange when we receive from others, is equal to or greater than what we give to others" (p.284).

Bases of power

Managers and consultants should be able to recognize the power bases individuals, groups and coalitions engage in organizations.

French and Raven (1959) suggest five bases of power:

1. reward power - based on its ability to reward another

2. coercive power - based on the ability to punish another

3. legitimate power - according to the proprietor

4. Referent power - based on charisma (Popularity s)

5. Expert power - based on knowledge or skills

Mintzberg (1983) speaks of five power bases:

1. control of a critical resource

2. control of a critical technical capabilities

3. control of a critical body of knowledge

4. legal rights (such as exclusive rights)

5. access to any of the other four bases

Furthermore, Mintzberg believed that the influencer must have both the "willingness and ability" to use its base (s) of power.

Salancik and Pfeffer (1977) also contribute some valuable insights into our understanding of power in organizational contexts. Consider power as a necessary and positive force for change and advancement in organizations. They believe power bases can be created by the disposal of the allies in key positions.

Using Political Power Capacity

To change efforts successful, managers / agents of change must develop and utilize the skills of power. The first skill required is the ability to analyze the current political situation. Failure at this stage of assessment leads invariably frustrated efforts to change.

French and Bell (1999) argue, "you get a quick understanding of the general political climate of an organization, studying its methods of resource allocation, conflict resolution, and choosing among local media alternatives and goals" (p.286).

Greiner and Schein (1988) believe brokers should be able to assess their power and to identify key stakeholders. Only after having assessed their base (s) can determine how to use it / them to influence others. This assessment will also reveal areas in which empowerment is necessary. Some of these weak areas can be strengthened by developing allies within the organization.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Fast food: No legal action

Do not eat fast food? Devi. According to the House of Representatives, the fast food industry is a significant part of our national economy. It does not have to be so few customers. Many independent studies have found that fast food is bad and causes weight gain. This research suggests that there is something "broken" with fast food. Our nation is becoming obese by the day and many obese people are giving their weight increased consumption of fast food.

In the documentary Super Size Me, has been shown that eating fast food promotes health and weight gain, even without eating more. In response to this "defective product, some are turning to the legal system for justice. However, a bill was created artificially invented called the" personal responsibility in Food Consumption Act of 2005. "This bill was sent to House (HR 554) and October 21, 2005 was adopted by a vote of 306 to 120. The bill is now before the Senate, where he is expected to pass.

The House of Representatives, in this case, found the following:

1. The food and beverage industries are a significant part of our national economy.
2. The activities of producers and sellers of food and beverages substantially affect interstate and foreign commerce.
3. A person's weight gain, obesity or a health condition associated with weight gain or obesity is a person based on a multitude of factors, including genetic factors and life styles and physical Decisions Fitness.
4. Promoting a culture of acceptance of personal responsibility is one of the most important ways to promote a healthier society, lawsuits seeking to blame individual food and beverage providers gain the weight of a person, obesity or health condition are frivolous and Legally economically damaging.
5. The American food industry is the nation's leading employer in the private sector.

If you notice in the above conclusions, the basis of this soon to be constant is economically motivated and not designed for the improvement of a healthier society. In their scope and summary statement, the House of Representatives said in essence that centers fast food should not be held liable for damage their products cause to over-consumption. " What is interesting is that these fast food companies Have never, to my knowledge, defined as "consumption good" is. As you may have excessive consumption when not defined what is proper use?

If a typical American eats only his regular three meals a day in a food establishment and his health deteriorates, therefore, should not be held responsible for determining that serve a product "defective? HR 554 is an attempt to remove responsibility suppliers of food and silence the legal resource for consumers. The next time you enter a fast food establishment, see if you can find the "good-" the use of documentation.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Canadian political system

The Canadian political system as it is known today for the first time drawn up by the "Fathers of Confederation" at the Quebec Conference of 1864. This then became law when the constitution act was passed in 1867. This act gave the formal executive authority to Queen Victoria (Queen of Great Britain) that have made Canada a sovereign democracy. The Canadian political system is therefore loosely adapted from the British system.

Now, Canada is an independent federal state with the Queen still the head of state. Its powers are extremely limited however, as Parliament approves laws which the Queen gives the "royal assent" as the final step. The Governor General of Canada is the Queens representative in Canada and conducts all real obligations when the Queen is not in Canada. The Governor is always a Canadian chosen by the Queen on the advice of the Prime Minister. The term of office is normally five years for the Governor General.

Houses of Parliament (seat of the federal government) are located in Canada's capital, Ottawa. There are 3 main sections of the Canadian Parliament. The Queen, as Head of State, the Senate (appointed on the recommendation of the Prime Minister) and the election of the House of Commons.
The federal government has the power to "make laws for peace, order and good government of Canada" which includes International policies, defense, immigration, criminal law, customs and border control.

The Senate

The Senate consists of 105 senators who are appointed by the Governor General on the recommendation of the Prime Minister. These Senators are men and women of all provinces and a wide variety of backgrounds. They can join the Senate until 75 years and must be a Canadian citizen, over 30 years, just $ 4,000 of equity in the land of their home province, have over $ 4,000 as personal equity and live in the province represented. Each province or territory has a number of Senators - 24 each from the Maritimes, Quebec and Ontario, 6 each from Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba and Saskatchewan, 6 from Newfoundland and Labrador and a further 1 each of the three territories.

The main role of the Senate is to read and evaluate the "bills" sent by the House of Commons, although they may also initiate bills. This process ensures that no rogue bill becomes law, although it is rare that the Senate rejected a bill - to send back to the editing room. The bills are submitted to the legislative process by the full Senate, and if approved will be given to the Governor General for royal assent and become law.

House of Commons

The real power is held by the House of Commons. Here, members of Parliament (MP) are elected by citizens during a Federal election - normally every five years. The country is divided into electoral districts (308 in total with the size of the population) and whichever candidate has the most votes wins the right to represent the constituency and take their "seat" in Parliament.

Each Most candidates represent a particular political party and the party with more "seats" takes over as the Government. The main parties in Canada are Paul Martins Liberals (manager), Conservative Stephen Harper, Jack Layton's New Democratic Party, The Bloc Quebecois and the Green Party to name the largest.

The leader of the political party that wins the election becomes Prime Minister of Canada (currently Paul Martin Liberal). The Prime Minister effectively runs the country with the support and advice of his cabinet. The Cabinet is made up of "Ministers" chosen by the prime minister to be responsible for some sectors of government. There are Ministers of Health, Finance, Defence and immigration to name a few. These areas of responsibility are called "Portfolio" and each minister will have a large team of public officials (usually the experts in this area) who work for him / her. Only the change ministers during an election campaign - not the staff.

Although the MP represent their local constituency, their main tasks in question the laws to be made and, depending on their party, either for or against the government. The opposition political party with the second most seats in the House and their main task is to keep the government accountable for their decisions.

A government with a lot of seats in the House will be strong and able to pass most laws they want in Parliament. In contrast, a weak government (as now) does not have the majority of seats and must rely on the support of another party to form an effective government.

After each election, the Senate and the House of Commons is elected (House) or appoint (Senate), a speaker. The speaker is responsible for the procedure and must be impartial, enforcing the rules of the house / senate during debates and votes. The President chairs the Assembly by a raised chair with OM MP government the right and the left opposition.

Making laws

For starters, the House of Commons members introduce a "Bill" (legislative proposal). The details of the bill is read to the House without debate and then the bill is printed (first reading).
During the second reading, we discuss the principles of the bill followed by a vote. If successful, the bill is then sent to the committee.

A committee will hear testimony, examine the bill and then submit a report to Parliament recommending as it is, with modifications, or dismantled. From here you pass the stage of relationship.
In the reporting phase, any changes are discussed and voted on. Then he moves to the third reading. This is where the House finally debates and votes on the final draft - if it passes the vote is sent to the Senate.

The Senate has the bill through the House process itself - if you go through all that (normally does!) Is given Royal Assent and becomes Canadian law!

For more information go to

Friday, July 13, 2012

A democracy? What we have wrought.

One of the biggest mistakes abroad is the thought that any system today can claim to be democratic. None are. Although they claim to be democratic and which are democracies, they are actually republican government? Representative democracies. This means that some people are elected to serve the interests of the people in general. These representatives make the decisions for the people rather than people who make them. And these representatives are elected for a period of time during which period they can not be removed except for what amount to crimes or offenses.

If we had real democracy, people make decisions on any government policy. It would be the people as legislators? It provided, inter alia. But that doesn? T are not sufficient. If there were really a democracy, that is, a system of government to respond to the wishes of the people, then an official had to wear a device that would track what people want. And when the majority can easily be reached by doing an act or not to do so, the official could or should do or stop doing the latter. This would be true even at the level of what is said or not said. If people do not want a particular officer to use a particular term, the will of the people rule. Vox populi, vox Dei. The wishes of the people are the only thing that matters.

However, the government would not be possible if it did, though now this is much more feasible to do. (There are people who support this sort of thing by the way. And all this concern about polls augurs well for the most part the same thing.) No treaty could be negotiated, or the right could never be passed and no criminal will ever be arrested, tried and convicted, if that were the case. It would be government by the committee and the committee was the Committee of the whole people. And, excuse the expression, would be a mob.

As it is, the representatives are elected for a period of years and people are not allowed to express their wishes, except for every 2 years, 4 years or 6 years, depending. This allows isolation from the people you are creating a space for the representative to act for the common good. This means that the common good should be the interest. The people will vote after the vote the representative. At that point, however, passions may have cooled, the result can be clearer or the thesis may have a better chance to carry the day. The point is that sometimes the demand for people that is not good for them, or sometimes question what is not good for a substantial minority of people. The crowd is still a real possibility.

And 'this elitist? Well, yes. But the elitism must be tempered by an intelligent people, a people who were involved and understood the problems and went to a meeting from time to time on some problems of government or society. But even so it is the form of government we have and it worked very well in past centuries. And it is only when the public good is not the primary objective of government that we had problems.

Usually, people who talk about such things say this because they think they have a greater chance of obtaining power from yoking themselves to the people. Wherever people go, you go? And they will swear they were before. But it is demagogy, literally. It can create the likes of Hugo Chavez. And this kind of reasoning can also be the basis for a system like Vladimir Putin? S Russia. (Protect me and give me some stability and will forgive your use and possibly abuse of power. But if the speech is for another time.)

I know politics is something people want or isn? t it. Or maybe it isn? T, but that should not be the problem - whether good or bad for the country should be in the spotlight. And if it's good, a statesman, unlike a politician, people would bring with him? Or her.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Politics of Fashion

Everyone knows that clothes make the man. From the executive suits that litter Wall Street like the remnants of a parade to the coveralls and work boots worn by construction workers and mechanics, clothes tell the story of who we are and where we are going. Even when the workday is done, what we choose to wear our time is still a reflection of our personality. From the suit to-suit, our clothes are designed to be not only functional but also future. Clothes tell others what we like, and often, how we spend our time. Sports franchise logos are constantly on display on Main Street America. T-shirts with well known television, film and music icons can be seen everywhere. The clothes have something to say and people are beginning to realize that the responsibility of being a walking billboard requires us to choose wisely.

Now more than ever, politics are entering the realm of fashion. Blatantly political phrases and slogans are increasingly on the shoulders of the public than the bumper cars. There are also clothing that advertise specific candidates or political parties and have actually been purchased by someone, somewhere (not obtained as a door prize at a fundraising party). But what options exist for those who like a little subtlety 'with their agenda? Enter the fusion of art and socially conscious clothing. Less politically and infinitely more fashionable, boutique tailors have created clothes that are the realization of the budget over between the message and the medium. Using art as a medium of exchange and clothing as the canvas, these pioneers of significancy are providing people with a way to express themselves both in figure and fact. What better way for entrepreneurs to meet the needs of an audience that is focused on reflecting a belief in style and substance.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

As governments seek to Get Back Control

So the British government had its way on banning smoking in all enclosed public places and workplaces. The ban was made in the grounds of ensuring a safe working environment for all employees throughout the country. The ban applies everywhere except, of course, the same House of Commons. One might assume that this is because it is not open to the public and no one works! This is just another example of the hypocrisy of our government: 'Do as I do, do as I say'. 'You do not know what is good for you but we do it'. You can not have a wage increase or it must be restricted because it is not good for the economy, but we vote a significant increase because we are a special case ', and so it goes.

They also got their own way for the time on ID cards. Arguments about this have been displaced by the war on terrorism, the fight against illegal immigration than the current stop ID fraud. I actually had no idea that there are millions of people out there stealing each others' identity. I suspect that the only people guilty of identity theft are the same as members of the government seem to take a number of different forms depending on what side they want to ban or subject to us.

I suspect that the pressure of most of this recent legislation in the Western world is an attempt to regain control of the population. In the past if you stepped out of line or had an argument against were threatened with hell fire and damnation. With the decline of the Church, and his more modern approach of this control line is gone. With the immediacy of communication throughout the world we all now know what is happening at any time. Consequently, governments have lost control of the situation unless you happen to be in China!

There has been talk of putting chips in cars so that movements could be tracked us all the time. I do not know why the government just do not forget ID cards and go to the full step and put chips in us all. This would act as a means to verify your identity and have the added advantage of being able to track us and our movements all the time. Any body visiting the country could have a chip implanted temporary. In this way the police should not stop you, ask for a card that could simply scanning distance and if by chance 'chipless' that may block for 90 days.

Strange, is not it all started with a ban on fox hunting. I feel I had enough and should periodically move elsewhere, but where are you going? This seems like a tidal wave sweeping across the entire western world and it is impossible to stop.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Overview of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

Congress passed the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in 1996. The purpose of this law is to protect the private information of individual health from being disclosed to third parties without the consent of the individual. Except in unusual circumstances, consent must be in writing.

However, there are some exceptions to provide consent. The consent provision does not apply if:

- Treatment
- Billing
- Quality assurance
- Peer review
- Business planning
- Staff training
- Request for reporting to public health agencies
- Some emergency situations
- Research studies that have obtained a wavier from the Review Board (IRB)


Private health information can be used in research studies if you de-individualized "so that the identity of the individual can not be ascertained from the information released. For example, if you were conducting a study of lung problems suffered by New Yorkers after the 911 terrorist attacks, Would it be allowed to identify as a patient, a 50 years old, 5'11 ', 175 pounds, while the male from New York City with high blood pressure.


Healthcare providers are prohibited from selling or using their patient lists or members to market products from third parties. However, they can use their list to communicate or sell their services to their list members. Great care must be taken to restrict access when using online collaboration, such as an intranet (

Business Associates

All business partners, vendors or other contractors using the structure of health care provider must sign a contract stating they understand and agree to be bound by HIPAA. The health care provider can be held liable for the actions of business partner if it did not sign a contract or there was a history of abuse and health care noted in this regard.

Individual rights

Under HIPAA, individuals have the right to:

- Notice of privacy practices of health care provider
- Request for restrictions on who can access their health information
- Access, inspect or copy their personal health information
- Request for accounting of all disclosures of their health information
- Request for corrections or changes to data in their health

Health Care Provider Responsibilities

Health professionals are required to:

- Ensure the safety of both paper and electronic individual health information
- Establish a complaint process to investigate complaints
- Train staff on the law

The HIPAA regulations allow for both civil sanctions and monetary penalties for violations of the law.